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Everything posted by solentstars

  1. good post unfortunelly some people are stuck in a world thats gone,i,m not suprised how its all ended up on the deal.projectfantasy is hitting reality,.but unfortunelly that will not sink in to the die hards.
  2. agree wonder when they would blame remainers for thir own fantasy world, they have not got a clue and never had a plan and the fact alot of dark money from overseas funded the leave campaign.
  3. thats so true,welcome to the real world for these nutcases who live in a fantasy world and now starting to panic,its not just going to stop at airbus and bmw,you will see ford ,nissan follow suit,anyone with half a brain can see the writeing on the wall and all the money that pays for public services will be lost ,its terrible how the worst government in living history is giveing away our wealth and made us a second rate player on the big stage for a make believe world , conmen like farage and his tax avoiding mateswho told whoppers who won,t be effected by this .
  4. great talent and one of the few creative players who can is different when most of the players who are much the same,good luck to him and its a great place to live for him and his family .
  5. good post and i agree with you,you never saw that thug lennon at his edl mates court case when his mate got 17 years for grooming a 10 year old girl.only turns up if they are coloured ,then appealing for money to those same racist knuckle draggers,i can imagine if it was the 1930s these people would be blameing the jews for every problem .lennon and his ilk are just a modern version of moselys blackshirts.
  6. its going great that we are begging for trade deals and we are a great country unfortunelly the little englanders are screwing it up with their fantasy world nonsence. still i can wave my blue passport while the rest of the world think we lost the plot.
  7. push the boat out to get koeman who will kick the players backsides and give some leadership.
  8. has you get older your supposed to get wiser but in reality its not true,unfortunelly we are going threw a negative decade of doom and gloom.make sure you don,t get depressed and find new things to do and i,m hopefull that a lot of younger generation have a more hopefull view of the world.i to have friends who have gone brain dead and negative but when i lost my mum lately rallyed round and gave me support and don,t buy newspapers,their just propganda sheets for their owners.
  9. agree thats how business works..its madness to leave a home market of 450 million on our doorstep ,yes we can get a deal with the usa but it will be on the usa terms which means we have to abide by their rules has they call the tune ,its take it or leave it but history will show this has the age of stupidy just like nevile chamberlains peace in our time.i,m fed up with our country being a laughing stock at the moment around the world.
  10. so true and thats the reality of it but unfortunelly some of the dreamers still have not grasped reality and retreat in a make believe world,and has someone who remembers when we could not compete pre eu days even with tariffs on imported cars etc i can,t see how we are going to increase our poor producitivy without massive investment into infrastructure plant and tooling and skilled labour and a government plan which their is no sign off.
  11. the dreamers of the past will find some reason to pretend its not true but they will still believe in their make believe world.
  12. true remember it well,one of the poorer ecnomies of europe ,could not compete overseas and cars were rust buckets with no quality control and more expensive because we had tariffs then and only able to take a small amount of money out of the country.makes me laugh how people make out we were some world beater in those days,i for one hated those days and i think the usa and russia had alot to do with winning the war with our allies as well but some people love living in a world which as gone.
  13. i normally vote consertive but being socially liberal i could not bring myself to vote for her ,and i expect a lot of liberal tories were like .she lost me with her hard brexit nonsence and her appeal to the ukippers to follow her.so and went and voted labour,thank god hard brexit is off the table now she was lucky she got alot of ukippers to vote for her otherwise she would have been hammered but i,m glad the young came out in force and voted,which will scare the present tory party has there is no long term future appealing to the old bigots of ukip now. in the long term.shes toast but can,t see who can replace her at the moment.the only person i can think would be good is the tory leader in scotland.
  14. we all know thats true but doubt if thats going to change and if may was any good she would reinstate the 20,000 police she has cut ,at least corbyns going to put 10,000 back ,very much doubt she will thow and needs to give the police the resorces and budget to keep eyes on these extremists.
  15. mays shes useless and a coward third rate prime minster
  16. ha ha you have not noticed the pound has collapsed big time since brexit then,no one wants to hold the pound and if we get no deal be prepared for it to get even lower.
  17. Agree we got terrible leaders of 3 main party's. Hence why I'm not voting and the fact that the country has a debt of 2 trillion pounds and not been mentioned and that we somehow are going to be world beaters by being 1 against 27 in Europe,proves we are living in LA LA land.The value of my savings have been eroded big time and no sign of the pound recovering its previous value. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
  18. a2 b3 plus will not vote for the first time ever no need for the election they had a mandate for the next 2 years. have switched over to avoid the usual predicble recycling of slogans from the past elections.
  19. agree even if she won every seat it will make no difference,you only need to look at greece when they tried it on with a massive majority and had to leave with the tails between there legs and they have still stayed in,the eu holds the cards and the longer it goes on with out a deal,we will become even weaker.
  20. agree they hold all the cards but i still think they want to give the uk a deal but not as good has we had being a full member so expect may will backtrack after the election and isolate the rabid right dreamers in her party.
  21. as usual the debate on here goes done to the level of ignorance and winner takes all nonsence rather whats good for the country as a whole, it just ends up as mud slinging, no one listens to the other point of view and no one is prepared to change their mind. Round and round it goes . there was no need for a election and i find it funny in this day and age the leader of this country runs away from a debate,so much for strong leadership,most of the votes as usual in the country will be wasted partys safe seats , its normally the marginals which will have the most money spent on it and try and woo the independently minded ,when we had the coalition it was good government and wished it had carried on at the last election. theres no doubt may will win but we do need opposition to challenge and debate,to get good policy. thankfully i,ve avoided the tv news as best as i can and don,t buy papers as they are just propganda sheets for there owners . good luck to you mugs who will lap up 7 weeks of nonsence before you vote,my advice go out enjoy yourselfs ,go on holiday to gett away from this bull s hit and have a laugh .
  22. i agree a strong leader would not run away thats why i think she is weak and no need for the election especially when you got a weak leader as corybn labour leader,shes b ull s hitting but i expect she will get her way,i personally i,m more worried by our massive 2 trillion debt as a country and inflation getting out of controlagain and people maxing out on credit card debt and borrowing and thats in the good times,hate to think what will happen when interst rates start rising and can see us going into recession in the next few years,
  23. thank god i don,t buy the newspapers nowdays , the owners propganda sheets as they seemed to aimed at the politically stupid and there made up stories i will not then have to put up with the b ull sh it over the next 7 weeks ,i think i might book a holiday to avoid this needless election to spain and soak up the sun and relax while the two faced mps play the public like puppets again.
  24. I voted for a conservative government to run its term and could not care what the opposition claims, I want the deficit dealt with and inflation under control ,not self interest for party interests and prefer governments with small majority s has it makes for better government when they have to have to work with others and govern for all the nation. Sent from my Be Touch 3 using Tapatalk
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