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speed demon

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Everything posted by speed demon

  1. WTF? I'm pleased he brought us to the attention of Markus in the first place! It might have been Liebherr money but it was his idea that got the whole thing rolling. I think it is fair to say without NC we would not be in the PL today - for that alone, I am eternally grateful. Whether he's "a particularly nice person" or not who cares? The Queen might not be a "particularly nice person" doesn't stop thousands of people waiting for hours on end trying to get a glimpse of her like she's some sort of God. Being "nice" wouldn't have helped NC if we were languishing mid table in the championship. I doubt people would be happy to forgive all his failings because he is after all, a "nice guy". He was good for us and I for one wish he was still here.
  2. I wouldn't mind a sneaky tenner that by the time the ball is kicked in August, NC is Chairman again. Sounds mental now but nobody has got the faintest idea whats really going on. It certainly wouldn't surprise me put it that way.
  3. Nail, Head, BANG. Couldn't of put it better myself.
  4. We don't know what will happen so I can't say anything won't happen but what I can say is that NC is not stupid. Saying things like "crying wolf" and "overplayed his hand" might under-estimate his positioning on this. I can't really see him thinking to himself "gutted she called my bluff, I've got to leave now even though I dont really want to". Just as the training ground is completed and we move into the next phase of our development, no I just don't see it. As some have said, I think he wants ownership. He sees it as his baby and will do everything in his power to force KL to sell so he can buy in and then as the REAL Don, see us into the next 5 years or so.
  5. Yeah, If she doesn't want to play anymore then she should go/sell. NC will know plenty of other potential owners thats for sure. I rather the owner changed than the chairman if one of them had to go.
  6. SSN this morning saying we're after some geezer called Diego and that Poch hopes to tie up a deal. Embarrassed to admit I haven't got a clue who this is - anyone got any ideas?
  7. Its all relative. If we'd spent most of this season 17th - 13th and been on a good run to get to 9th you'd feel a bit different. I don't envy those teams s******* themselves looking over their shoulders near the bottom - to have no pressure or fear of relegation in our 2nd season and be inside the top 10, I think is good progress going into next season.
  8. If I supported another club, I'd probably assume he was crap but I actually think he's class. Any player who can score a goal like that against City or that one one against Denmark has got to be bloody good. You can tell he's quality just with some of things he does.
  9. I love Kelvin - top guy and I hope he stays here forever like SRL, however surely a Saints Legend has to be class as well. I just can't get my head around Kelvin Davies Saints Legend? There are probably many people over the past 20 years that have, a) been at Saints for 10 years or more, b) conducted themselves like a true professional and c) been a pretty tidy player on their day. Do they all become Saints legends? If he stays and continues to improve then I would have thought Lallana would be the next one.
  10. He'll be chuffed. He had £20 @ 16/1 Poch not starting as manager next season but will only tell us that after Poch has gone.
  11. If it's true, I think it's a fitting arrangement with a Saints legend. I said on another thread I don't know whether he'll end his career here as many would like, hopefully he will.
  12. Quite right. The money means nothing if we can't or don't strengthen with it. I have to say though ever since it was reported that Adkins was going and Poch was coming in - who? nothing would suprise me so I think he will go, either now or the summer. I don't know whether he'll have the retirement at southampton some would like. I personally would keep him just for the reason that I couldn't bear to see him score against us, especially for that shower of ****.
  13. Behave - Lamberts a F****** legend, can say what he wants
  14. He could give out a free £10 note to all attending fans at the next home game and someone would come on here grizzling about something. Its about as irritating as people asking when is Mopo going to start talking English except shock horror, he already does.
  15. This. Got nothing against the lad but as long as he's got a hole in his arse, he won't ever be our first choice keeper.
  16. Exactly this. You'd be amazed how many people I know who get annoyed by his inability or reluctance to talk in english. I couldn't give a toss tbh.
  17. This. No disputing we've had an easier run of games but thats not a bad thing, it's got us used to winning again and that will help us over the season.
  18. Is that how it works? I was taking the p*** a bit when I said we sell when we want.
  19. This. What happens, happens but as long as NC is at the helm you know if players do go, it will be for serious dosh. Clubs won't have our pants down anymore - we are Southampton, we sell when WE want.
  20. It's a bit off really imo. Almost like a total non event, to think I was within in a whisker of going after I went to Barnsley - thank f*** I didn't. With our new "it's happening" or "our dream is real" waffle, I would have expected better form the club. We've got no divine right to win any game of football but at least give it our best shot, that was a p*** take tbh.
  21. Yep, if your sad enough to go on their forum like I am you'll see that they think it is virtually a full strength side. It just makes our loss more of a joke tbh.
  22. For better or worse?
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