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Everything posted by CityRanger

  1. Must be true. Sun Reporter is pal of KD's dad. For once I'm ITK!
  2. Quality! Hopefully the idea of playing every week rather than possibly being a no.2 at the 'Ammers has swung it. Hope he has as good a season as last year. Large piece in the jigsaw of a promotion bid filled!
  3. Dave Jones tells the story of his sacking: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/article6597000.ece Sorry to bump this thread but not allowed to start a new one on Jones, probs 'cos I haven't paid the cash! It's an interesting read tho...imo.
  4. Saint fans having a drink and a sing-song = scum? Are some of you lot for real?
  5. Link: http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11719_5386849,00.html
  6. Spot on Stu. My nippers were on about the charity game but I just kept thinkin 50 quid of my hard earned won't half fill one of the numerous 4x4's that litter the Staplewood car park let alone save the club. Football money is so disproportianate to "real" money that I thought enoughs enough. Bo!!ocks to that. Also, why do they bother with that badge kissing sh!t these days? As has been pointed out they're straight out the door when a better offer comes in but boy do they milk the hero worship. Most of 'em are cr@p too. I could go on one on this subject well done Stu, for once.
  7. Size to score equaliser!
  8. Exactly! What a waste playing him at full back. But we have no option...:confused:
  9. Seconded. Probably a bit late now but a couple of full backs would have been nice at the start of the season to allow this tactical master stroke!
  10. This has recently appeared on the Times website: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/football_league/article6059682.ece
  11. A little reminder of Dave Armstrong for those too young to remember: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0VSOpeYqgSI&feature=related FFS SOS.
  12. 6 months for Smith? Jury's out on this lad so fair enough no big commitment. Good luck to the scouse lad. Might get a nice debut v Ronaldo on Sunday! Skacel could play left mid then, where he should imo.
  13. Call me old fashioned if you like, but what pleases me as a fan is seeing a good team of good players. I don't think many fans get their kicks from player sales.
  14. Southampton are back! Southampton are back! Woah - Woah..... Blinding! 1st time I've seen us under JP and like a few others VERY impressed. How the F!*% he's got the "kids" playing like this is unbelievable. I saw the big, blue RR of, I'd guess, David Gold in the car park at the Chapel end on my way in to the ground. Him, Sullivan and Brady must have been impressed but so annoyed at our young, lowly paid lads giving their "names" the total runaround for 90 minutes. I'm gonna watch this lot as much as I can this year. Hopefully the feelgood factor will be there when the numpty bandwagon/whinging t!ssp$tts start coming again, to drown them out. We already heard a guy behind us getting frustrated at our possession football, shouting: "Come on boot it up there" (he wasn't being ironic, trust me). Probably one of the same w@nk%rs who know F all bout football and slagged PC and KJ mercilessly too. Gettin used to them now. We'll have to give JP a pay rise at this rate to keep him never mind the young players!
  15. I've not seen this lad play and neither have many of us who read this forum I would imagine. His stats look impressive though and if he could transfer his current strike rate to the ccc we'll be up before xmas! Seriously though when our new "vision" was first laid out by Michael Wilde on the OS I can remember he mentioned getting some quality loan players in. Jack Cork, from what I saw tonight looks very able. I remember when Brum went up 2 seasons ago Bendtner, Larsson and Muamba, all on loan from Arsenal were vital to them. As was Frazier Campbell for Hull last season as they went up. If we can get the right young players, on the "up" in their careers (ala Bale, Walcott when we had them), then this sort of loan could be good business.
  16. They would have thought about these words carefully I would imagine before putting it on their "front page". Does this give us any clues as to the groups intentions?
  17. Cheers Manzo, worked a treat!
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