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Everything posted by MorningtonCrescent

  1. I genuinely believe that there would be enough "vocal" fans remaining in the Northam to make it a noisy stand. For the record, I am mid-40's - sit in the Northam (block 42) - go to most away games - and I like to start/join in with all the songs (bar the Pompey fan on a string one!)... Many people who attend with me can concur that if you are far enough back in a stand, you can have a positive effect on the rest of the stand singing. So, I intend to move into a good position central to Block 43 from next year (if they do move the away fans) and ensure that there is noisy section right behind the Northam goal! :-D
  2. Moving them to the Chapel/Kingsland corner would not cause the mayhem described by many here... and for good reason.... that is why the club are considering it and the police would be able to support it... 1) The "old" junior saints section there already has barriers built at the borders with the Chapel proper and the Kingsland 2) The section there has it own (tiny) concourse and toilets (no more pandering to the away fans every need) 3) The Chapel Industrial Estate can be closed off very effectively for the away coaches and I also suspect that the club would lay on free shuttle coaches to and from the station and the away fans park and ride from there too. Easy to close off access across that corner (far easier than closing the North car park, which many home fans want to access for the footbridge after a match). So all away fans head into the ind estate and all saints fans get clear access around the stadium to the footbridge (ok, chapel fans have to go "the long way around") 4) Some of the "yoof" who bang the boards at the back of the northam and sing too fast will head over to the chapel blocks closest to the away fans with ST available, leaving a lot of the vocal fans to spread across behind the goal at the northam end and create a better atmosphere by singing songs at both the away fans and the super fast yoof. 5) Saints can then come out and warm up at the northam end (and kick towards the chapel 1st half most of the time) and get the backing of a vocal section before the match starts... 6) The away fans won't be so visible on TV, reducing the effect they have on the tv audience too. Its a no brainer and a win-win for Saints and fans alike. Bring it on! :-D
  3. My final contribution of the day!! As part of the correspondence I had with Saints, I mentioned the fans forum and the question about wheelchair away travel. It seems that saints now do work with a disabled centre locally to offer specialised wheelchair travel, very recently introduced and to be continued! Well done to NC and DL for taking this up and making it happen! :-D
  4. You're right, there are some who follow saints, especially away from home, who would more likely have ridiculed the lad for his predicament and even offered their own form of abuse, given his condition. All clubs have their 'budgies' for fans, buy saints generally have less than most - thankfully!
  5. Andrew was great company on the journey back! He was alone in London Bridge and latched onto us because we were in colours. It was no more than any other fan would've done in the same situation, because we are a family club and we do look after our own. The BTP and South Eastern trains were all very helpful, whereas South West Trains were the most obstructive people I have ever experienced when faced with a genuine case of need. Both Saints and Millwall have been very responsive to e-mail correspondence since and Millwall are going to look at ways in which they can improve the method of filtering people left and right for the coaches and trains. All in all, it made for an interesting trip home and shows that Millwall and Saints are good embassadors for the game we all love. Andrew will be at MK Dons on Weds and we'll be trying to spot him, as we promised we would!
  6. Don't you just hate agents, more and more every "window"! "We're happy at Sheffield, we intend to stay until the end of the season" WE? Pfft!
  7. Where is it then?! Surley not beyond the realms of a specialist such as yourself to get it posted on here..... every day for a week should be enough to get people into it!! :wink:
  8. I quite like the new suggestion, but the plebs at the back of the Northam won't/can't catch on to new tunes for songs and so we are stuck with the plain old "Adam Lallana, clap clap clap clap clap".... boring! The away song we sing for Ads is the easiest (some would think simple would catch on, even with the Northam dwellers!)...... if they can't get it, then they won't get Viva Lallana either! We'll stick with the away song, I reckon. One day it'll catch on! (the Ruben Agboola song of old!)
  9. Why do people have to ridicule others for wanting to do something totally harmless! If you want to wear a santa hat, do it! If you don't, stop having a go at those who will! There are plenty of people on here who WON'T be wearing a santa hat but WILL look ridiculous! Each to their own!
  10. Although it was funny at the Wycombe match, I really can't see the point in this becoming Papa's song at this stage. Who knows if he finds it funny, or does or doesn't understand it? The officials ARE influenced by fans throughout games. On Saturday Papa was hardly offside at all - perhaps showing he's learning something...?? The couple of times he was flagged, he was clearly NOT offside..... Its a stupid song IMO, but the Northam will persist with it because they'll never understand anyone else's point of view. (for the record, I have my ST in the Northam and attend many away games and indeed I do like to sing......)
  11. Hampshire Saints will be out in force!
  12. Hey Matt (Battersea!), how are ya?! I knew someone would find this thread again and show up a few of the "regulars" on this board for the fickle fans they are! Perhaps this is a good example of why we should ALL give players a bit more encouragement, rather than slating them at each and every slip up they may make?! Yes, they earn good money to play - but we can all have off days at work. Lallana had shown he can knuckle down and be an essential part of our team. Other players also show fantastic potential and yet we (some of "us") still slate them without really understanding the problem (look at poor old Waigo - getting the wrath of the Northam for being offside so much the other night!). Thankfully, most people have recognised that Papa is not ALWAYS the culprit with regards to the offside decisions... lets hope the Northam cut him some slack at the next home game, because those songs affected him and contributed to our best player of the evening being subbed. Must catch up sometime Matt - you attending London games?
  13. ditto here. £4.99 for two months, cancelled after one week, with the promise that I would have access for the full two months, then they took the full years subs.... crappy e-mail to them sorted it in a day or so. the product really does need to be a LOT better for the full £39.99 per year they are asking!
  14. The away end holds around 900 in total and there wasn't much room for more! Great vocal support for 90% of the game. Very suprised how quiet the home fans were, even after their goal! Did they actually get a single song going?? Some really good chants too and some of the usual 'away' songs! :-)
  15. He generally played wide left, but makes so many positive runs into space that he has no specifc 'position' as such (2bf) If only his runs were spotted by our midfield more often, he'd easily be our top scorer! Fantastic work rate last night, in the face of ridiculous weather conditions! Let's hope Pards can persuade him to stay on in January!
  16. you login and go to the "account" tab, i think... or settings? one of those has the option to cancel from there. it gives you a box to tell them wy you're canceling too, if enough people made use of that, perhaps things would improve?
  17. I cancelled the service very soon after trying it out. never tried matchday service as i'm lucky enough to get to home games and most aways. I wanted to see how good the mid-week content was and to see extended highlights... After a few days, it became clear that the service is of very poor quality. "three camera highlights" came with no audio at all... the normal commentary regularly got the names of Saints players wrong (!) and "will's weekly round-up" is just so cringe-worthy to be embarrassing. Give the job to a local school/college who are doing media studies and they'd do a much better job! Not value for money at all. They even managed to screw up my cancellation and charge me anyway! I soon got that refunded! Outrageous!
  18. Looks like the price is creeping up then.... £7.50 in previous rounds (for ST's) becomes £9 for the "southern semi-final". Not sure that's a good pricing policy, but maybe dictated by discussions with Naaarwich?
  19. I think you'll find he's 6'2" and so it HAS to be "he stands at NEARLY 6 foot 3".... the rest is all good! ...and please SLOW IT DOWN! Why, oh why, do we have sing everything at 100mph!
  20. ...and the bow tie! Classic!
  21. one last attempt benjii....... then that's it... People have lost money, they knew they would as soon as SLH went into admin. They still hav good reason to be hacked off by Fry because he has taken an award for doing such a great job in "rescuing" Saints, whilst taking over 3 months to write to the shareholders to confirm what we all expected. So, why take so long to write? Why use poorly photocopied letters, when surely the least people deserve when being told they have lost their investment is a properly produced letter? The wording is fine, if a little abrupt, but maybe could've been a bit more detailed... it costs nothing more to write a few extra lines on an A4 sheet. Either way, it seems a little curious that as soon as the award is announced and people ask what has happened to the shares, letters start to drop on the mat! As for the conspiracy theories of "he nearly lost us Liebherr by backing Pinnacle" etc.... that's quite ridiculous too. For all we know, he may have actually "lost" a far better option than Liebherr during this time - one we never find out about! "What ifs" are never productive, especially when based on hearsay and gossip. As I said earlier - time to move on......... (btw - are YOU Mark Fry, Benjii? You seems very keen to jump to his defence!) :wink:
  22. Ooh, get you Benji! Where did I state that people would've thought anything other than their investment was worthless? Many people invested in their Football Clubs shares for that sole reason, so why ridicule them, just because they're not "stockbroker belt"? If you don't want to know my analysis of Fry's incompetence in sending out timely letters to the shareholders as part of wrapping up the process of rescuing SLH, then why ask only to rescind the request immediately? You clearly know far more about good corporate ethics than I do, so no need to reply to this!
  23. How very odd, the timing of this "award", the tittle tattle on here and mention of ot having heard from Fry re: shares...... then letters start dropping on mats in the following days! What a really great job Mrk Fry did! He forgot to notify the shareholders that their investment was now worthless! THAT'S really looking after them, isn't it! Shocking episode that deserves to be relegated to history. Fry should never have received an award for this, but then when is life ever fair? Let's hope it doesn't come out later that the "major" shareholders manages to negotiate anything out of this, leaving the small shareholders (fans) with nothing..... Time to move on, there's nothing to see here......
  24. The "upper tier" of the Northam stands - Blocks 39-42 - are sold out. Not sure how that will translate into overall attendance, but I'd hope that'll mean we get at least 14k. Not bad for a JPT match.....
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