1,278 -
Everything posted by saint boggy
If that clown is still in a job tomorrow I'll be stunned!
The Delays Frontman -Lifesaving Cancer Treatment Appeal
saint boggy replied to saint boggy's topic in The Arts
Tragic . No other words 😥 -
Are you 12? ......
Absolutely! Who the fook plays Monopoly on holiday! In fact who the fook plays monopoly at all anymore? !
The frontman of one of southampton's most successful bands has been diagnosed with life -threatening cancer . Treatment is available but not on the NHS . A fundraising page has been set up to raise the £100,000 needed to fund the treatment . This guy is the nephew of a very dear friend of mine who passed away 2 years ago so I want to spread the word as much as I can so that as many people as possible see it . Thanks guys x http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/14980395.Southampton_rock_star_diagnosed_with_cancer_and_fundraising_for_life_saving_treatment/?ref=fbpg
A number of my customers use Green Thumb and they really do a great job.... would highly recommend them. Scarifying and reseeding is a good idea if you want to do it on the cheap .... but you've GOT to feed the lawn to get it to its best. I've used Aftercut on my front lawn and it does the job . Moss went black within a week and the grass actually had space to grow .... not bad for a tenner ( it's only a small front garden though , so didn't need much . In the long run if I were you I'd get Green Thumb in to sort it out for a year and then feed and weed it yourself using Aftercut /evergreen.
French national anthem to be played before Saturday's game
saint boggy replied to simo's topic in The Saints
My feelings exactly ...... -
French national anthem to be played before Saturday's game
saint boggy replied to simo's topic in The Saints
I really don't think playing the french national anthem is appropriate or necessary . I would much prefer to show my respect to the victims of Friday's attacks in Paris by standing in quiet reflection for 1 minute's silence , as we do for any other occasion when we want to remember someone who has passed away or to mark any other sombre event . Considering that we don't ever play OUR OWN national anthem , it just doesn't feel right to stand for someone else's :-/ ... I think the PL have made an error in thinking that is how football fans want to pay their respects. I absolutely think we need to mark the occasion and show a collective comraderie with our neighbours but a minute's silence would be a much better way to do it ...........IMHO obviously -
http://youtu.be/sG0ft7LUfs4 have no idea if this has been posted on here before ,or even if this is an old video or what, but I thought I'd share it with you anyway. It's one of the funniest things I have seen in YEARS!!...... enjoy
Am lovin the top (socks are hideous but hey ) :-D ..... might actually be tempted to buy this one , vertical stripes are soooooooooo flattering , darling!!!! ;-) ....
Had my cat put to sleep last year after a VERY sudden deterioration (at 9am she was fine, by 10.15 am she was gone) . I rushed her to the vets knowing that I wasn't gonna be bringing her home alive. My kids (8 & 10 ) were inconsolable as was I . Trying (and failing miserably) to hold it together in the waiting room whilst the guy in front of me, unaware of my emotional state, laughed with the receptionist about his cute little puppy ,was awful ! I just wanted to scream at him to get out of the effing way! Lol .... Losing a pet is a truly awful experience. I never experienced it properly until I was in my early 20's when our beloved lab X alsatian became ill with cancer. ... we had had pets my entire life but my parents shielded me from the upset of their demise by telling me that " they've gone away" or suchlike. .... unwittingly though, rather than protecting me all they did was leave me completely unprepared and unable to deal with death properly. ....a mistake I wont make with my own children ,... :-( ...kids need to understand the circle of life and I used our cat's death as a tool that will help them learn about love and loss. Good luck to the OP , just remember that you gave them the best life they could've wished for
Another brick in the wall -pink Floyd (for the apathetic) Didn't we almost have it all-Whitney Houston (for the post-resignation suicidals)
:-D :-D :-D (puts it all into perspective! )
As a former steward of 8years in the Chapel Stand this makes me really proud to read this. Well done to my former colleagues , along with the emergency services at the stadium. I wish the guy involved a speedy recovery ... ... x
OMFG!!!!...... my stomach flipped and my legs turned to jelly watching that!! .... heights are ok with me until you look DOWN. ..... I think anyone who does that sort of thing has serious issues lol
felt slightly sad the other day when, on my way home from work, I pumped up the volume on my car stereo and sang at the top of my lungs along to Dolly Parton's Jolene!!..............
thugs like him disgust me.......he should be shot!!
there is 2 yrs and 11 days between my 2 boys (10 & . I was always fairly easy going when it came to parenting my first (not a panicky or overbearing mother) and it was the same with the 2nd....probably even more-so ,actually. Both my babies were very content and had no problems with Collick or Reflux or anything, so i could enjoy them without too much hassle. as said previously, you have a lot more confidence in what you are doing and how things need to be done....Routine is the key!...establish a routine and you're sorted. Its a lot tougher with the 2nd when it comes to taking a nap during the day, as its pretty impossible with a toddler running around and you'll be bloody lucky if they both happen to fall asleep at the same time! LOL.I don't actually remember buying a gift for my eldest "from his baby brother" but its a good idea all the same. as others have said, get your eldest as involved as much as you can do passing nappies/wipes, bottle-feeding etc. It all helps with their bond. Also involve them in the pregnancy , show them scan pictures, get them to talk to the 'bump'. And don't worry about whether you can love another child as much as you love your first, believe me THAT thought goes through every prospective parent's mind......and I will pass on some words of wisdom that a friend of mine said to me when I was carrying my 2nd child.......the love you have in your heart for your 1st child isn't divided when you have another...... it's multiplied.... :-)...... Best of luck , its not easy but nothing "worth it" ever is,eh
I'm guessing that girl is the bride's spoilt brat of a sister who's jealous that she didnt have the spotlight on her that day!!............(well, until THEN, obviously!)...
I would like to add a slightly different perspective to this debate, one of that from a womann who has had an abortion. It was absolutely NOT something that i went into lightly, or that I ever wish to repeat. Some people on here seem to think that abortions are handed out like sweets, I can assure you that they are not. From the time i confirmed my pregnancy at just 4 weeks gestation, to the time I had the termination ,it had taken 5 heartwrenching weeks and numerous visits to doctors/nurses and counsellors. I knew from the moment i took the test that I could not keep the life that was growing inside of me. I already had 2 children, both by my husband of 7 years. My marriage had ended 3 months previously and I'd met a man (a rebound relationship, if you will) and had only known him for a few weeks when i fell pregnant. I was on the pill (and YES, i did take it properly, just as i had done without hitch for the umpteen years I'd been taken it BEFORE my husband and i tried for a family), so was absolutely devastated.Sadly, for whatever reason the contraceptive that had served me so well for 15 years had let me down. I had had 2 children with a man i had loved and had built a life with, and although we were no longer together, our love for those children was immeasurable. The man i had fallen pregnant by ,this time, was a completely different kettle of fish. I had no feelings of love for him, and knew that our relationship was going to be short-lived (even without the pregnancy). I had no doubt whatsoever that an abortion was the right thing for me, and the right thing for my 2 children. Since splitting from my husband I had worked part-time, and so was self-sufficient and did no want or need benefits ( i have worked ever since leaving school, and the thought of being on benefits ,frankly, sickens me).And before anyone starts spouting that i put my career ahead of a human life, I did not...i worked just a few hours a day ,whilst my children were at playschool/school) Had i proceeded with this pregnancy ,I would've had to give up work and become a beneficiary of the state .......that was NOT an option for me. The father of this child lived 60 miles away , so would not be on-hand to help out at all so, we were both in agreement that neither of us were in a position financially, emotionally or geographically to be the best parents that we can be. That doesn't mean that it was an EASY decision but it was UNQUESTIONABLY, the right one for me . Selfish perhaps,yes but we must all live our lives by doing what we feel is right, and I can tell you one thing, I do not regret my decision one bit, it was without doubt, the right thing for me,my family and my financial stability at the time. Now, I have read on here some fairly strong opinions,both for and aginst abortion/right to choose/right to life etc, and i would love to be able to say who is right and who is wrong but I can't,everybody is entitled to their own viewpoint.... but I just felt that perhaps some people on here might have benefitted from hearing a 'personal' account of the human-factor of the abortion debate. I have no doubt that there will be some on here that will pick holes in my reasons, and berate me for daring to have sex with someone without the use of 5 condoms(just in case!!)If that happens,then so be it.My reasons are MY reasons,and no-one will convince me that i made a wrong/immoral choice. I am not trying to justify myself to anyone,(i dont need to)merely just trying to put a human-face to this thread, as a lot of the talk was becoming very generalistic and clinical. I am sure that there are MANY women who use abortion as a form of contraception, but for the majority, that simply isn't the case. NOW, as for the abortion limit, I DO feel that the 24 week threshold is VERY excessive. As many have stated, babies are being born and surviving at that age, due to medical advances. The sad fact is that many women do not even realise they are pregnant until round about 8-10 weeks or so (later ,if they have irregular periods ). And ,going by my experience (althought that was 5 years ago now ), it can take 4-5 weeks to go through the whole process, which can take people FAR past the 12 week cut-off point that some on here have suggested. I really dont know what the answer is, that should be left to the experts in the field, I am not qualified enough to make a judgement. And, one more thing. For those on here who have said "the mother should have the child and hand it over for adoption/fostering, coz there are people crying out for babies" , would you mind explaining to me,if that IS the case,why we have THOUSANDS of children in Social Care, some of which have been there from the time they were born? And why EVERY WEEK we see adverts stating FOSTER CARERS URGENTLY NEEDED........perhaps because the numbers of babies/children far exceeds the numbers of families who are able/willing to take them in? just a thought
Best away day in the last 7 years...
saint boggy replied to stkev7's topic in Saints Away Supporters
Leyton Orient 2010- a home from home... Plymouth last season.........fantastic weekend and an electric atmosphere all made for a game that will live long in my memory -
i know a LOT of stewards who work for SFC.......none of them have had invitations!..............(and before anyone asks, yes they ARE employed directly by SFC)......
the copper was taken to SGH with a suspected broken jaw. I know someone who witnessed it and they said the cracking noise the blow made was horrible........... the fact that he has been released from hospital so quickly hopefully points to the injury not being as severe as at first thought.
your club has no chane of getting a celtic star player .
saint boggy replied to hooper88's topic in The Saints
Blimey!..................someone's a bit tetchy!!..