148 -
Everything posted by $$$
Does anyone know if the O2 contract stipulates him being alive for the performances?
So do 90% of the people who post on there. A fair few think the world as we know it will shortly end as well...
Do you post on http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk? You would fit in well there...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/8100953.stm Got to love that picture...
:smt046 You are St David AICMFP
http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=316056&postcount=545 Guess not...
How about Roger de Haan?
Is there any chance the usual suspects could stop polluting this thread with their crap? It is pretty annoying to have to wade through pages of rubbish in an attempt to find out what is actually happening... Thanks
Not great. I only got there at 8 ish but it looked like there was only 200 people there at best. Enjoyed the last two bands but pretty shocked how few people were there. Jackson was definitely there and wearing a stripy shirt with his russian bride in tow. Was going to have a chat but resisted as I would have got too angry. If he is the best chance we have, I would rather the club was liquidated.
Perry was also unsuccessfully trying to get people to front the coppers after their charge. Was funny and pathetic at the same time
But have you priced realistically? What percentage have you knocked off from the 2007 peak price? Which sums up perfectly why house prices are still way too high and how much further they will fall...
Use this http://ps3mediaserver.blogspot.com/ Sorted
:smt082 Ever considered that a sizable number of people here think the same of you?
Wow, what an amazing thread. I can't believe there has been no similar post about this before. Oh hang on... If you wish to pay me the difference between the early bird price and whatever the price is when you decide it is acceptable for me to renew, I might consider it. Otherwise FOAD kthxbye
Scrap what I said about Flashchat, looks like there are lots of problems with v5.x. Interesting you mentioned AJAX as I found this one as well http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=201283 which uses it. There is at least one post moaning about server loads however... Corrected for you!
Demo left me feeling pretty meh to be honest. Graphics are good but not that good considering the hype. There are some nice effects but they can be completely over the top. The death animations remind me of when rag doll physics hit PC gaming, what, five years ago. Field of view does not feel right, I don't really like the cover mechanic and shooting feels very clumsy. Only played the demo once so it might click with another play but I'm very underwhelmed at the moment.
It was posted on the casuals forum. There is nothing else interesting there, if you are that bothered, google terrace links...
That would have been me. I did have a quick look myself but the main vBulletin resource wants a licence number before you can really look at the plugins. A possible one is FlashChat http://www.tufat.com/s_flash_chat_chatroom.htm which seems pretty popular and will integrate. An alternative is to just setup an IRC server/channel and put a link to a java client on the match thread. In my opinion, a chat room would be a much better experience (once people get their heads round it) as you get updates when they are typed in real time, not when you have refreshed the page. It would also stop multiple people posting the same event at the same time.
The obvious answer is that a web forum is not designed for the usage it will get during a match. The server is basically getting DDOS'ed by many people endlessly hitting refresh to read five word posts, lots of which describe the same event. I did point this out to boj when he was attempting to justify the subscription and server move. Considering the vast majority of a match thread is unlikely to be read again afterwards, it would make far more sense to get people to use a chat room instead during the match. There are various ways to embed/link it within the forum software so opening up the match thread could open up the chat room instead.
There you go folks, one of lowes most outspoken opponents could not be arsed taking part in a protest because his parking ticket was about to expire (allegedly) :smt043
LOL If you say so... http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=168241&postcount=2 Rather interesting that that most vocal lowe haters rarely, if ever, come close to attending matches yet feel free to spout b0ll0cks endlessly telling everyone else what to do. Even more interesting that a march comprising of less then (if I'm very generous) 10% of Saints supporters attending today suddenly becomes a majority in some peoples eyes.
Would that be the protect you failed to attend, much like the one you avoided after the last match as well? :smt046
:smt005 Perhaps if the trust actually communicated with its members, it might be more successful. I stupidly joined up when it was first created and the only communication I have received in that time was a demand for £10, a few months back for eight months membership. The trust can't even be bothered to update the committee page on it's website. It is a pointless joke.
Every cloud... :smt044