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Everything posted by solentstars
solentstars replied to sadoldgit's topic in The Lounge
Yes I agree that he's open with his views ,so I do agree with you say and that you try to open up his mind to a different mindset and your right.. to many people nowadays do not challenge the extreme views in our society at the moment. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk -
solentstars replied to sadoldgit's topic in The Lounge
properly cost more in 1975 with inflation and seems small beer to tell people information of the governments position of the national interest has there are a lot of people who do not have a clue of which way to vote .looks like history's repeating itself.
solentstars replied to sadoldgit's topic in The Lounge
yep i sussed him out ages ago ,in my day they used to be called rabble rousers....or bigots. -
solentstars replied to sadoldgit's topic in The Lounge
i thought you would have gave up with him and his silly rants by now and visions of scapegoating a whole group from a few nutters ,just reminds me of the 1930s when hitler and his gang labeling all jews the same way to pave their way to power. -
you think those who want out would realize that,i,m confident just like what happened in the referendum in 1975 that the britsh public will vote to stay in,when they realize that the out campaign has no answers and is all talk and no real answers apart from made up fantasys.
good post and i expect closer to the truth.
theres nothing to stop them building the cars in the eu and leaving us with a few parts factory,just look at bmw who build cars in amercia now when people used to say they had to be built in germany and the ford transit is still the uk s top van despite be built in turkey,don,t seem the public care that its been moved out of the uk,and ithe fact that our car industry is foreign owned anyway.unless the out campaign a explains how they will get access to our biggest export markets with out paying in for access and freedom of movement,i can,t take them seriously.
the ford plant was in swaythling for a start and turkey have been associate membership of the eu since the 1960s giving them certain privalges,has for aston martin i,m sure if we leave you will find that the next time they go for investment they will move it to the eu mainland unless we can have full access to the single market and theres also the possibility they may back track on there commiment to wales .
good post thats what most sensible businesses and people would do and look at the plan to get to that destination, and how they arrive at it..that's why i can,t take them seriously,just saying no is not a plan and slogans of a make believe world outside,does not work.
agree they have been trying since 1959 to join and have associate membership which give them accesss to the eu,those saying it our just doing wishful thinking and don,t study the history which is available online.
i don,t think they understand how business works.
agree it does not the germans winning big markets in asia and if we can,t do it in one of the worlds biggest markets now,how the hell would we when we became a smaller player..reading some of the out posters views are not based on reality orfact and just what they believe would happen in there fantasy world,i prefer to deal with reality and the real world how it is,if they showed me a real out plan,i might look at it.i,m not prepared to gamble on a wim and like us being a big player around the world.
two pints get your info from independant sources and don,t post a reply to the guy hes a idiot on a wind up or smokeing some spliff .
don,t feed this troll ,hes on another planet.
brexit consists of the theese choices by the look of it..make your own mind up. One option is ‘doing a Norway’ and joining the European Economic Area (EEA). This would minimise the trade costs of Brexit, but it would mean paying about 83% as much into the EU budget as the UK currently does. It would also require keeping current EU regulations (without having a seat at the table when the rules are decided). Another option is ‘doing a Switzerland’ and negotiating bilateral deals with the EU. Switzerland still faces regulation without representation and pays about 40% as much as the UK to be part of the single market in goods. But the Swiss have no agreement with the EU on free trade in services, an area where the UK is a major exporter. A further option is going it alone as a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). This would give the UK more sovereignty at the price of less trade and a bigger fall in income, even if the UK were to abolish tariffs completely. Brexit would allow the UK to negotiate its own trade deals with non-EU countries. But as a small country, the UK would have less bargaining power than the EU. Canada’s trade deals with the United States show that losing this bargaining power could be costly for the UK.
i agree with what you posted alot of people are confused and don,t know enough about the eu or how it effects them and will be the ones who will decide the result and its good they have the independant mind what ever way they vote. i personally voted in 1975 referendum to stay in when the lanti eu labour party wanted us out then and heard the same arguments from the out campaign has now being used which turned out to be nonsense and the firm i worked for at the time saw a massive inwardc investment and modern production processs .i,ve seen us go from one of europes poorer countries then to one of the richer nations in the eu and other benefits. i,m happy staying and still waiting how the out campaign business plan would work rather than fantasy and i want my kids to have a good future.i don,t live in the past and the politics of hate and divisiveness but what ever way you vote you should be informed properly and good luck on your choice.. in or out.
it was the same in 1975,i,m 60 now and voted to stay in and seen enormousness benefits in my lifetime but i .m glad the tide is turning back to sanity and postivity and away from nationlistic drival and the just say no brigade with no plan.the prime minister has done a great job and i,m thinking of our childrens future.
No surprise most of the out campaign come from the lunatic fringes,the future belongs to the young not these old farts. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
i think most people think like you and i think you actually understand the issues rather than those who have very simplistic views of it all being so easy to be outside of our main tradeing block ,rather than the reality of the real world as it is rather than living on past glorys of times which have gone.
i voted yes in the last referndum and heard all the out nonsence from those opposed at the time which happened to be on the left who hated the eu and many expected us to leave.i,m confident that the bookies are right that we will vote to stay in when people are faced with being on our own.hopefully we can then move on from the fantasy world politics of the outs and they can defect to ukip loons .
you are a bit naive and innocent but if you really believe that the companys that who own the newspapers like murdock etc care about you rather than his own interests and agenda. you only got to look at history to see that.
Yes but the media in general represents big business so its not balanced is it. I take the nonsense they write a pinch of salt hence why I don't buy newspapers any more.they don't want unions moderate or militant so they can pay the bare minimum in my honest opinion. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
I expect your post is more represented of the union officials the other post are the usual rantings you find from the usual suspects. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
no it was the flemings and yes the pub was the mason arms but he never played there.