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Millbrook Saint

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Everything posted by Millbrook Saint

  1. The internet must have been a godsend to you, how else would you be able to spout your shite without getting the smack in the teeth your comments so richly deserve, what a loathsome cunt you are. As for the rest of you, you're just as bad, someone says something you disagree with and out you come in force bullying people from behind your keyboard, knowing you can abuse someone with no repercussions, I'm off to enjoy the sunshine whilst you lot wank each other off whilst congratulating yourselves on your superiority. Twats
  2. to be fair I don't have an understanding of how they work, just like 99% of the public, but on the face of it, a committee deciding a political opponents future whilst being led by one of his opponents hardly looks unbiased, you can say they're full of tories, but half the party hate him for Brexit anyway. No, to me and most other people called joe public who don't have a pre conceived opinion of the bloke, this looks like a stitch up, having the guardian gloat and tell us how great it is, does nothing to persuade me otherwise, are the general public supposed to just believe this was unbiased just because our intellectual superiors like you and other guardian readers tell us so?
  3. You're posting links from the guardian, that must be proof then, so there was an investigation being led by someone from the labour party, who then forced Boris to resign, sounds to me like it's straight out of old Vlad's playbook, but then guardian readers are never very bright
  4. The appointment needs to be someone who immediately commands respect, ex players like Gerrard et al tick this box, the trouble is once the ex big player feel good factor the players have when they arrive wears off, you end up with a manager with no tactically ability, possibly lacking man management skills and totally exposed as a manager who was trading on their name. Going the other way, a manager who has the tactical ability and knows how to set up a team, may not have the kudos of an ex player walking into the club and so doesn't immediately command the respect of the players, so there's a risk that the players might never respect him, look at Jones for this. The trick will be getting someone in the middle, a manager who can get the respect of the players, but still know how to set a team up, be tactically aware and a good man manager, not sure how likely that is in the championship though as I guess every team are looking for that
  5. None of these ex players are ready to be top managers, we need someone with experience, who knows how to setup a team, who has an understanding of tactics and can change in game, look at what happens when you get someone with experience in all these things at Palace, these other players are trading on their names, they might make good managers one day, but they need to earn getting a top job, not just be parachuted in because they had good football careers. I know someone will point at Vincent Kompany as being a success, but he's the exception
  6. Wow, justifying racism now, what a vile human being you, give your head a wobble
  7. You mean the racist Guardian, as exposed after their article just the other day, I'm sure SOG will be calling for heads to roll at that rag and for dianne abbot to be sacked as vociferously as I suspect he was when Boris Johnson was sat in his office having a birthday cake delivered.
  8. don't think you can blame the owner, he's provided the funding, it's the people doing the hiring and firing who are to blame, I know he hires them, but they came to the club as a team, the money man can't be happy with their performance this season and I'd imagine a few hard truths will be said through the summer
  9. no, it needs to be someone who has a bit of gravitas, we want to keep as many of the best players as possible, for that we need a manager who'll inspire them to give us another season
  10. guess that depends on the manager and how well he can convince him to give us another season
  11. unfortunately I'm with you on that one, I won't be renewing till I see who the manager is next season, a few people I know are doing the same, so I'd suggest to the club they sort it early doors
  12. no was ok first season till we lost to Derby (was that the first season?) yup could go either way, but people being convinced it will be fun seem to forget it aint always fun, as a Saints fan which way do you reckon it'll go?
  13. not sure why people think it'll be fun if we go down, it's only fun if you make a promotion push, last time we went down it was horrendous, up until we were in league 1, Markus bought us and we started winning games. Any league is fun if you win games, even the premier, ask Brighton fans. Ask Sunderland, Wigan or Bolton fans how much fun they had when they got relegated
  14. I thought he played well yesterday, made a few good interceptions due to his speed, always made himself available for the ball, ran at their defences, trouble is he had no one to pass to and we were so slow there was never any space available
  15. was and always has been man of the match, don't try and turn what I said in to some weird homo erotic thing just because I like to use the correct gender specific term. but I do agree Bednarek or Lavia got man of the match for me
  16. corrected for you
  17. no, if we hadn't wasted our winnable games letting Jones try and manage us we'd be mid table, such a needless relegation.... if it happens
  18. I thought the passage of play had stopped and the slight little prod was an off the ball incident, since when do off the ball incidents warrant anything other than a card or talking to?
  19. can't say for certain, for me they look lost and not sure what to do, almost scared of making a mistake
  20. Think you'll find a lot of players being slated will do well when they leave, what they need is decent management and experience around them. Not a manager doing his yts with us
  21. The worst thing about it was the commentator saying what was he supposed to do, had no where else to go, how about keep your fucking feet down
  22. The bloke (Adkins) has been an absolute disaster everywhere he's been since he left here. Whilst it would be nostalgic to have him back, he's not what we need right now. We had the best of Nigel back then, no point going back and ruining what are brilliant memories.
  23. well the club have clearly given up on survival, not sure why I should pay any further instalments on my season ticket as the club have written off this season
  24. he needs to be working with the players before Saturday, every game counts now, we can't afford to let another game go by, he needs to get in there and start unravelling the mess Jones caused, if that means we get a new manager bounce for Saturday, then great
  25. you'd have Rooney? not sure if this is serious or not, but can you tell me what credentials you think he has to make him a candidate to manage a premier league football team?
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