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  1. I think Henri Camara did
  2. I recently noticed that Mr Paragraph (English - Anglia Polytechnic University 1993 - 1996) and myself share a common friend on Facebook. His profile is pretty locked down and ignoring the photos with the wife and kids, I did find these… That last one is almost screaming out for a Photoshop geek to cut out and resize for an emoticon…
  3. Just to add to what has already been said… I was sat very close to the boxes where the players and WAGs were sitting. He told the small group that formed around him at half time that he would be “out for a while”. Was walking with a heavy limp and looked like his knee was strapped up.
  4. I think now would be as good a time as any for us all to thank Vladimir Antonov, a good friend of Southampton who really does deserve a very strong round of applause
  5. How much did Milan pay? Thought it was only a quid
  6. In the comments, someone called realmole2 is claiming CSI have just gone into administration…
  7. I would be interested to know where all the extra jobs will come from?
  8. Perhaps you should read it again? Pay close attention to "punters on a local newspaper website" and "one, calling himself uberman and using poor English, posted"
  9. Because many other free sites don’t have numerous mongs hitting F5 continuously causing a DDOS. Quite simply, a forum is not designed to be used as a chat room. It would be far more beneficial for the admins to force everyone to use an IRC chat room or similar by closing the forum and providing a link to mibbit.com etc.
  10. Really? A quick Google video search shows over 1500 hits for 7/7 Ripple Effect, many uploaded over three years ago including the link you posted. Perhaps someone should show these shadowy government forces how to use Google
  11. Exactly, what an ahole the OP is. Wants to chuck a family on the street as a result of his own poor planning and cluelessness… Hope the tenants make everything as difficult and expensive as possible!
  12. Report what exactly to the chief exec? That some bloke from the interweb is claiming there are empty offices in Southampton for which rent is being paid. Perhaps I would be better off waiting until nick bothers to state where these offices are before kicking his door down...
  13. Can you let me know where please? I will be happy to pass this information on to the local estates department for them to look into ASAP. Of course, that would be dependent on them not being on sick leave or a fact finding mission at Disneyland…
  14. This is a discussion forum. Endlessly posting newsnow links in this thread is even less relevant than the constant ego-****ing from a certain Dubai resident. Anyone that obsessed can easily hit F5 on the skate newsnow page themselves…
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