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Everything posted by lkirkpa

  1. Judge for yourself - Drunk-driving incident On 3 May 2011, Alonso was arrested following his involvement in a car accident in Madrid. He was the driver of a car that collided with a wall, killing one of the passengers, a 19-year-old woman, having been driving at 112.8 km/h (70 mph) in wet conditions in a 50 km/h (30 mph) zone, with a blood alcohol level of 0.93 mg per millilitre of blood.[33][34] He faced 21 months in prison when sentenced in February 2016, but his punishment was changed to a €61,000 fine and a driving ban of three years and four months, which had already been spent.[35]
  2. When did football train specials end? I can remember the year after we won the Cup, we got drawn against Manure in (I think) the fourth round and, after drawing against them at home, I went to OT with mates on the football special. (We lost 2 - 0) and big Jim Steele got sent off after kicking every Manure player into orbit.) Also, health & safety : on the Tues (?) night after the Cup Final win, it was Mick Channon's testimonial at the Dell (against QPR) and the there was no breathing room in the Dell as every man in Soton seemed to be there. I think H&S goes overboard aplenty nowadays but it's easy, in hindsight to see how Bradford etc were so fatal with the little concern that was previously displayed.
  3. Why no report on the Spurs game?
  4. If he disallowed a goal in the game you mention then that demonstrates his incompetence - a fair goal should always be allowed!
  5. Roger East was the referee in the Watford 2 Saints 2 game last Jan when Doucoure punched in their last min equaliser. Perhaps he's just crap.
  6. After 12 league games, Man U and Saints have both conceded 21 goals. We're all aware how poor our back four are so how poor must Man U's be when you take into account that they have De Gea behind them. Mourinho is indulging in his favourite pastime of trying to find any excuse for his own failings.
  7. After farting about for over two hours and having the system freeze every time I tried to add my chosen ticket to my basket, I logged out, changed the browser I was using from Chrome to Opera and, first time, I sailed through and purchased my chosen ticket. Worth a try.
  8. Interesting analysis from the Telegraph : https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2018/03/19/mark-hughes-southampton-debut-attacking-sign-things-come/
  9. Alison Mitchell is one of the Test match commentators on BT's cricket coverage. I was very sceptical on first hearing but, fair play, she knows her stuff.
  10. Agreed. He is the one person, other than Wenger, that the majority of Arsenal fans have wanted rid off for several years. Or, another view from another forum: "Walcott must have spent a decade there now, and the sum of his achievements is the beard he is currently sporting. He is exactly the same footballer with exactly the same flaws as he was at 17 years old. Arsenal have done absolutely nothing for him, barring paying him millions of pounds. That is just poor all round from management."
  11. Because Davis had time and space to play the ball forward from midfield but instead played it back to Romeu who was under pressure and off-loaded it back to Hoedt.
  12. Agreed. I noticed in the aftermath to their goal, as we were lining up to kick-off, he gave Hoedt a bollocking but he also gave Davis an earful as well.
  13. We were set up wrong to defend the throw-in from which they scored. PEH was marking the Everton player upfield from the throw-in point (a job that a forward should have been doing). Result was PEH was 15 - 20yds from where a CDM should be when Sigurdsson dipped his shoulder to send both VVD and Davis the wrong way and open up the position to get his strike away. Little things ...
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