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Everything posted by CityRanger

  1. I advocated that we should do this and show a bit of class several pages ago on this thread. I was given plenty of stick. Glad to see we've done the right thing now though.
  2. This bit interested me in that in interview. It may have been a mistake in translation but it has interpreted as: "the club is ambitious, two billionaires are in power and want to Southampton to the top". Then the 50k capacity quote. Have I missed something here? Do we indeed have two Billionaires who own our club?
  3. Thanks TopGun and DP!
  4. Can you experts enlighten me please! 1) What are the chances of the Skates meeting the criteria for entry to League 1 then? 2) Is there enough pp money coming to pay off all the people the FL want paid? 3) What time-frame do they have to achieve this? They appear 'snookered' to me. Happy days.
  5. I don't wish to buy it but cushion 2 all day. The brother arguing for cushion 1 is seriously deluded imo.
  6. What a lovely world we live in. Goodnight.
  7. To the new club then. You know what I mean. I fully understand the legal situation. That is not what I'm on about. Show some class. Don't pick over the carcass of a once great club at a time when all are gunning for them. Or act like 2 bob tight c u n t s who can't afford a Premier League quality cm under normal circumstances. That's our choice.
  8. Embarrassed how we're knocking Glasgow Rangers, of all the clubs in the UK, for a couple of million quid. Admittedly a different scenario, but lets not forget the Theo Walcott deal with Arsenal. They could have stiffed us big time. We should pay some compensation, lets show a bit of class.
  9. Here's Rangers fans song for Steven Davis: The chorus: "Don't take our Davis away". Er..
  10. Song for Steven Davis? Here's Rangers fans song for him: "Don't take our Davis away" is the chorus
  11. Gers fans player of the season last 2 yrs according to my brother-in-law in Belfast.
  12. Every thread I've looked at lately takes that route it seems. A shame but it seems nothing can be done about it.
  13. It's the shorts mate! Red shorts. I don't wear the shorts! But my team does. It's quite a major thing imo. For quite a few it would seem. Tbh the shirt is fine, its the all red kit. Sorry.
  14. That seems the most plausible explanation yet to me.
  15. Aintforever, thats all i'd like to know. Why?
  16. So if we don't like the shorts changing colour we should keep it to ourselves? I think its a far more important issue than many, many things that have been discussed to death on here. Should certainly not be dismissed out of hand as you suggest.
  17. Looks like a standard pub team kit you'd get from a catalogue. Why change the shorts and sock colours? Controversial! I will boycott the Wigan game to show my displeasure.
  18. Theo Walcott could have technically left us for almost nothing but Arsenal paid us a fair price for him. I would be surprised if we took advantage of this contract issue when Rangers are playing jhere in a months time by invitation, seems strange.
  19. 11.4 and 2.9 Virgin Media wireless on a Macbook Pro in deepest inner city Southampton...
  20. Matthew Le God, how come you were first on with the news? Do you work for Saints in some capacity?
  21. Big Wedge!
  22. He reminds me of Steven Gerrard in that video at the start of this thread. I'd take him, based on the 2 mins 51 secs I've seen!
  23. The Halford story sounds like a plant to alert all clubs that everyone is available on a free now cos they is proper desperate!
  24. He played and scored in Uruguay yesterday...
  25. Man U all day! The dominant force in recent English football history. My 2 best days at football ever at the Dell and worst ever at St Marys.
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