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Ronaldo's a pansy

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Everything posted by Ronaldo's a pansy

  1. Southampton FC .........cost 12.5 million Crouch .......... Offer to buy him for 13 million (in todays Mail)(Sunderland) Ooops "the deal to buy Portsmouth was signed in Paris a few days ago" the PL have the request for FAPP at their offices as of last night. He could be turned down by them, but as he is a goodwill ambassador for the UN, it would take a mightily brave PL person to do that,one would think. So the '80% done deal' relates to the FAPP rather than the actual purchase apparently. As this has taken so long to get to this stage one can only assume that the doctor was more dilligent than the German crane dealer, who did his DD in a very short time.
  2. As originally posted.
  3. I spy a naughty word, but extremely subtle in the way that it was passed through the censor by leaving gaps. Oooh err, how exceptionally clever. Now go and have a wink.
  4. What ? Is there a special get out clause that you know of that allows them to not have to go through DD ?
  5. Wow ! ! That really told him. I bet he wasn't going to hurry at all,but now you have spoken firmly to him he will change his tune, huh ?
  6. I've got it on very good authority that the family invoved are a Mr Robinson,his wife,and their three children.
  7. I can't wait to see the statue............
  8. Next time you are at school and you get a break, pop into the library and see if there is a dictionary that you can take out.
  9. July 15th .........Last date to order pies and Bovril in time for delivery before first game.
  10. Talk about a tenuous link. You could also say that as MLT is a christian the wealthiest christian in the world is......opens envelope......Bill Gates,Abramovich,etc,etc (take your pick).......let's hope he is the one really behind the takeover !
  11. Oops. That should of course be POINTLESS !
  12. If Judaism is a religion, (which I firmly believe it is, since anyone can convert to it),then the usual PC cr*p about this remark being racist simply doesn't apply. Offensive; if you wish to see it as so, but not racist. By the way, I think it was hilarious that TL said to pursue this any further is 'pointess'...
  13. Looking back....do you ever remember tellling a gypsy to feck off and not buying any clothes pegs ? ?
  14. Viola ? ? Sounds like one of those 'Swiss' cough medicines. Perhaps you really meant 'voila'
  15. He wasn't the secret buyer was he ?
  16. So his name might be Mr A.Lurker
  17. If you do not currently exist, then you do not have the RIGHT to anything. An existing member of the FL is presumably entitled to some rights, but if you are trying to join something from the position of being a non member (as is currently the case), then you either accept the membership requirements or you don't get admitted, and you remain an outsider. In simplistic terms, I think it is still the case that a landlord of a pub has the right to refuse anyone a drink.
  18. Keegan out.........
  19. Abso-bleedin-lutely Norm. If only the dumber ones on here (if you live in West End for instance) could realise that.
  20. Yes, I dispute that I am a tattooed woman from Portsmouth. "In my own view,it is only a narrow passage of truth that passes between the Scylla of a blue fog of mysticism and the Charybdis of a sterile rationalism." Wolfgang Pauli
  21. Yeah. It shows what a lightweight intellectual you are if you have to resort to name calling................... P.S Check back and see when I started posting on here before you tell me that I have only just jumped onto this site.
  22. I notice that you didn't respond to the fact that the original post was factually wrong in using a statistic that was proving the point against it. I have never said which team I support, so which site is it that you would like me to go to? A-hole
  23. What year did Southampton win the FA Cup ? Christ, who cares :rolleyes :
  24. Did Rupert Lowe push you and make you drop it ?
  25. EFM If you bothered to read what I said; neither in my post, or the one I was quoting,did anyone suggest that Portsmouth had the LONGEST history,but that they do have a history. As to the city being "awful" ; right from the start of this topic ,in the very first post, and from many other people who have given their opinions, there is a recognition that Portsmouth has a tremendous amount of things going for it as a city, which you obviously do not agree with, but you appear to be blinkered in your views and not in the majority. The number of visitors can easily be researched, and whether they come by motorcycle,bus,train or car is irrelevant; but if you wish to be pedantic and churlish, you are missing the context of the information and ignoring the content. Rather than asking me about my planet, I suggest that when you return to school, you ask your teacher to give you some extra help with your reading skills.
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