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Everything posted by franny

  1. Spot on
  2. I also know some of these peop;e you refer to and surely if they are happy livivng in the slower lane they do not fall into the category of those moaning about low pay etc.. so do not come into the group Jackanory refers to? I also know some in the group Jackanory talks of and whilst I would not call them scum they certainly are professional whingers.
  3. My reaction in such circumstances is to say "Thank you" loud enogh for them to hear, they then either look sheepish or acknowledge it. Treat them as you would your children and they will learn!
  4. If it is that they would object to others getting something for "nothing" when they paid - then surely it is no different to say SFC selling tickets very cheap for games when ST holders have paid the full price up front at the start of the season or I pay full price for a holiday later on you buy in a sale drastically reduced or banks offering special rates to new mortgage applicants they do not offer to existing custmers etc....I can't see what legal objectoins they may have as long as they still get what they paid for and others benefit from the "special offer".
  5. When I go I park at Richmond (NCP next to station as well as large car park two minute walk away alongside A316) and then as Verbal says tube to Earls Court
  6. Having dealt with something similar in another large local company I can only suggest that you find out what your companies policy is on ill health absence/retirement before the meeting, most good organisations post these on their intranet etc. Also if your colleague is in the company pension fund they (via the trustees) will probably also be involved at some point so again they may have a published policy on the matter. Such retirement will not be decided on in one meeting and medical professionals will need to be involved. As suggested above the ACAS site is a good source and remember do not agree to anything without taking expert advice, treat it as an "information" meeting.
  7. franny

    WW1 Heroes

    Inspiring, total respect.
  8. Another consideration here is that we are talking of 10% of jobs to be lost over 4 years, 2.5% per annum. With natural wastage of around 8% pa it will not be very difficult without redundancies if managed properly. Hands up all those who have worked in the private sector and seen 10% cuts imposed in a matter of weeks ? Also heard the union complaining about the impact on pensions - as someome who has lost pension through the antics of Mr Brown I do not have a lot of sympathy. These guys need to wake up and smell the coffee that the private sector have had to endure for the last nn years.
  9. Another consideration here is that we are talking of 10% of jobs to be lost over 4 years, 2.5% per annum. With natural wastage of around 8% pa it will not be very difficult without redundancies if managed properly. Hands up all those who have worked in the private sector and seen 10% cuts imposed in a matter of weeks ? Also heard the union complaining about the impact on pensions - as someome who has lost pension through the antics of Mr Brown I do not have a lot of sympathy. These guys need to wake up and smell the coffee that the private sector have had to endure for the last nn years.
  10. But doesn't it show that all the indignation and bleating is somehat false when we are spending billions elsewhere without a murmur - and I say that relates to all parties.
  11. I have used this site and regularily book the restaurants, typically £50/60 meals for £20, as long as you pick and choose good value
  12. I see today that the EU are looking to increace UK governement spending by around £2.5bn on maternity leave over the coming years, that on top of an increase in spending from Brussels by 6% in the coming year. What planet are these people on, dont they know we are broke?! Why is this not being discussed at the Westminster village?
  13. He might sit in the Chapel but I could not possibly comment!
  14. Does anyone know (I have seen nothing in the press) whether during all of this budget cutting the EU are cutting their spending and by inferrence our contribution to the pot reduces. Strikes me whether you are pro or anti EU that if we are cutting back government spending here 15-20% as most other European nations are doing we should see something similar from Brussels.
  15. If it was someone from SFC stirring the pot he would take that out wouldn't he! Look for other posts from the same person.
  16. He could of course be one of us stirring the pot!
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