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Everything posted by solentstars

  1. I doubt they would have done that without the coalition and would have cut the tax on higher earners instead but they now realise that its popular ,so I for one hope neither of the majority party's get a majority, it stops the extremes and produces better government .
  2. careline nokes and she was very helpfull when i some problems to deal with and found her a normal person.
  3. i was impressed by milliband today and realize the portrayal of him by the papers as a wally is totally false ,i was not impressed by cameron today even thow he had easier questions,but i,m still likelly to vote conservative has i have a good local mp.but for me miliband won todays debate in my view.
  4. agree life moves on but you can,t go hitting someone with no come back.
  5. yes you think batman would have a open mind not all torys are me,me,me selfish money grabbing b..,,,,,ds:D
  6. why do you think that seeing i voted tory at the last election or did you find the budget so exciting wet your knickers over it..lol
  7. budget was a non event
  8. good post and a realistic view of the world,be glad when the election is over and ukip and its angry brigade ofold reactionary haters and dreamers will wake up to the fact of a return to past is not gone to happen.
  9. i think the blokes a first rate ****,cut from the same privileged cloth has nigel farage but alot of people get enjoyment around the world from top gear so hopefully it can be sorted out amicably, we have all had fall outs with people we know and hopefully they can shake hands and move on.
  10. thats the trouble in most seats ,its not worth voting has its a fore gone conclusion who will win,you could put a potato up with the party name and it would win in those seats lol.. the only seats that seem to matter are the marginals to the politicians under our outdated voting system.
  11. great the tv company's have a backbone have issued a ultimatum ,good for democracy.
  12. the sort of thing the bonehead right come out with ..lol
  13. voted tory last election but i class myself as a independent voter and not any party's cannon fodder,i believe in social justice and am right wing on some issues like most people. and i believe anything which modernizes our system of government is a good thing .
  14. agree the guys a coward in my eyes now,don,t understand why ,its part of the british system now and the voters want it..hope the tv companys go ahead and carry on without him and show him up for a fool.
  15. so true..but under farage the new pin up boy for the old thatcherite wing of the tory right who defected his long term plan we will solve that problem.. when we follow the American system , great for big business and a few back handers for farage and his ilk from his business chums ...£30,000 for a hip operation sir,is that american express or mastercard or we can put you on one of our long term credit plans 29.9 % ..lol,
  16. agree and its more to do with the fact we have a growing economy so more likely that those seeking work will come here or germany at the moment but if the other euro economy pick up growth that should reduce some of the net immigration from europe,i,m more bothered that the lack of investment in infrastructure but don,t worry ukip will sort it all out and send all our multi-national companys labour packing out to mainland europe when we leave ..lol:rolleyes:
  17. i did not watch the program and have no intention of watching a satire about a party of unimportant fantasists who live in dreamland,ukip has a party make me laugh out loud more than any program in real life,but at least it gives hope to those who feel disfranchised .
  18. good post hes gone and i thank him for his part of playing his part of our rise back to the premier league from league one ,unfortunely some of the sad cases fans need to move on as well from hate ,and get positive and roar us to win against liverpool rather than the negative mindset they seem to have.
  19. at the moment its not worth voting in most seats has its a fore gone conclusion who will win in most of the seats in the country ,so i can understand why people do not vote and the truth be known only the marginal seats really matter but its scary we could have a government with only 34% of the popular vote.the sooner we get a voting system which is fairer the better i say
  20. i think this guy got it spot on..i for one have got fed up with the politics of greed from the rightin this country from thatcher,blair brown years which has lined the pockets of the richest at the expense of the rest of the population. i hope now that the tax avoidance will be dealt with but i very much doubt it.
  21. thank god for that at least we can listen to a proper debate rather than the rants of the looney right:smug:
  22. got to agree but we brits have a puritan attitude to sex always have had compared to most of europe. two of the worst puritan offenders were staunch right wingers mary whitehouse and victoria gillick,so its not a lefty thing ... whatever that is.. seems a bit dated that term. i leave it up to the women or men concerned who model rather than than the modern day puritans .
  23. solentstars


    good sensible post .
  24. got to agree with you there but these muppets always love a scapegoat,i personally though long was poor but nows the time for the fans to support all our players to raise there game.
  25. think your right there ,mane looked a handful when he first arrived and has talent especially how he tore arsenal apart when we one 2-1 at highbury and tadic was outstanding but both seem to have a loss of form.long has always worked hard but does not score enough goals.
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