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Everything posted by leehoudini

  1. It's not a fittie in a bra top. It's Robbie Savage!
  2. leehoudini


    Jeez.....there are some real talented people on here.
  3. This is the most pointless thread ever. The end.
  4. Too much time on your hands.
  5. And I've made it to number 614......keep buying, keep buying!
  6. Very attractive....!
  7. Derby with a capital "D"? Oh I get it, you mean Derby County.
  8. Or alternatively we could focus on singing songs of support to OUR team instead!
  9. Not really sure why the Club's stance would bother you? Doesn't it reassure you that the club know who is in the lounges at any given time?
  10. Wouldn't it have been sensible to find out, prior to posting?
  11. He's had his chances though, but hasn't really taken them. I certainly wont be losing any sleep over his non involvement.
  12. Any chance of a review of the evening.......???
  13. But who really cares how old peoples' kids are that are being taken to football. If you want to take them, then do so. If you don't, then don't. Like I said - pointless.
  14. This has to be the most pointless thread ever.
  15. How about looking where to buy a life instead....
  16. He hasn't loafed around so far this season, so can't see why he would now. Regards, Lee
  17. Forget about them and move on. Some people just wont let go. Can't you find an ex lover to stalk instead?
  18. Ticks all the right boxes for me.
  19. Thanks!
  20. Who is MB....?
  21. That made me laugh!!
  22. This has to be one of the most pointless threads ever. Who cares where cranes, diggers etc are!
  23. Er no, cos then he'd have bought a club with £30m of debt as opposed to one that's debt free.
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