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Everything posted by solentstars
She's got a majority already and just playing politics to get a bigger majority, won't make no difference to the negotiations at all ,or she would have done this along time ago,..I'm more interested in the real world and how we deal with our massive debts and that inflation running at 3.1 RPI and how they are going to deal with it has I'm poorer now with price rises in my weekly shop and hikes in electric and gas bills.there is no need for a election at all. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
i voted consertives the last 3 elections but will be voteing liberal democrats this time round,i think its a disgrace that may is useing it for party political advantage rather than the national interest,there is no need for a election has they already have a majority, i sick of the fact they also doubled the national debt to 2 trillion and are going to borrow loads more over the coming years .i think may has a poor track recordin politics and she is no maggie thatcher and i also believe in progresive politics rather than the fantasy world of being stronger on our own,the real world does not work like that and as for labour the sooner they get rid of corybn the better,hes even worse than may.
because we need a fallback position if things go wrong and real intent,trump will put the usa first and can change his mind overnight if we **** him off..besides i can,t see any deal for years anyway and the main one,we need a good deal with the eu or we are in the crap big time.
love it and so true.
thats because trump wanted to put his hand some where else..lol but at least if he can,t screw her,he can,t wait to screw the uk for a one sided trade deal for the usa as he knows how desperate we are becoming and how the real world works.
we will get a great trade deal thow 2 cars and 6 bikes should keep us all in a job:lol:
makes me laugh did the bank of england not cut interest rates to 0.25 and pumping money t the national debt is to expected to peak at 90.2pc of GDP in 2017-18 and thats in the good times now .hate to think what happens on another down turn and if we don,t get these trade deals,.if we will get a deal with the usa but it will be on there terms not ours and i suspect alot of the nhs will be in there sites. we are off our rockers leaving our biggest market on our doorstop and our fantasy world gos on. prices are rising ,inflation coming back into the system and our wages are buying less thats the reality we are already poorer.. has someone who remembers the days when we not in the eus,we were one of the middle income countrys in the eu and had tariffs then to go with poor food and could not compete then.
some of the brexiters have a naive view of the world,if they think we are just going to have free trade from the other country's without some trade of,and need to be realistic and putting tariffs up against our European neighbors will not effect them,has anyone involved in manufacturing knows that economics of scales reduce there production costs,so a European market of 450 million against 60 million uk market,they will always be cheaper,hence why our government we had to bribe the likes of nissan etc to stay as they would face !0 % tariff in eu markets without a agreement,and i,ve yet to see productivity and investment to match the world beating economys of the world in the uk,and most of britsh plc is owned by foreign countries who will just downsize their factory's for uk consumation,hence why i don,t see us leaving the single market has it would be a disaster. time to get real i would say,or those who want us out can tell us how we are going to get these great deals and free market access,just look at india they want better acess for their nationals before they will consider giving us a deal and i believe china has got special deal for there citzens.
i,m glad hes gone to be honest,why do we need experts has all those bright clever brexiters say,surely we have the experts on here and there mates down the pub know better on getting a good deal and wrap all those trade deals over the world in 3 months while cutting red tape..meaning workers protection and rights in coded terms being a world export power:lol: we call the shots.. maybe we can have a raffle to chose our new negotiator from weatherspoons drinkers..lol what a joke brexit is.. the reality is we seen the pound slump makeing it cheaper for foreign buying up uk plc on the cheap and debt to hit 91 % of gdp in good times ,hate to think what will happen if we have a major downturn and inflation. still i believe there is a film out at the cinemas called la la land and was shocked it was not about brexit:D feel sorry for the young people of this country whos future has been wrecked .
i agree the american business experts who invest in the uk regularly say on bloomberg business channel and nbc that we have a weak negotioning hand and the europeons know it and the best we can hope for is that they go easy on us,has they hold all the cards.the dreamers on here who seem to think we are gone to become some world powerhouse on our own are living in la la land,all i can see without a good deal,the only way we will survive is becoming a low wage ecnomey with little regulation and protection for working people making lots of cash for the likes of rupert murdocks and his fellow bedfellows and no doubt privitise everything from the nhs onwards for there own gains.
brexits going very well for the billionaires like rupert murdock and his cronies who sold the make believe la la land to the gullible fools ,but at least we are happy being poorer with the rising prices and weak pound and despite the fact we are still selling off our big companys to foreign hands still. the eu holds all the cards in negotions,but its a laugh a minute no plan apart from outdated nationlism in a global world. can,t see how we are going to get to this promised land without any facts or ideas apart from the make believe dilusional dreamers .reminds me of a club who were in the top 4 of the premier league who leaves to join the national league and is proud of it .
,it was ford who did that not the eu by a cheaper loan which they paid back to the investment bank at a lower rate ,paid back in a year ,they were going to shut southampton anyway but anyway good news about nissan ,that means we are staying in the custom union which is good news .
At least you get it ,all old bonehead can do is do is use insults to anyone who does not follow his make believe world... its good for a laugh thow.just find it silly we had the best of both worlds but now we are in the crap without a plan and with the main brexit department s run by the 3 stooges. Hopefully Mrs may is giving them enough rope to hang themselves ,has they are way out of there depth. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
I see the guy who negotiated the EU rebate reckons that David Davies is living in cloud cookoo land . no surprise is that.it will be nice if we got real but no sign of that is there .just imagine if a labour government had been in power and the pound dropped 18℅ ,the papers would be screaming about they were not fit for government and how w..yet not a peep out of them.. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
I would have thought by now the 3 stooges would have signed all these easy trade deals and all those people around the world throwing money . buying the pound and investors beating a path to our world beating economy on day 1 after the vote to leave.t hen I woke up and realized it was all a dream...lol. Still waiting for the fantasy world . Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
agree we live in a age of the stupid,just needs trump to complete the set but despite them useing the same tactics to apeal to ignorance and scapegoating and self interest i dont think america will go the same way.
Agree sooner or later the light might switch on in there head but it still looks like they are in denial and prefer the fantasy rather than the real world as it is. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
Lol Brexit is going great £350 million a week for NHS,trade deals in a month,no changes in our circumstances from the mouth of the 3 stooges who backtracked big time, and no plan and the likes of Rupert Murdock and his cronies getting wanted they wanted with all the made up propaganda for the gullible.I prefer to believe those driving down the pound big time who have no confidence in our currency at the moment as they can see we don't have a clue of where we are heading and how we are going to pay off our massive debt . Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
Agree became we did not have a plan and still do not have one.we won't get a better deal than the one we got already. Its great that the fantasy world leavers take pride in a weak pound and us being poorer and the country a figure of fun around the world at the moment.still we love deluding ourselves we are a powerhouse . despite the fact the EU holds all the cards in negotiations .lol. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
lets face it brexit is turning in to a massive joke ,the age of stupidy has arrived,be glad when we stop playing stupid games and find someone who puts common sense and our national interest first rather than fantasys of a make believe world which is not based on reality.
looks like the stock market are giving the warning signs whats in store for us and we,ve not triggered article 50 yet so breexit is going great.. a weak pound and inflation in the pipeline to come and had a wage cuts in real terms for a fantasy world in a global economy .some day the penny will drop for the dreamers.
Agree and I don't think it will be long before he defects to the Tory party which is the natural home for a lot of ukip activists, if he is OK that is. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
Despite them being a party of loons and wasters of a bygone era he is one of the few sensible ones .hope he's OK . Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
Agree I laugh how they blame everyone but there own elected government's, its has Parliament has no power has the EU makes all the rules but in reality we share sovereignty on areas which benefit us.still we live in a age where fantasy is the new norm and have idiots running brexit like liam fox the guy who was on the take with his mate when he ran defence and did not give two hoots about British interests has long he is lining his pocket and Boris Johnston a figure of fun around the world as foreign secretary. The lunatics have finally taken over the asylum. Hopefully our new prime minister has given them enough rope to hang their selves has it becomes clear the EU hold most of the cards and the usa lays it on the line what they want from us. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
I can't believe it was 80 years ago that Oswald Moseley Blackshirts were driven out of the east end of London,he would have made a perfect leader for today's ukippers . Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk