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Everything posted by franny
My first game that day, still remember standing on the Archers and if I remember correctly our goal scored by Terry Paine. Lot of water under the bridge since then!
Prime Minister Cameron blocks Browns bid to head up the IMF
franny replied to dune's topic in The Lounge
I don't think it is the job specifically but the ability to strut the world stage again similar to his old partner in crime for example TB with his middle east "peace envoy" role or Kinnock in his EU commisioner role etc... Once politicians have tasted the limelight they cant take a step backward, you know the saying, today Britain tomorrow the world!! When the current mob are pensioned off they will be vying for similar posiitons. -
dog·ma (dôgm, dg-) n. pl. dog·mas or dog·ma·ta (-m-t) 1. A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a church. 2. An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true. See Synonyms at doctrine. 3. A principle or belief or a group of them: I would go with the theory that if he had one his dogma was based around a combination of 2) & 3) and his principle and belief was that Gordon is infallible. I saw no evidence of his commitment to the country when he delayed and delayed announcment of the carriers costing the country £500m+. I am personally aware of two occasions when he delayed announcing because his opo TB would have been in Scotland and therfore taken some credit, something GB would have not wanted in a million years. When you add in his many cock ups in the treasury (bank regulations, gold reserves, pension destruction etc.) to his dithering and ineptitude at No 10 he was a complete disaster and whether it was dogma, acting for political advantage or just incompetence it is just semantics and the outcome was the same. If anyone belives that the bulk of politicians of any colour are in it for any reason other than their ego and their beliief in their own infallibilty and that they know best is I believe sadly deluded.
Your % of Oxbridge MP's for the coalition may or not be right but what is also I think somewhat depressing is that for thirty odd years from Harold Wilson onwards we had a PM who did not come from public school background until god old Tony arrived on the scene, now we are back to that background for PM and it seems to me there is little difference between the parties in terms of the leadership and movers and shakers. When you look at the Labour leadership you see the Milliband brothers came out of Oxford uni having studied PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), Balls (an ex public schoolboy) and his wife also studied PPE at Oxford and I doubt any of them have done a "proper" job for any length of time other than as a researcher for someone else in Westminster. As for the others I have not a clue but one can see a theme throughout Parliament of an elite who think they know best because they think they know best. The 11+ / grammar school route was not perfect but it was at least a route that was open to all of us irrespective of background. Since that route was closed I cannot see what replaced it and maybe that is the reason why we now have the dearth of working class politicians from any of the parties. Andrew Neil explains it better than me in his article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12282505
I think I generally agree with this but it makes me think that this is sort of back to where we were in the 60's with basic education for all, practical/vocational subjects and then technical college for those who wanted that route then sixth form/uni for those who wanted that route. Always thought that a notional target for uni was barmy, those that will benefit should go those that will do better elsewhere should not. My sons mate went to uni because it was the thing to do, after 18 months dropped out then took up an apprenticeship for which he was always better suited and he is now a qualified boat builder enjpying what he is doing rather than like a fish out of water at Uni. On the issue of teaching Maths & English to those in FE - I was amazed a couple of years ago when I was invovled in some work at HMS Raleigh in Plymouth to be told that many of the recruits going in there then had to attend these lessons in these subjects to bring them up to the required standard for the Navy. Pretty sad really that the system (schools, government, teachers all have varying part in it) has let so many down over the years.
I think the sentence for the student is about right and the driver too lenient as it happens but you are right in that it is always very difficult to compare two crimes and make a judgement of the sentencing. However if one viewed it that the punishment is for a combination of reckless action and the outcome of that recklessness surely the driver will carry a longer sentence because of that. He drove recklessly and killed someone, the student behaved recklessly and by good fortune did not harm anyone - that to me is the difference. Also before anyone else pipes up yes I think the outcome of the Tomlinson case left a very nasty smell.
That also applies to the ambulance service today, a recent case I believe in Scotland where an ambulance crew did not respond because they were "on a break" even though the incidents was less than half a mile away. The person invovled was picked up by another ambulance that started several miles away but the person did not make it. The crew who did not respend habe been sent for retraining. The issue very often is how well peope are motivated to do their job not whether it is private or public sector. Despite what some people seem to imply on here it is not always that "private equals bad" and "public equals good" or vice versa it is all about good managemnet, good traiing and well motivated staff and that can happen in private or public sector.
Rational thought not welcome on here :)
I think a good small agency will know the area better and give you a better service as opposed to one of the big boys. I have several properties with Chrurchills in Eastleigh and would recommend them, they charge me 8% and manage the properties well. There is a fee to find a tenant (they do all the credit checks, references etc and usually then sign up for min 6 months). If they get the right tenants and you look after the property people stay for a long time I find so the £250 charge for new tenants is not an issue. They tell me the market is buoyant and I have never had a property empty for more than a couple of weeks with them, they inspect regularly and deal with tenant issues. I had one tenant who paid late one month and they were on it quick as a flash, also when someone wanted out after just a couple of months they dealt with him well ensuring that if another tenant did not come in to replace him he had to honour the six month contract. I don't have insurance cover for missed rent but the usual cover for damage, accidents etc..
2011 will be a difficult year - but the UK will become a success story
franny replied to dune's topic in The Lounge
Happy New Year -
Mind you if the fishy few could get some compo for him they may even encourage it, all cash into chinny's pocket.
Not sure I totally agree with the TS comparison but there are elemnts there but would go with 2 and 3. What was very positive for me yesterday was that we had four different scorers which is a big thing not having to rely on RL or whoever to get all the goals. Guly & Barnard can be intercahangeable because they are different players and at times that is what you need to be unpredictable but if Guly played and every game did not score but set up two goals then I would be happy with him.
I do not have to defend myself to you, there are others on here who know me so I have no gain in telling lies to you to make a point. I can see from your posts that you have some intelligence but I can also see that you are arrogant, rude and disrespectful to others who happen to disagree with you on this thread and others. People like Dubai Phil & Whitey Grandad (I do not know them) seem to generally make good intelligent points but you seem to enjoy being rude and baiting them. You spend a lot of time on here so clearly it is a big part of your life so will leave you to it.
Not as far as I know, but my point is that given poor management, poor or uncaring attitudes botch ups happen every where consistently. Having witnessed my mothers treatment in recent years at both Southampton and Winchester NHS hospitals (left on a trolley for over 12 hours with a broken hip, dirty wards, soiled bed linen) and contrast that with the treatment my wife received in a private hospital for a major operation I know where I would prefer to have any treatment. Whilst I do not boast about it yes I have private health insurance but I am not "as thick as they come or have an infinite capacity for self-delusion....or both". I have been a director of two multi nationals and run my own business now. I have not had it easy and grew up as one of seven children in very financially constrained conditions and have what I have through hard work, discipline and self reliance all drilled into me by my parents and I am capable of making decisions and do not need others to lecture me about what I spend my money on. Whilst there are some posters on here from the left who speak some sense some of the self styled socialists on this site are absolutely laughable and seem to be as thick as they come or have an infinite capacity for self-delusion....or both. Third post today, over and out.
No the Staffordshire Hospital just let many of their botch ups die.
Rntirely possible I think, might be wrong but I seem to recall my brother some years ago was billed for an ambulance after a car accident he was invovled (obviously paid for by insurance) and I also believe the Fire Brigade bill where they attend but no "life or property" in danger e.g. pull a donkey from a mud pond!
He wants these guys to take a pay cut for working over Christmas (and if you are a paying customer great) but wonder how that would go down with the London Tube drivers who want triple time plus a day off in lieu!
ah well done so you clearly bear a grudge! Presumably I am on a list now so come the revolution...... Out of interest do you remember all the the names you are called in the playground and who said it or is it just people on here who disagree with you?
To what are you referring? Case in Sweden, the orony, me smiling, his TV statement ...........
I know nothing of the facts of his case in Sweden he may or may not have a case to answer but am I the only person who smiled at the irony of his statement on TV where he "deplored the illegal leaks from the Swedish prosecutors" ref his case. Live by the leak, die by the leak!
Thatcher is the greatest women the world has ever known
franny replied to dune's topic in The Lounge
I can undersatnd someone condemning her time as PM since she was divisive but hoping someone will die is very strong and to me demonstrates a lack of respect for human life. Who else in this world do you want to die? -
Not nessecarily, depends whether they are prosecuting or defending
yes, hence the words in brackets
As I have pointed out elsewhere the same charge could be leveled at Thorpe-le-Saint and his "mates", people have opposing views perhaps equally strongly held as yours and in their minds equally valid. Why is that wrong? I might find your posts arrogant and patronising but what value is there in trivialising them by describing them as hysteria or loony left claptrap etc surely the better way is to counter them with some other argument. Why is it hysteria? You and your fellows do not have a monopoly on right thinking. It is no wonder so many have to resort to violence since the idea of respectful argument seems lost.