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Everything posted by solentstars

  1. i think it must be a joke and there has been no real austerity anyway has we are borrowing more than ever and most pensioners are not rich and are on fixed income,and the young are punished has they are a easy target has they don,t get out and vote otherwise politians would take notice of them.
  2. i,m with you,we need alternatives views and ideas,i,m sick off everyone being the same .
  3. agree what a bunch of lightweights,they should have stayed and fight there corner.
  4. Good news it's about time we had a proper choice again and have another vision for the country, don't know if he's the right leader thow hopefully he will hand to someone younger.
  5. I expect having read this thread alot of people said the same things in the 1930s about the Jews . I think it's great to see the postive side of Britain .its the biggest crisis since the 2nd world war and all European governments are struggling how to deal with it.
  6. remember going to france when we lost 2-1 to olympic marseille,they made are football hooligans look soft. they smashed the windows on our coach on the way back to the airport.
  7. solentstars


    agree it amazes me with the fantasy world that leaving the eu would stop the migrants..lol,i can see it now the guy from africa saying " everybody stop the uk has chose to leave the eu,lets go home " he he
  8. Good manager and did a great job at saints and took us to a new level,his article is spot on,he's gone time. To move on we have koeman now who praised ponchtino for leaving a good side with a good mentality.
  9. the era of progressive taxation changed in the 1980s and the top 1% have never had it so good and its funny how the us and uk have the biggest gaps between rich and poor in western economy s ,and that money is being hoarded rather than put into productive use which help the real economy.what ever happened to the progressive party's which use to address these problems.
  10. i,m not bothered by corbyn but i admire the guy for having different views from the other three people standing for labour leadership even thow i don,t agree with some of his views. its about time the party had people who our free thinkers and discuss policy and future direction and how to deal with problems and issues of today and plan for the future and how to deal with the increasing gap between the poor and richest in our society and social mobility so everyone has a share in society rather than a few .
  11. not all torys are nob heads..there are alot who realise there is a thing has society . gm just spouts some bo llocks like class war is like a snob sounds , reminds me of a throwback from the 1970s language.
  12. hes not a consertive is he but a relic of the old tory right,still speaks slogans from the 1970s hence why the modern tories are glad to see the back of these relics and are glad they defected to other parties.ted heath believed in one nation after his experiences in the war like a lot of that generation saw what nationalism did and did not want to go back to those days .he tried to bring unions and business together to have a german style social economy. but unfortunately our unions at the time were run by extreme elements and our business leaders were just us bad hence why industrial relations in the uk were so bad. he was ahead of his time and would relate to cameron now that the party has returned to its one nation roots.
  13. very true and why they are electable again to the vast majority of the general population again ,a one nation tory party .
  14. I agree I despair when you see the single minded party loyalists on here with there dogmà support one party all there life.I think it's disgraceful how the media and labour right belittle a decent guy even if you disagree with his views.we need people in all parties who think outside the box for a better society for everyone and not just a few at the top.
  15. I'm leftwing on social issues but right wing on business hence why I voted for the consertives .its sad to think that I found Cameron's Torys more left wing then the present labour party.
  16. I always thought cortese was useless on the commercial side hence why he fired so many people. He would not listen to them.
  17. Don't you mean my vineyard.lol
  18. He should have got himself a creative accountant.
  19. I'm suprised your working with all the wealth you have [emoji2]
  20. Your right Steve I could not believe Brighton earned more on than us on the commercial side when cortese was in charge.
  21. Good post I think you explained it very well how the tax system works,one of my friends who is a director of a big car company told me how his firm owned properties for there own personal use for holidays in Spain was paid for britsh taxpayers as a tax write off .
  22. Yes your right ..Lol that's why I retired at 53 6 years ago with a great pension and pay off .[emoji2]
  23. I,m was talking about the 1980s model.we don't have those policy's now has that model just made the super rich even better off.the gap between rich and poor is bigger in the UK and USA business models.
  24. Even I know that trickle dowm economics was a big lie and still the gullible swallow all that nonsense despite it being discredited .those who work hardest in our society are normally the poorest paid also.I prefer the German model of economics which has been successfully run since 1945;
  25. liz kendall is a joke,why would i choose to vote for labour with her in charge ,to me she is a tory with out a personality and most people would vote for the real Tories like i have,,,so why would i want to vote for her when she offers anything new.
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