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Donkey Island Saint

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About Donkey Island Saint

  • Birthday 12/02/1967

Donkey Island Saint's Achievements

  1. Bet he's loving that sticking it to Ferguson! COYR
  2. If you are bringing into the country or taking out greater than €10,000 cash or cash equivelent (includes cheques and travellers cheques) then this must be declared to Customs, they have a nice form for you to fill in. £25K in cash from Thailand sounds sus to me! As regards the cashier it sounds like anti money laundering checks, albeit in an in your face clumsy way!! If your cheque turned out to be proceeds of crime and she didn't even ask basic questions then she could be in trouble with her employers and even prosecuted.
  3. Cheers for the link, was a good fight.
  4. Google translation - Transfer? At any time - I'm behind two more phones, and to change the club, I am ready even now - he played the remainder still Saganowski trzecioligowego Southampton. On the mainland it will be difficult for me to return, but there is a chance that I'll find a new club in the Championship. In England, players can rent by the end of January - is optimistic about the issue of transfer of Saganowski. - Do not just write about me as a piłkarzu trzecioligowym! I played at this level only a few times - he stressed. Would never say he was a piłkarzu trzecioligowym. would you?!
  5. Looks more Ferdinands age than Thomson....not that I think it's Ferdinand.
  6. I noticed his thick lip on Channel Report tonight too...... http://www.channelonline.tv/channelonline_sportnews/displayarticle.asp?id=427386
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