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saint boggy

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Everything posted by saint boggy

  1. the road is a national speed limit, so most people aren't actually 'speeding' . What it needs really is the limit dropped to ,at most,40 and have sort of traffic calming measures put in place.
  2. thanks Scotty......oh, sorry Thanks Scotty...I'm in Southampton.All of the neighbours are in agreement that something needs to be done... Harvey,oh sorry, harvey, thankyou also. I haven't actually looked into anything yet, so your link is ,no doubt, invaluable (not that i've looked at that yet either!! )....;-P... thanks x;)
  3. following yet ANOTHER car accident on a road outside my house today (barely 6 months goes by without SOMETHING happening ), my neighbours and I are considering starting a campaign to make the road safer.The girl in today's accident only sustained some cuts to her head,despite her car flipping onto it's side, but one day there will be a fatality,I'm sure of it. So i have come on here to ask if anyone has any knowledge about how we go about starting a campaign and/or who we need to contact as our first point of call or of any experiences anyone on here has had doing something similar. Thanks in advance.
  4. he probably deserved it............
  5. Bella Italia do a dish called Marco Polo....(sauteed duck ,mushrooms and onions in Plum sauce and served with penne pasta),i would have that..... it really is to die for .......... i'll get me coat.......
  6. it's a good picture, but am I the only one thinking his 2 fingers look just like a penis?? (allbeit a short and stumpy one)..
  7. saint boggy


    because "why" is the beginning of each of the 3 questions,which all then have their respective "?"'s at the end. HTH
  8. saint boggy


    ha ha,good point!!
  9. saint boggy


    obviously not by stopping in the middle of the road ,no.....pull over or,like you say , go down a side road......and before you get all holier than thou, i see 20 TIMES more men on their phones while driving than i do women!....
  10. saint boggy


    Is it only women who stop, whilst driving on a main road, to answer their mobile phone? ...surely that's preferable to answering it WHILST driving!.....
  11. i say this from no legal standpoint, but surely the 'right' thing to do would be to have the house valued and whatever the difference is between the price you paid for it and the current value ,your ex should have HALF that amount (ie, you both take a 50% share of the current PROFIT). like i said, i doubt that is the legal standpoint, but i think that seems fair...afterall, it seems like he's basically asking you to repay everything he's paid in lieu of 'rent' for the last 5 years!...
  12. why the 'angry' smilie????
  13. goosebumps and a massive smile....that was great! :-)
  14. i still remember listening to that game on the radio , as soon as MLT came on i said to my (then) husband, "he's gonna score the winner, it's written in the stars"..... and so it was...... Brilliant to watch that and re-live that day....have gone all glassy-eyed just thinking about it...Thanks NS!! :-)
  15. "all ticket" usually implies no matchday sales...
  16. have a look here http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/health/?tab=37
  17. You say that as if most Saints fans would be kind and understanding to ,say, Man U fans who sat in home sections at SMS .........in my experience Saints fans have MASSIVE chip on their shoulder when it comes to away fans (or even a neutral who claps a goal scored by our opponents!) who are sat in home sections...
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIWTm6FVc4A
  19. I use the M27 2 or 3 mornings a week and have seen a MASSIVE reduction in traffic. I get on at the Hamble junction heading westbound and used to just do a slow crawl til just past the Eastleigh turnoff ,now it's just free-flowing ,5th gear all the way to my exit at Romsey or Ower.There used to be a noticeable difference between school term-time and non-termtime traffic, not so much any more...
  20. have seen a van for a building company called 'Bricking It'......made me laugh... and on a slightly unrelated note , i drove past a van the other day with some right dodgy characters in it ,and splashed across the bonnet of the van was "I'm a Pikey, pull me over"!.......i cracked up!
  21. My Aunty passed away this morning, so it has made me sad , but she has had ill-health for years now and really suffered in the last couple of years.....i don't feel sadness at her death as such,it's sadness and sympathy for my Uncle and cousins (her children) that makes me sad, and it makes me realise that MY parents won't be around forever......still, thats the circle of life i suppose and without it NONE of us would be alive now.....
  22. i have heard of 4 deaths close to friends of mine so far this year, (2 of which were their older relatives,1 was a young lad who was killed in a car crash and ,the hardest 1 to deal with was, a 32 year old who was killed by cancer). I received a phone call yesterday to say that my Aunt is currently in intensive care and will ,in all likelihood, not last til the weekend.. This year just seems COMPLETELY sh1t... I was sad for my friends who lost their loved ones/mates but it didnt really affect my life at all but i know i'll be sad about my aunty.I never used to deal with death very well , it has never really been a major factor in my life (have not lost anyone THAT close to me ...yet) , but i do feel that with age i cope better with it than i used to.. Obviously the OP's coping mechanism is just to carry on ......thats fair enough......each to their own,eh.
  23. they get mentions on Radio 1 quite a lot.......didn't realise they were local boys....will take more notice of their music now..
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