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Everything posted by solentstars

  1. whitey i would not be boasting about that..he he
  2. welcome to the club lion tamer..i realised that ages ago his posts were nonsense but he believes it thats his choice,when you get childish quotes about lefties or communists.it says alot about that mindset.i expect hes the type who believed that rubbish about trickle down economics rubbish from the 1980s still..lol.
  3. not all tory voters are brain deed and me,me,me brigade but all partys have there stupid brigade,especially when they use childish terms like leftys whatever that is,or sandel wearing brigade,i thought all that nonsence died out in the 80,s. i for one think there should be another council tax band for property's over a million.
  4. good post
  5. agree can,t believe how those who think we have not been pumping money shows how little they know but when you get schoolboy nonsense like lefty and socialist comments from a bygone age,it does not surprise me the level of economic debate.
  6. seeing as i own 95% of the houses there is no need for the income tax has the owner of whitechapel will pay it for me has i can,t afford it.
  7. so if i gave you £60,000 to £100,00 less for what your house is worth then whats its worth,you would be very happy and not class that as stealing:lol: god i heard some bs in my time.
  8. i think nolans out of his depth and should stick to his make believe world of the market,yes the same market which caused the deepest recession since the 30,s. its a bribe for some voters has most people will not be able to get a mortgage and money stolen from my pocket as a taxpayer as it was in the 1980s. if they want to buy there house let them pay the market rate.
  9. Agree but i was disgusting that in the 1980s council houses with discounts of up to 70 per cent so the likes of the taxpayer never got the full value of those houses so they basically got a massive free subsidies from the tax payer .
  10. Agree one million council homes taken out of the state sector and never replaced in the 80s has been a disastrous pushing up house prices to silly levels and longer waiting lists and loss of income to councils in the 80s. Makes you wonder where poor people and those on low income will live in the future.
  11. i agree i think it need reforming and needs looking at.
  12. agree that all died when blair and brown and his cronies followed thatchers policy's on the free market,hence why i supported cameron last election has he was more to the left of them,which says it all.
  13. i think you lost the plot in la la land...your not dunne are you by any chance making a come back on this board.
  14. at least one of there fans is being realistic.
  15. what rubbish.they are nothing like the labour party of the 70s,if you think they are socialists you must be so right wing that you think cameron is a socialist to.
  16. i personally think they have done a good job seeing they were the minority party and even thow i did not vote for them i,m glad they got the tories who i voted for to , raising the tax earnings threshold to £10,600,soon to be £11,000, otherwise the torys on their own would have reduced the top rate tax to 40 p and i expect the tax thresshold for ordinary people would have been about £7,500 .so i see the coalition has being a successs.
  17. agree i think that business would leave the country in droves, if there was any real chance these nutters had a chance of running the country.
  18. to be fair that view used to be held by alot of the tory thatcherite right includeing harvey procter ryodds boyson alleged kiddy fiddlers and that ilk who always wanted us out of europe along with and alot of defectors to ukip hate the liberal direction cameron has taken the tory party. so its no suprise they don,t find ukip racist.
  19. made up rubbish i expect as usual from certain newspapers.
  20. won,t happen has ukip will be lucky to have one or 2 seats at the most .
  21. i.m just speaking from experience has someone who has voted since the 1970s and seen the same old arguments time and time again. to be fair they are all bu ll sh itters and i think people take a lot of there news from newspapers owned by rich vested interests and distort the news for their own agendas. i still remember when cameron was regarded has week and his hug a hoody phase.i don,t mind who gets elected has theres not much difference between them all apart from farages party who would do great damage to the britsh industry with his childish policys but thats never going to happen thank god and agree cameron with clegg in another coalition would be the best outcome of the election.
  22. its only the ugly truth if you believe the whoppers he comes out with and most of europe if you go for treatment you just need your enic card.farage should work for burger king with all the whoppers he produces, but at least he plays to his target market well.
  23. i always thought blair was thatchers natural successor and he carried on her policy's keeping the city and big business happy and now lining his pockets from his friends. .
  24. i disagree ,i think he plays to the gallery and being a euro mp for a long time he knows the dark arts of politics and how the system works but we all have different opinions .
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