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Everything posted by 31cc

  1. You will be pleased to know that the August strike has been postponed and union - management talks have restarted.... 'The Spanish Air Traffic Controllers have decided, in a meeting this (Tuesday) evening that they will not call a strike in August. The USCA union says they have taken the decision following requests from the tourist sector and the airlines, underlining that they understand the concerns voiced by the industry. USCA Spokesman, César Cabo, said the decision was ‘a demonstration of responsibility’ by the controllers. Airlines, hoteliers and travel agencies have been quick to welcome the decision. The Spanish Airport Authority, AENA, has responded to the news by saying that they will restart talks with the union tomorrow, Wednesday.' Read more: http://www.typicallyspanish.com/news/publish/article_26945.shtml#ixzz0wJhg8twW
  2. 31cc

    Fly past

    [What I would like to know is why no Mosquito was preserved for the BBMF.] Apparently they were going to take delivery of the BAE Mosquito but that was sadly lost in a fatal accident at Barton before that was due to happen :-(
  3. Girl at the ticket office said they would be sent out mid-July. Renewed mine and free daughters', plus new one for the missus and other daughter.
  4. How can you criticise Peter Storrie et al and then praise Gordo and his chums for doing the same with the economy? Spending money like water for the feelgood factor. Check. Forgetting to keep some aside for the inevitable rainy day. Check. Try and spend your way out of trouble when the money runs out. Check. Blame everyone else. Check. Administration... coming soon?
  5. 31cc

    Mexican Wave

    I think a special SWF tribunal should be set up to ensure only 'real fans' are allowed to buy tickets to Cup finals in future. They could also petition the government to ban face-paint sales.
  6. 'I'll teach them....!'
  7. One at Heathrow a few years ago.. 2 aircraft heading to the runway for departure, one German, one Brit. Tower. 'Lufthansa xxx, clear to line up' Speedbird. 'Why is that aircraft ahead of us?' Lufthansa. 'Because we got up early and left our towel on the runway..' One I've never used myself.... 'Climb like your life depends on it..... because it does!'
  8. 31cc

    Feeding the birds

    My Mrs used to live in Richmond, when I first went to her place she said to look out for green parrots. I thought she was kidding but sure enough they are like sparrows in that part of SW London, the Bill Oddie programme a couple of years ago showed literally hundreds of them nesting in woods around there.
  9. Breaking news. http://newsarse.com/2009/12/04/portsmouth-millionaires-forced-to-go-three-weeks-without-further-millions/ Mind you, it's getting to the point where satire isn't as funny as the real thing..
  10. 31cc


    http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_div_2/8379855.stm Up now, just stopped laughing at Lambo's goal Did Lallana have a bet with DC that he could score a better goal?
  11. 'My Way' montage at MLT's testimonial (teary eyed thingy) Beating the Arse 3-2 at SMS (Niemi's triple save too...)
  12. Renewed mine on the phone today about 4pm, got through after about 6 rings. The seat next to mine was available so got a freebie ST for our elder daughter too! Danke schoen(?) to the new regime, investing now to build a fanbase for the future - smart move. BTW thanks to the very helpful saleslady at the box office :smt023
  13. She's lost a fair bit of weight since 'Birds of a Feather'
  14. 31cc

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  15. 31cc

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  16. 31cc

    Stern John

    Remember the 'rule' that ex-players always score against their old clubs... he has to play! (I won't mention Kevin Philips )
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