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Everything posted by MorningtonCrescent

  1. You didn't see my other post about picking up your tickets then? e-mail: turtle66iphone@yahoo.co.uk if you want me to get them for you. I'm in London on Thursday and can drop them to you in person.
  2. Clapham - I'm happy to collect for you, no problem. I'm in 'London town' two days next week and could arrange to drop them to you. I don't subscribe here, but could post up an e-mail contact, if you want to take up the offer? :-)
  3. Surely, if the Adminisntrators of CSI now own CSI's share in the football club, the FL should be approached to "approve" this change of ownership? I really can't see how they could back such a move - AA screwed the creditors last time around and now the company he works for "owns" the club and is "administering" their previous owners?! You really couldn't make this up! :-D
  4. Possibly Spurs, first game of the season and they went top of the league? My memory might not be great either - like Pilchards! ;-)
  5. A very quick look around the Snoras web pages and there appears to be some intriguing links to the UK..... The "Supervisory Board" of Snoras is headed by Chairman and Main Shareholder - Vladmir Antonov.... and another member is listed as Adam Habib.... Snoras recieved significant investment from a UK Asset Management Company in October this year - Jubilee Financial Products - one of the founders of JFP? Adam Habib Snoras makes mention of this important investment in its news pages, but Jubilee make NO mention whatsoever of any link to Snoras? I'm not drawing any specific conclusions here, just noticed the link and found it interesting!
  6. Surely, as the detail of "how" and "why" and "where" this offer of "buying a beer" is clearly not apparent, then any or all of the above could have happened? If he realised we would secure promotion that day and wanted to make a gesture (like buying the beer for the team coach etc...), then he could have suggested to Plymouth a number of ways to thank to fans in this way.... Maybe they thought that NC turning up in the concourse and shouting "the beers are on me" would not be such a great idea from a crowd control perspective...?? Maybe they thought that NC buying everyone in the Saints end a beer (using whatever method could have been available) was not something they wanted to be seen done - as would've meant we were celebrating and they had been relegated..... Maybe they pointed out that the complexities of "buying a beer" for everyone would have meant having to offer an alternative to those who don't drink beer? The idea that he may have thought about trying to arrange something for the fans as part of the promotion celebration is good. The fact that the practicalities of this actually happening were always going to defeat the idea is just pure common sense (something that appears to be lacking around here these days!) Anyway - as many have stated .... if NC doesn't provide any method of discussion with fans - he's in the wrong.... If he provides a method and it's not someone's idea of the perfect way to gauge opinion - he's in the wrong.... If someone comes on here with a brief summary of what was said - he's in the wrong.... It's no wonder so many good contributors to this site in the past no longer bother!
  7. A notice went up on the ticket office window at the same time as the OS announced that sales from 2pm on matchdays would only be for match tickets for that days game. Not sure why this wasn't also mentioned on the OS announcement - but it only states that "refunds are no longer available from the ticket office window - they must be put in writing to the ticket office manager". Nothing about a 24 hour moratorium.... or any specific change to the policy of refunding on request. I've always been quite at ease with the changes to pricing/fees/parking etc as I could see a valid reason for the majority - a business needs to cover certain costs and charges and be equitable with other events pricing structures... This, however, is a massive howler on behalf of SFC. If they are changing the rules, they should at least tell people, even if done in a less than transparent manner (as before).... To be fair to SFC - I've always been amazed at how happy they are to refund tickets! Some sort of credit/gift voucher would be what many would expect, not a cash refund. BTW - the notice on the TO window makes no differential betweeen home and away tickets.....
  8. We tend to have a rendition in Block 42 most matches - even if it only 10-12 of us! Everyone around us likes it, but don't join in! Away matches are different though! Usually get a decent number joining in! At the Posh game I was reminded of the 'tractor' song and we did good rendition of that too! (not at the rear of block 42, I hasten to add!)
  9. Indeed! Funny as..... People Really do need to chill a bit around here - its no wonder so many good contributors leave or lurk these days!
  10. Has anyone actually mentioned the inspiration for this chant? There was once a BBC programme called "Walk On The Wild Side"... see the link.... Replace "Alan" with "Adam, Ads, Alan" etc... and you get where the Steeeeeve comes from! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzypOnklG60&feature=player_detailpage
  11. How difficult to find? http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2495043,00.html
  12. I'd have a good go at that! ;-D
  13. LMAO! What a memory! Walking down Goldsmith Ave with Gio at the front of the cordon in a penguin suit offering FR to police and skates! Brilliant!
  14. It takes a lot more than a gentle discussion on an internet forum for me to fall out with ANYONE. I've known plenty of people in both public and private companies who have had to give up pay/benefits in order for their employer to remain viable.... unfortunately that's where we are as a country at present - and others across Europe and the ROW are in an even worse state. Where money just won't stretch to keep everyone gainfully employed, there is sometimes a difficult decision to be made - and always someone else who is genuinely looking for work who would be prepared to accept a "reduced" package just to get their foot in the door.... I've never believed that "withdrawing labour" leads to a positive or productive outcome in the mid/long term. Just my personal view. Keep working, accept that we are living through some exceptional times - and get on with the job in hand. Also, it staggers me that people can't be just a little more responsible for their own waste during times like this! It's incredible that people can be the source of the littering and rubbish piles - and then point fingers at others for the mess! Anyway - my last post today. I don't usually get drawn into these things as most people have entrenched views and are not prepared to see reason from another perspective. Lets hope the coming football season gives us plenty of joy and unity - then we won't feel the need to discuss other things quite so much!
  15. You may notice I didn't make any reference to whether the person NOT striking would be agency, foreign, private etc... purely pointing out that personal choice of being a part of Union action or not should not result in the kind of bullying that the Union principle is keen to eliminate in the workplace. Bullying at ANY level is deplorable and damaging - but then most of the world's strife is caused by people holding their own views dear, whilst never being able to recognise that others see things differently. I'm not attempting to make a political point - just that people on ALL sides should take more time over understanding others and not resort to the derogatory language common in these situations like "scab" ..... just because holds a differing view.
  16. Hamster - you come across as being relatively sensible when it comes to all things Saints, however all this "scab" stuff does you no credit. It's typical "unionised" behaviour, which betrays all the things that Unions are actually good for..... If someone is NOT in the Union (their free choice, I'm sure you'll agree) - then why SHOULD they strike? Why SHOULD they stop doing their own jobs, because the Union says they should? The Unions stand up to protect their members from "bullying" by the management of their particular sector - agree? By labelling people who do not strike as "scabs" - you are being the worst of the bullies in the workplace - just because someone doesn't agree with your own views... What a shame for you.
  17. The only possible marketing reason I can think of for the "pre-order now, see it later" ruse is to gauge the level of commitment to buy NO MATTER what the kit looks like. We all know that people will buy the new kit ANYWAY - what is unknown, until this exercise, is HOW MANY would make that purchase. So, Saints have taken the chance to find out some market information ahead of where they want to be in years to come (Prem League) in order to understand their customer base in more detail, Of course, these thing have many other factors that could affect them each year - but the data will be stored and used for merchandising activities in the future. As for the "should we be discussing new kit designs during the close season, it's sad" argument - don't read the thread, if you find it all such a waste of time! It's the free choice that everyone has in life..... change channel if there's something on the TV that you don't like - or turn it off if there's nothing on! Just stop feeling like you have to judge everyone against your own interests - and spend your time enjoying the thing you do like reading/doing?!
  18. Ringwood probably would have bottled their Best or FortyNiner into plastic bottles.. however as they have been bought out by Marston's, they may not be as "local" in thought anymore :-( Most ales would be fine in a plastic bottle, for a half time refreshment - no worry over "looking after it"... and much much better than any lager?
  19. But - would the skates actually pay themselves the half they would owe themselves? Or would it be just Xp in the £?!
  20. Interesting (or not?!) that the umbrofootballkits page has this as it's leader... http://www.umbrofootballkits.co.uk/
  21. This is the latest document - apologies if it's been discussed earlier in this marathon thread (I don't think it has..) Some interesting things in there - including the fact that the meetings held to "agree" the transfer from Admin to "Newco" (PFC10) were advertised in the "London Gazette" ?! and that the CVA has now been CLOSED on the transfer of ownership and that PFC10 are now obligated to fulfil the payments that fell due under theCVA arrangement. Also, the liquidators appointed were chosen by HMRC against the wishes of Hacker-Young and Mr Android. http://www.uhy-uk.com/media/download/portsmouth%20reports/Final%20progress%20report.pdf
  22. From "officialPompey" twitter - "i don't know the attendance, but the South stand looks pretty full"?! Anyone know the capacity of the South Stand? 'Massive turnout?'
  23. The biggest benefit, IMO, to switching around in his way is that the opposition don't get to kick towards their fans in the 2nd half. Late goals against had become common at SMS. This way it seems to be harder for teams to get that late pressure that we so often became victims of. Great decision and long may we be able to win the toss, if we can't warm up the other way around pre-match.
  24. He may not have provided as much 'end product' as we'd all like, but the very fact that Punch gets on the ball so much shows something about him - and the team around him. He never hides when his play is deemed 'poor' by the crowd. He gets up and gets involved. He is one of the few in our team who is always looking to tKs on his man and get an advantage. He may make the wrong choice and he may squander possession sometimes, but he gets involved and when his confidence is restored we will reap the rewards for sticking with him. If he already had the consistency we all crave, he wouldn't be playing League 1 football! He is this season's Lallana, who at this stage last year 'wasn't fit to wear the shirt' ****rolly eyed smiley****
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