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saint boggy

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Everything posted by saint boggy

  1. am looking at getting Sky but don't really want to fork out for both SS1 and SS2 if i can help it. Are Saints games always on a certain channel (ie,only on SS1 ) or do they tend to switch them between the two? (sometimes on SS1 ,other times on SS2)... thanks in advance, and yes I AM aware that I'm tight!
  2. i got it from a Pompey fans forum, so assume it is genuine..
  3. not QUITE the new sooper-dooper stadium they were promised but hey-ho, beggars can't be choosers i suppose!.I hope the Skates don't get TOO excited about that headline..... :lol: http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/pompey-past/great-matches/fratton_park_to_undergo_revamp_1_2944367
  4. if this was Facebook, i would 'like' this comment!...
  5. my best mate married a complete shyster when she was only 17, he cheated on her,pushed her down stairs and beat her black and blue. She left,went back to her Dad's and after a couple of years he came back on the scene ,professing to have changed. My mate, not wanting to be a nother divorce statistic, gave him another chance. This guy had no job, was living in a hostel and had alcohol problems, still she thought she'd give him the benefit of the doubt. She bought an old convertible VW Beetle so that they could meet up and go out .He told her to put the car in his name,as she couldn't drive and it would be "easier on the insurance". After a few weeks my mate found out the w**ker was cheating on her again.She ended it but he wouldn't return the car as it was "his"!!!.....so we took the only option that was left available to us.........one night we went to where he was living, poured brake fluid over the paintwork(which sadly didn't have much effect,so i wouldn't recommend that) , i pierced the sidewalls of every one of the tyres with a dart,as these punctures can't be repaired and i watched as my mate took GREAT pleasure in ripping a ruddy great hole in the canvas roof.......if he wasn't gonna give her the car back then there was no way in hell that we were gonna let him drive around in it!!!........my mate took a large section of the canvas, i then took it home and used it to re-upholster a pushbike saddle, which we then put in a box and sent to him by post!!........ that felt bloody great,i must admit!!!!....I'm not normally a vengeful b*tch but that pr*ck sooooo deserved everything he got!....
  6. anyway, as for covers that are bad, i heard one on Radio 1 today by Kanye West and Jay Z.....ok, it wasn't a 'cover' per se, but it used a sample of Otis Redding's Try a Little Tenderness...............f**k me it's one of the most God-awful things i've ever heard!!.......if you think i'm exagerrating, have a listen.....http://youtu.be/WnnehVcJN4g
  7. I like U2's version of it though (Rattle and Hum album).... also really like Taylor Swift's rendition of Mumford and Sons White Blank Page http://youtu.be/YIWTm6FVc4A, it gives it a new personality when sung from a female perspective
  8. slept with someone i was with before,just coz i knew it would p1ss him off if he found out........
  9. or saintscottofthenortham
  10. my nephew went to buy his ST this week and lost his 'junior' status because he turns 17 BEFORE the start of the season, even though he was buying the ticket whilst he is still 16. He was not best pleased, but i can see where the Club are coming from.
  11. lots of industrial estates by the stadium......should be free ,and only a 5-10 minute walk from Debenhams....
  12. i have a few Teens on my Facebook (family members etc) and i have noticed that a few of them not only SHORTEN words but also LENGTHEN them too!!! ....what the f... is that all about????? ? one girl in particular lengthens nearly every word with an extra letter ot two i.e 'goood' or haavingg'......its extremely annoying! At the risk of sounding bloody old, I just don't 'get' the younger generation!!!
  13. ahh, absolutely gutted for Huddersfield.....an absolutely BRILLIANT run of form ,to run dry at the crucial time must be heartbreaking.......League 1 champions next year though.......
  14. this is a good stream,...IMHO ,of course! http://www.firstrowsports.eu/webmaster/Live-Football-Stream/66805/1/watch-huddersfield-town-vs-peterborough-united.html
  15. emptied my compost bin out a couple of months ago as it was in totally the wrong position and didnt seems to be 'composting' properly.Some of the soil at the bottom was brilliant stuff, but the top 12" or so was just more like leaf mulch, where it hadn't de-composed quite enough yet, so i just spread it over the top of my flower bed ,so it gave some nutrients AND acted almost like bark chippings. Well a few weeks later i noticed a few shoots poking through the soil ,all of which i didn't recognise as being plants that i'd had in there previously.I asked my neighbour what she thought they were and i was astonished when she said that they were potatoes!!...obviously the peelings that were in the compost bin had sprouted!! So i've transferred them to a deep tub where they are coming on a treat!!....how cool is THAT,free potatoes!! !!
  16. not sure if they go round doing it anymore but they have special days at local Police Sations where you can take your stuff in to be ,i presume, etched or UV marked.. I did my Cycling Proficiency when i was in middle school (Heathfield Juniors). I remember it was done by a guy who looked very much like a Leprechaun!....
  17. I do believe in the paranormal.Not long after i moved into my house i had an experience that was VERY strange. I got into bed one night and as my head hit the pillow so the room seemed to fill with light and warmth (it wasn't scary,in fact it felt incredibly reassuring)....A hand appeared from the light and came towards me carrying a small hand-tied bunch of flowers.As it came closer the flowers turned into a brooch shaped like the bunch of flowers and at the centre of each flower was a ruby.As quickly as it had arrived,so it went. A friend of mine's mother had died about a year before this experience so i just assumed it was maybe a message for him.I told him about it but he could see no connection to his mother at all. So i pretty much forgot about it.Then about 4 years later my Dad brought home a load of old family photos that he had found at my Grandad's house.As he was going through them , he welled up as he saw a picture of his Gran (who he'd been incredibly close to) .She was sat on a bench in a garden,wearing a cardigan with a brooch on it.It was the very same brooch that i had seen that night.The photo was in B&W so i couldn't see what colour the stones were in it, so i asked an Aunt if she had or remembered the brooch.She said that it was definately rubies (i never told her WHY i was asking until after she'd told me what stones were in it) .I had never met my Great Grandmother and nor had i ever seen a photo of her,so it could not have been some repressed or deeply concealed memory surfacing......so the only other explanation would be a paranormal one....:-/
  18. heard this on the radio today and thought it was lovely.....sounds very much like Simon and Garfunkel,i think....
  19. if this was Facebook, i would 'Like' this comment.......
  20. so 1 steward out of god knows how many does something stupid and they're all *****s???? should we apply that same theory to all Saints fans? hhmmm?
  21. you must be getting old mate!...
  22. seeing that picture actually made me well up.......... no doubt the rain we're having now are tears of joy from all the HeavenSaints.....xx
  23. completely spellbinding!......
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