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  1. I can't believe the last few seasons JWP is the only lasting memory of a once brilliant conveyor belt of talent that came from the academy,and now the team is filled with players that the fan base has no connection with
  2. It's a shame it's come to this but perhaps it'll take something like relegation to get rid of the foreign mercenaries that fills this team and go back to the Academy and youngsters that want to play with pride for a once great club
  3. Hopefully for the sake of the club he does go and some truths start filtering out about some of the shenanigans that have been going on over a number of years
  4. There used to be such a great player/ fan connection a couple of years ago that has disappeared recently that hasn't helped matters of late.You could have looked out on the pitch and felt they were doing it for the fans
  5. There seems to be a recurring theme with players concerning Les Reed, as a few people on here have started to realise Les seems to be the thorn in a lot players sides,the man has a dark side
  6. If this man is pushed into a corner over something he'll sink the nearest person he can to save himself, HE IS a bad egg
  7. Can't believe it's taken this long for some people to see through this man,so it for himself and would sell his soul to the devil if it would save himself, You really need to lose this man he's like a cancer to the club
  8. To be fair i really thought some of you boys had a sense of humour but it's obviously seriously lost on some
  9. ****ing great this what a reception to get from a once loved poster on here
  10. For the record Fonte is going trust me ☺
  11. **** me karma can really bite you on the backside
  12. Thank you caped crusader at least someone gets it
  13. And there you have it big LOL
  14. So love coming back as a neutral and seeing how bitter and deluded some of you are as fans and don't see it from the footballer's side of things, I was always taught if I could better myself go for it, as some have said on here your just grieving get over it
  15. No **** sherlock
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