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About SaintNick89

  • Birthday 14/05/1989

SaintNick89's Achievements

  1. I went to Salisbury as i always do when im not at Saints game. Didnt realise i could get money off for taking my Saints season ticket along though!
  2. I wanted to see Adkins come on in Goal for the legends team
  3. Yeah there was one steward that grabbed a fan and wrestled him to the ground when there was at least 1000+ people already on the pitch and the stewards at the kingsland were waving fans on! Saw the steward take a kicking from people as they ran past trying to make him let go of the Saints fan that he refused to let go of for running on the pitch
  4. That was only sung because the plymouth fans were calling us dirty northerners
  5. A lot of the guys that got kicked out after our first goal were Exeter fans who just come down to cause trouble with Plymouth.
  6. Block 44 is now open as well
  7. even though both pitch invasions that have happened at St Marys have started because fans in the Kingsland have run on first......
  8. Just bought my 3 tickets. Also booked 3 seats on the travel coach. Apparently no seats together on the coach though, so we are all over the place, Seats 8, 17 and 36
  9. Kicked off between two guys towards the back of Block 40 after the game. Some middle aged bloke with saints hat on just randomly started laying into a younger guy and throwing punches all over the place. Knocked a women over in the row infront of him as he went flying over the seats after the younger guy. No one had any idea what was going on really
  10. He's just a fat granny ****ger, fat granny ****ger (Rooney)
  11. you can link to other games.....all my non ST mates have linked to the Swindon game as they can't make Carlisle
  12. im fed up of this bloody hold music lol, had it for 25mins now oohhh now just been told all opperators are busy and then i got cut off
  13. 24k sold acording to Saints Twitter today
  14. how come the coach to Huddersfield was £29 but its only £26 to carlisle? Surley Carlisle should be more expensive being a lot longer journey??
  15. Currently on the coach home on the M1 at moment and it's very subdued. We got out played by a better team today end of. We wern't winning enough of the balls in the air. Amazed that no one ended up getting sent off with the amount of cards that ref was dishing out! This is turning into a very long journey home!
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