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Everything posted by $$$

  1. Alex is a great pub but no kids are allowed inside or in the back garden. Means you would have to fight it out with the smokers out the front and there would be issues with toilets...
  2. You have to laugh at this post, you would think he would be the first one protesting outside afterwards...
  3. I'm going to renew. Why the hell should I spend more money and time buying tickets individually cause some mongs think it is a good idea. Things are so much better after the last mong protest after all... :smt044
  4. Looks a lot more like Planetside then Battlefield to be fair although that had 500 people per arena and is fairly old hat these days. I've tried looking up info and can only find a couple of preview videos so I obviously need a lesson in using google. Can anyone point me to some actual information please? Would like to know if MAG will have a persistent world like Planetside. Hopefully Sony won't **** this up. SOCOM was pretty gash...
  5. Hmm, for a start it's called Little Big PLANET, not adventure which is a 15 year old PC game. One wonders if the opinion of someone who can't even get the name correct is valid. It's very much a marmite game, you will either love it or hate it. I bought a PS3 just for this game (and GTI Club) and think it is superb but others clearly don't get it. It only got 94% on Game Rankings http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/938583.asp so I guess boj is right...
  6. In danger of bringing this back on topic, I fractured the talus in my left foot on a snowboarding holiday. Have just been released from the filthy hellhole that is Southampton General Hospital after having it pinned. Will be on crutches for at least the next two months and I can't really drink on the painkillers. Even had the misfortune of having an ex pompey footballer in the bed opposite mine. I blame it all on Steve Grant and Pip87.
  7. $$$

    Gears of War 2

    LOL @ Boj's pitiful ego-w4nking, You would think someone whose identity is so well known would keep their illegal activities under wrap. http://www.fact-uk.org.uk/site/contact/com_form.htm
  8. $$$

    The Ref

    Nope, blame the **** who felt the need to throw the ball on to the pitch
  9. LOL @ mac users who appear unaware that their system of choice has plenty of exploits of its own or anyone that would ask a taxi driver for IT security advice. Last post of the day for me but feel free to spout off your normal fanboy guff in reply.
  10. Sounds like it is an automated script that searches for websites running the software it has an exploit for. Think of it as petty vandalism. Rather funny it has hit POL but then SF did get hit with a sinister embedded link on the main page once...
  11. Which does not mean that much to be honest. Changing a compile flag would fool a fair few scanners. Hell, you can even buy rootkits that come with a one year non-detection warranty
  12. Nice website MLG. Out of interest, did you come across any other websites that charged a subscription for full access?
  13. Yes, good work that the admins were extremely lucky to inherit a large web community after keet threw his rattle out of the pram over amygate. Wow, we’re even luckier the community has now been turned into a limited company. Are you aware just how easy it is to upload forum software to a website, install and configure it. Oh well, third post, bye :smt039
  14. Hardly. It’s not as if it was pushed in any way at the time. If you purged the muppet show and stopped people DDOS’ing the server during every match, would you need a new server? I’m betting five pounds on no...
  15. Actually, I would say the morons were the people who use this forum as a chat room during matches. Making two word posts and constantly refreshing is hardly the most sensible use of this place. An admin with a brain would have locked the forum for the duration of the match and embedded a chat application instead of forking out on a uber server and demanding £5 from each user...
  16. Think you can assume our more casual element went looking for trouble. This post on one of the thug forums would appear to back that up...
  17. $$$

    Post count

    Nope, you’re a nerd that appears upset you have no public recognition over the amount of time you waste here. Get rid of post counts all together I say!!!
  18. $$$

    Post count

    People that care about their post counts need to grow up and get a life...
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