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Everything posted by solentstars
its in the car park .it was a club and it used to have singles night and bob marley did play there when he was unknown.
No hes not making it up but you can ignore reality.I'm surprised you don't Google it . Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
sensible post and i agree i,m still waiting for answers from those voting out for a plan based on reality of how wesurvive when our productivey is already one of the lowest in the eu, and if they think being out will effect imigration coming here they are living in la la land,i can just imagine the french just letting those migrants based at calias straight threw and they would not need to worry about them after a exit. i for one do not want a repeat of black friday and possible collapse of sterling and higher prices based on a make believe idea.
it was a american program aimed at a us audience,so no axe to grind as he.
all i know was it was aimed at a americian audience and the other hosts agreed with him and i doubt hes worried about borders and public services,he was just talking about where the money and investment would collapse andsterling would be dumped and will go lower has we hold a referendum and will and it was scarey of what he said about any britsh exit and how we would shoot our selves in the foot.i wish we had the otherside of the debate in this country. the outs have not said what they will do if this happened and alot of peoples money are invested in pension funds etc.
Saw the American guy who advised bank of England a few years ago on nbc usa business program yesterday.said he expects the pound to drop and investments to dry up and a run on the pound and another recession in the UK,if they leave the EU but thinks the common sense of most people will avert that disaster and they are shooting them selves in the foot.he was speaking as a investment broker for a top us company.so be had no axe to grind.I think the dreamers on here need to wake up and smell the coffee rather than live in a dream world. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Rip go a legend
i think we need to wake up to reality rather than living in the old days of the past and a make believe world of milk and honey and life outside that does not exist in reality, and live in a glorious isolation and the potential break up of the uk. when i see people i respect from politics and business telling us to stay,i listen to them . when those for exit who have no plan and timescale of how long the exit will take and how we achieve it aims and renegotiate all the trade deals around the world and the fact that most of our main business are foreign owned anyway and will possible relocation to the eu mainland which would be easy for them to do and how the loss of foreign investment has we become a lesser player show how its done,i will not take the chance on out on emotion .
looks to me they are selling out to big oil and gas interests hence changing the rules every time a stumbling block gets in there way,i had my suspicions when they dropped there commitments to green policies which is a short sighted view since they got re elected ,and lesson our dependence on oil from nasty governments from the middle east. thats why i wish they were in government with the liberal democrats still to stop the paymasters of the tory party pushing self interest before long term green policies.
solentstars replied to sadoldgit's topic in The Lounge
i,m not religious and personally think its a lot of old pony but each to there own beliefs, but i celebrate Christmas and easter but believe it has nothing to do with a mythical guy called jesus christ and believe the traditions started when we were a pagan country. Long before the fourth century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the HEATHEN, at that precise time of the year, in honor oft the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that, in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of the nominal adherents of Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church, giving it only the name of Christ. This tendency on the part of Christians to meet Paganism half-way was very early developed." It is beyond doubt that Christmas was originally a pagan festival. The time of the year and the ceremonies with which it is still celebrated, prove its origin. and has for katie hopkins. she is a nasty loud mouth piece of shi t... apology to the shi t thow to be associated with the likes of her . -
yes what a abosulate disgrace,surely he should be sitting down with the representatives of the arms industry like all good mps normally do and taking his cut and lining his pockets before joining the board of directors when he retires:D fancy trying to stop the war you would have thought they would have learned there lessons from history after pressure to stop the vietnam war in the 1960s.
thats a sign of getting older and wiser and i agree i,m fed up with career politicians and has i voted tory at the last 2 elections,even i could see the media biast was terrible that i pay lip service to the newspapers today,i think corbyn is breath of fresh air and don,t think he is the guy to lead them in to the next election,but i expect he is laying the ground for a younger succesor to take over..the real news was how those loonies ukip failed to make any headway in a working class seat and decided to cry like babies and play the usual racist card again ,despite loseing by more than 11,ooo votes , and despite them saying they were close to winning and the so called peoples party .
So very true and quality was ****e ,the root causes go back to the 1950s when unions and management were useless,fighting pre war battles,we were a basket case when we joined the EU and I personally saw the investment and robotics and modern management techniques from german and american management being put in place with productive and quality improvements .I was involved in the industry. people moan and we have never had it so good, so why would any sane person give up a great lifestyle on a gamble with no plan and hit us big time in the pocket I don't understand that negative mentality. The future belongs to the young I just hope us oldies don't. Screw it up for them.
plus the paperwork and standards,at one time we had to have different paperwork and standards for different eu countries now we can export to all those eu countries with the same documentation,cutting costs and winning orders. anyway this referendum is a joke,we don,t even know what are conservative party wants from the eu,you think they would have discussed what they want from the eu and then put it to the country and then there is a issue with scotland and wales which could split the union if we left.
alot of truth in that but when the tariffs went to keep out imports went ,we were forced to up our game or collapse and the inward investment and quality modernised al ot of outdated work practises and by the way the french were making good cars in the 1970s.
Now that is scarey,it would have big business making the laws instead of government s,hopefully it will be changed big time if it ever came about.
I agree cb I think he struggles to take it in,I have voted in the last referendum in the 70s when we were a poor country outside the ec.we had tariffs on lots of goods from 10% upwards ,we could not compete when we joined we had massive investment and now are one of the richest EU countries and I,m not interested in throwing away a good lifestyle on a make believe fantasy's or dogma based on a whim.so I know what is was like last time we were outside.
oh dear,are you really that innocent ,i thought you knew what you were voting out for and had the answers.
agree and we already have major opt outs and are not in the eurozone shows what you can acheive when you work with other countrys in the eu .
i think buctootim is based on reality and our motor industry is nearly all foreign owned, japanese american french and german owned ,which we export abroad and they could base over the eu and ford has just put major investment in bridgend for the next generation of engines and dagenham ,which they could easily base in mainland europe if we left. i just don,t understand the negative mentality of the out campaign.
has i whitey i expected most of the outers have not a clue of what they are talking about and want out into the unknown based on a whim rather than any hard facts.
The only way you will control immigrants coming here is by not having a successful economy ,like the 1970s when more people left than came here. .I doubt those who want out have jobs which would be lost based on a emotional reaction .I'm not a gambler and deal with the real world and not make believe fantasy's.
I agree ,can't see the logic of the outcase and how it would work apart from meanless nonsence, I prefer the business çase of how it would all work ,and be logical rather than put alot of jobs at stake.
good post and i own my own home but don,t see myself has wealthy either and if the government built more houses ,the price would fall ,the trouble is its good politics to have the young blame the old for there problems,if the young were not so apathetic and got out and voted the politicians would realise that they were important block to win there seats . what ever happened to the 1960,s spirit of protest from the young,now all they want to do is buy silly i phones at stupid prices or play games and other material things.most of those older generation have paid over 40 plus years for there pensions.
thats about right but the hedge funds who fund the party are just trying to push there interests so they can avoid paying tax,if they pay any at all.