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Everything posted by franny

  1. my first ever game at the dell and indeed watching the saints, I remember it very well even after all these years!
  2. good man Andy !
  3. Perhaps we miss the point, it may well be the question they ask themselves is the person a FAPP to own the particulare club in question. In the cases we have seen so far for that wonderful club for the skates from turd town with owners ranging from child maimers to bank cheats perhaps these are FAPP to own that club!
  4. They may have urged tougher sentences but it is not outside "normal law regulations" just sentencing within the bands the law allows. Considering the outcome to the riots that actually happened 4 years for incitment to riot seems about right to me.
  5. or perhaps a case for more stringent sentencing for kidnap, theft, possesion of child porn etc...?
  6. Interesting, on C4 news this evening I think they suggested across the country only 7% (memory could be worng) chose to give an occupation to the court. I suspect the media simply highlight those that are in work.
  7. and those defending the streets of Southall were predominantly Sikh's and those defending the streest in Dalston (where my son is) were predominantly Turkish origin - where does that get us? People are the same whatever colour or creed, some good some bad and most just want to get on with their lives and do the best for their families.
  8. I agree it is a little strange but when I was in Goa a few years ago the chef in a local restaurant I talked with said that they were all trained to prepare (including at the local college) both Indian and Chines cuisine.
  9. Does anyone have a view - if (and I assume they will) the Murdochs et al get a hammering next week in front of the MP's will they then be able to get away from any subsequent court appearances should there be a need for one by saying they would not be able to have a "fair trial" since they had already been "tried and convicted" by the MP committee and a non prejudicial jury would not be possible? Why I ask is that the papers had a field day with the innocent landlord of the girl who was murdered last Christmas in Bristol and the view seemed to be that their comments would have prejudiced a fair trial, wonder if the Murdochs & Brooks could use the same argument?
  10. Well done Mike and be proud of your efforts for Markus and the Saints, (ignore the smart 4rse comments, their comments reflect their small minds)
  11. A "bribe" could be a back hander now or could be a job down the line - no differnce to me. I was not disagreeing with you simly pointing out it goes on in many differnet guises and yes the current crop in power will I ma sure follow the same tendencies as the previos crop.
  12. You are right and is no different to the various Labour ministers who cosied up to private industry when in power and as soon as they could took up lucrative postions with them - gone on since time began and will continue to do so.
  13. but how do you measure happiness, on the public or private scale ?!?
  14. http://www.channel4.com/news/how-fair-is-public-sector-pension-reform
  15. Lucky enough to get 4 tickets for the footie final at Wembley & 4 tickets for the boxing finals at Excel but nothing for the new Olympic venues, judging by the comments in the media I think I was very fortunate. Date/Time Session 12 August 2012 Sunday 13:30-16:00 Boxing ExpandHide Men's Fly Weight (52kg) Final Men's Fly Weight (52kg) Victory Ceremony Men's Light Weight (60kg) Final Men's Light Weight (60kg) Victory Ceremony Men's Welter Weight (69kg) Final Men's Welter Weight (69kg) Victory Ceremony Men's Light Heavy Weight (81kg) Final Men's Light Heavy Weight (81kg) Victory Ceremony Men's Super Heavy Weight (+91kg) Final Men's Super Heavy Weight (+91kg) Victory Ceremony Session code: BX028 11 August 2012 Saturday 15:00-17:30 Football ExpandHide Men's Gold Medal Match Men's Victory Ceremony Session code: FB042
  16. This Back in the early 60's my father had a very bad road traffic accident which meant he was off work for over 12 months all in the days before the support you may get today. He was a self employed man and there were six children so money was very tight. Some of the first people from the village knocking on the door of our house offering help (financial & material) were the local gypsies (Coles & Barnes) who were living in the village and knew my dad from the local pub. Shaped my iopinion of them and they were top people and not like these shisters.
  17. This, why does it always degenirate into a public sector or private sector for profit debate. We have seen people dying in the Staffordshire NHS hospital disgrace, we have seen the NHS criticised repeatedly for the poor quality and degrading care of elderly in hospital and we have seen the Baby P case where social workers did not deliver the correct level of care to the unfortunate child, poor care and mismanagement is not the sole preserve of the private sector. If it was easy to deliver cheap top quality care and services why don’t government and or local authorities do it themselves? Successive governments (Labour and Tory) have closed public care homes and moved the recipients of those services to private homes or "care in the community" or moved the delivery of NHS services from public to private. Those private homes and services have not always been there, they grew because there was a demand from those labour/Tory Governements and LA's, that is the way of the private sector for anything, supply and demand, the strongest succeed the weakest fail. They moved to the private sector because they thought it would be cheaper and then put in place governance to ensure the service was of the correct quality and in this case clearly that governance has failed. Surely the basic issue is not public or private but how we as society treat vulnerable people and whether or how much we want to pay for it. That can be paid to a public or private sector service since there are many private care services that deliver fine service, my sister spent several years in one and received compassionate excellent care.
  18. franny


    I agree, my point being you should judge people on their actions not their colour/creed/background over which they have no control and to refer to the individuals in a disparaging way because of their background is every bit as ignorant as it would be because of colour or creed. That is not to say I have never fallen in to the trap but we should all be aware of the prejudices we carry with us and try and not to let them influence us.
  19. franny


    I think you are right about the context but also the intent in which things are said and those with an axe to grind will always find fault if they go looking for it. However I think the last comment is too simplistic, I have known peopel with racist tendencies who are well educated and intelligent - one of the worst was a dentist. On one level it may be people trying to exploit peoples insecurities & fears for their own ends (political or greed) or simply the fear of something or somebody different to them or the lack of understanding. Look at the intertribal bloodshed in Africa (black on black), the fighting in the Balkans (religious and or ethnic/political conflict) and even in NI/Scotland where white christians battle each other. Even on this site people mock Eton educated "toffs" for political reasons - did Cameron choose to be born to particular parents or sent to a particular school, did others choose to be born in council house backgrounds and go to the local comprehensives? For me the simple tenet of life is to treat people how you would like to be treated - the issue fo rme is how peopel behave, I have known tw4ts of all sorts of colours, background and creeds and also have friends from the same diverse backgrounds.
  20. You may get in the car park Eastliegh side if you get there early enough (say 7.00am) but much after 7.30 I would go straight to the airport carpark. Until the new multi storey is finished it is pretty much a no go area for parking.
  21. I think you are right but it does show how fickle people are, 12 months ago he was according to some gods gift to politics, his party at a special conference (if I remember correctly) endorsed the coaliiton agreement which was probably set up not by him but his negotiaoting team anyway and now he is a pariah!
  22. I wonder what view the country would have had of the Lib Dems now if say their key deliverable they had won fron the coalition talks had been no increase in Uni fees rather than the AV referendum. I suspect their stock would have been much higher since the uni fees affect peoples pockets and is now there for all to see as a "broken promise" and had they stuck to theor guns would have also been seen as fighting on a matter of principle for the less well off that they had as non negotiable. Whereas the AV was for the most part something the country was not clamouting for (and most people who voted clearly didnt want) and I am sure it was seen by many as a self interest motion. Basically their negotiating team strategists got that balance totally wrong - do I screw the electorate over fees or try and enhance my opportunity get power!
  23. Firstly well done Mike, after lots of talk you grabbed it and have done something so 10 out of 10 for you and be proud of your efforts. Donated my £20 and left a comment, COYR!!
  24. Yes I think you are correct, I can still remeber the sickening crack as the wall went. Very lucky thinking back no one was too badly injured - apart from your mate of course!
  25. I think I would agree with almost everything you have said since this is a significant constitutional change and it should be an argument about what is right for the country not that which is right for Labour/Con/Lib Dem etc..in future elections. Your last sentence suggests that perhaps there is no self interest in the AV campaign but when you have Mandelson the failed despotic & disgraced ex former minister who was also an unelected and unaccountable minister / Euro commisomer who was telling us to vote Yes because it would be one in the eye against Cameron and the Tories that smacks to me of massive self interest and may also impact the honest views of the AV campaign. These sort of interventions just underline the self interest of all poiticians and the low respect they hold for the electorate and it is that which is wrong with politics not the FPTP or AV or any other smokecreen they may put up.
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