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Everything posted by $$$

  1. Minutes from the PL meeting on Friday http://fansonline.net/portsmouth/article.php?id=1311
  2. "for the record, my kids all have the middle name Pompey except my eldest who has six names that spell Pompey" Classy :smt044
  3. Last year, West Brom got £761k http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/5361321/Premier-League-The-money-table.html Have these reports from the earlier meeting been posted yet? http://www.fansonline.net/portsmouth/mb/view.php?id=231186 http://thepompeychimes.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=55025&sid=0282a54a66088ad60639b0dc78a8b051
  4. http://www.fansonline.net/portsmouth/article.php?id=1307 Got to love 3 Fat Chance!!!
  5. But when have you ever known a journalist to be 100% correct? What I find interesting is how he can apparently click his fingers and suddenly take possession of poopey. Surely this would require a court order? Also guardian yesterday said the two loans amounted to £20m total.
  6. Hmmm, maybe not so clear yet... http://www.espn.co.uk/football/sport/story/5173.html
  7. Think these particular debts to Watford and Chelsea only became due at the end of January. Embargo was lifted last week because at that particular moment, there were none (mainly because they renegotiated some and the TV money) and PL need to play it by the book. Wonder how much they will actually get from Spurs when you consider past transfer debts owed to them and the sell on for Kaboul
  8. SSN reporting PL are withholding more than £2m of January transfer money to pay debts. Guessing Stoke and Spurs will not be paying everything up front so anyone want to guess how much is left to pay outstanding wages...
  9. SSN Breaking News – Skates fail to pay Gaydamak £9M Anyone shocked? No, did not think so...
  10. Any mention of an essruu jizz proof screen?
  11. http://boards.footymad.net/forum.php?tno=424&fid=203&sty=2&act=1&mid=2123064069 Quite why the embargo has been lifted is anyone’s guess. Roll on payday...
  12. $$$


    Shame, was hoping this would be the new Planetside http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlanetSide 400 players per island and 7 years old now...
  13. WTF? Has ANYONE heard about this or can it be filed alongside Southampton Company Union Men breaking strikes and stealing their fish...
  14. Just checked on digitalspy. This thread suggest http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=1148927&highlight=southampton there will be no upgrade, they are just turning off analogue and letting the network rot. What a useless company and I’ve just wasted my 3 daily posts on the ****s as well. :mad:
  15. REALLY? Wow, it's only taken what, 10 years to sort that out. Guess it is too much for Virgin to actually tell people living in these areas they have finally got round to upgrading. Just tried my postcode on the Virginmedia site. Still don’t live in a fibre optic area but can get their “brilliant” broadband down my phone. Don’t think so fookers :smt098
  16. Best telling that to Virgin (ex NTL, C&W, Videotron) in the hope they will update their f'ing useless network mate At least anyone with a clue has been getting it free...
  17. Got to love google ads. I'm getting this one here at the moment Anyone in a position to pass the number on to pompey?
  18. Or record breaking Cheesy ****s air guitarathon attempt
  19. Brum game called off due to waterlogged pitch http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/newshome/Pompey-game-called-off.5988387.jp Massive LOL
  20. Woman has turned up at QA.
  21. http://www.solen****ers.co.uk/Radio/radiopage.html
  22. Part Three http://www.fansonline.net/portsmouth/article.php?id=1276
  23. http://www.fansonline.net/portsmouth/mb/view.php?id=215438
  24. $$$


    Not getting your board out then?
  25. Yep, got it in four times before being cut off http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z6T3XXET
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