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Twinkle Toes

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Everything posted by Twinkle Toes

  1. As with other negative comments on this thread you seem intent on comparing the women's game with the men's game. But that would be like saying that women's tennis shouldn't be on TV because the men could beat them. These women are the best in the women's game and so deserve coverage. We are all used to watching only the men's game and so when we see women play we are struck by the difference in physicality. You would think we would have the same reaction to women's tennis but we don't because we are now used to see women playing tennis on TV. I'm sure attitudes will change with more exposure - except for those who don't want to see any women playing sport because a woman playing sport isn't at home cooking/cleaning/ironing
  2. Spent most of the match with spots before my eyes. Every time I looked up the glare was painful. I recommend sunglasses for an evening match!
  3. Nice balanced article in the Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/nicola-cortese-chose-to-leave-and-was-not-forced-out-insist-southampton-9065638.html I personally think some of the coverage in the national press such as the Daily Mail has been quite out of order as have some of the reactions of our own fans. Katharina is not a dream wrecker. She simply wanted to implement some standard corporate governance as would be expected in any major company. Only Cortese himself can tell us why that was so unacceptable to him. Some of the coverage and posts on here have been distinctly misogynistic. I don't remember any comments about Marcus's weight or physical attractiveness when he took over. There also seems to be an assumption that she has no business acumen as she just inherited her wealth from her father - but didn't Marcus inherit his wealth from his father? Don't you think she has been raised and educated on the understanding that she would one day take over? I can't help thinking the reaction would be totally different if she was a man.
  4. Has anyone else mentioned Mark Hughes? Maybe it's just me who had managed to erase that awful memory. One of the most disinterested, 'only here for the pay cheque' players I can remember. Maybe I was expecting too much but he was such a disappointment.
  5. You have driven me out of my lurkdom to say how much I enjoyed this - especially the ' fixed and floating' bathing platform. Not sure why except maybe because I think it might be the straw that breaks the camels back. But it would be a shame if all this was to end
  6. I'll second that! I decided not to go for the terrace as I remembered how difficult I used to find it to see when I stood on the Milton Road end (being only 5'4"). I assumed that if you paid an extra £5 for a seat is was because you wanted to sit down but it appears not. So I spent the entire match last night standing on tip toe and peering through gaps. At half time everyone sat down and I had an excellent view of the pitch.
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