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saint boggy

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Everything posted by saint boggy

  1. you can find him under 'William Beaney'
  2. i got 4 this afternoon at 3.30!.....lucky me,eh!!
  3. ummm, the family stand starts at 13 (the Itchen/Chapel corner) and goes round to the Chapel /Kinsland corner...(approx block 23)
  4. this is the least shocking news i've heard in months!....
  5. *is* ,not 'are'.......whoops!
  6. i know that Romsey are having a scheduled power cut today (don't know if that's SO16 though) . My workplace is shut!! ......
  7. who knew this thread would go to 6 pages!!
  8. Obviously the stern talking to ,worked! ........
  9. :lol:.......made me chuckle!!.....
  10. Ever had dealings with malevolent spirits?......ever had a spirit in your house?.... ......ever felt helpless enough to try ANYTHING in order to stop scary sh1t happening?. who are you to mock when you've ,no doubt,not been in a similar situation? "There,but for the grace of God go I"......you should memorise that phrase,it will serve you well as you go through life.
  11. in my kitchen.... this,of course, has a rational explanation .It could well have been a 'bubble' in your voice ,and unless you felt odd at the time it happened, then i'd be inclined to believe it was just that. Shame you don't live nearer, i'm sure my friend could've helped you.Where abouts in the country are you, my friend may have contacts near you that might help. My advice,in the meantime, would be to be VERY stern in commanding this spirit/these spirits out of your home.Tell them that they are scaring your child and that is not acceptable and if they don't stop then you will take action to remove them.
  12. because you have no idea what you may be unleashing. A harmless bit of fun could turn into something insidious.I had a spirit in my house when we moved into it 14years ago.Luckily he was a harmless spirit who,oddly enough, i actually enjoyed having around.He was just a young boy (12-13ish) and so was not in any way upsetting at all (apparently ,having a child spirit is a good omen, they gravitate to loving homes by all accounts). But i have also witnessed 'not-so-nice' spirits too, one of whom enjoyed scaring the **** out of a friend of mine,by every now n then "walking through her", he had been haunting her since childhood. A family member (who knows what she's doing when it comes to spirits etc) performed what can only be described as an exorcism and i tell you something ,it scared the sh1t out of me. My friend's voice changed into a man's voice as the spirit was being commanded away from her,he didn't want to go and was certainly putting up a fight!!...some on here may mock, but i swear to God there was NO WAY my 5'2" friend could've made that noise voluntarily!..:-/ .....like i said SCARY SH1T!!....
  13. Children are very susceptable (sp?) to paranormal activity. If your child is scared by this spirit then it's obviously not a pleasant one. Where abouts are you Dog? i know someone who could help you if you're in Southampton. And my advice to anyone even thinking about doing a Ouija Board, DON'T!......
  14. do what your other half did...tell it it's not welcome and to leave you alone.....you might feel like an idiot,but it can't do any harm.
  15. it's taken me 10 minutes to figure out what I/V stood for.......... think i should go n lie down......
  16. yet who are the ones who go in to dangerous situations, guarding the safety of yourself and other supporters with nothing more than an orange coat for protection??? i don't really understand your point or it's relevance to this thread?
  17. Unprofessional yes, but when you know the facts it makes it all seem a little less 'shocking' ........the guy was actually her brother-in-law, who had been mouthing off at and insulting her colleagues...she just "put him back in his place" that's all....
  18. encitement to riot is NOT "posting something stupid on the internet". Most of these 'looting' rampages (they weren't 'riots' they were stealing and vandalism on a grand scale ,pure and simple). I couldn't give a monkey's whether some people think it's too harsh.....TOUGH!!....no-one MADE the scum of society come out onto the streets and start smashing our cities up,ruining lives and businesses, they thought it was FUN ffs!!! there was NO political or social agenda behind their actions, they are scum and I ,for one, am glad that they are off our streets,and the longer they are off the streets,the better!....
  19. in all fairness to her,she is surprisingly flexible,given her size. Couldn't help but think of a fly drowning in a glass of water when she was laying on the floor,kicking her legs about though!
  20. ah , thanks for that!!!.....the timing of the passing and runs for the last 2 goals was sublime!......i hardly recognise this sort of dominance and confidence.....things are certainly looking good for us at the moment. We need to stay focused, but my God I really am enjoying this new lease of life that we have .....
  21. hide alcohol in a Coke bottle or similar, no-one checks......as for being a laugh, a friend and I were on there and were having a laugh and a joke with a few others who we'd only just met and we were told ,by the miserable woman who sits next to the driver, to 'be quiet as they don't like us to get too loud'.....we had just won at QPR FFS!!! ......so no, convenient it may be but a 'laugh' it is not.....
  22. am liking the look of BT Vision to be honest...too many cr4p channels on Sky that i would NEVER watch....with the BT option you're only tied in to the sports channel for a minimum of a month, so thats great for me (I'd only watch Saints games,so it's such a waste of money to pay EVERY month otherwise.....) thanks for the advice gents....
  23. cheers ,will look into that
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