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Everything posted by mattyd

  1. If we are to make a charge for the Prem we will need a CB, striker, wide player and if we can get one a midfield general. I don't think Gobern will cut it and we have had to select him this season. I think that we only need quality otherwise we are able to run with what we have already. Prehaps the 'out of contract' market in the summer may attract an ex prem player or two?
  2. The same day as a possible signing is discussed? Time to grow up?
  3. Charlton PLC is till in place. The assetts and good will were purchased. The debt is paid by the purchase. No admin (Insolvency Act definition) = no points deduction
  4. I have just hired the Hampshire Suit at the Rosebowl for a seminar because it is much better value for money than SMS. If the price was better I would choose SMS anyday
  5. Times are hard for many and football is an expensive hobby. People should not be so judgemental. If 26,000 go it will be the biggest league 1 of the day and one of the biggest of the season.
  6. We should not worry. All owner managed company's have contingency plans in place. We may and probably are insured via a key man policy. In any case I think ML would want his legacy to live on and his family will support that.
  7. All companys have contingency plans in place. Was he ill by the last game of last season? He missed it. A terrible day
  8. The HMRC can block the CVA. If they do they are up the creek...
  9. Accountancy Age a realiable trade press report the HMRC will vote against the CVA!
  10. Bristol City have no money. They are one of the teams said to be on the brink of admin so it is a non starter!
  11. Sky Sports confirm the signing. Is he any good?
  12. Markus is not a UK national and will not be in it. £2.5 billion has been mentioned.
  13. It cannot be FA Cup related as the club was already in admin. Once this happens the administrator has to pay all post admin debts as they fall due.
  14. I think we will just miss it this season. Next year we can win a division and gain a trophey. The second in two years!
  15. Administration can only happen if Pompey can pay the fees to the IP. Otherwise it will be liquidation. Only Begbis would take us on because of the risks of not getting their wack
  16. Pompey train at University of Southampton playing fields and have not paid their bills. I know a decsion maker at the Uni and they may be kicked out!
  17. BBC echo this rumor online! Looks like we will get him.
  18. My concern isn't about our current spending or the wages. We known it is investment income from ML. My worry is what will happen if he leaves e.g. the skates owner? we we be left in trouble with huge outgoings in wages etc, without the income?
  19. It cannot happen as the rules say you cannot own more than one club
  20. Pardue has told the BBC that he has bid for two players. "we are trying to stimulate the market" he said.
  21. Thomson may well be a league 2 player but he is not upper league 1 or championship regular. Look how bad he was when he played for us. We are developing our academy players but only a few will make it. Comments that we don't seem to want to develop the academy are daft.
  22. We need another striker, central defender and right back ASAP. Adding three or four names would give the squad a boost not upset it. I think several fringe players will be gone.
  23. There is a lack of quality english GK's and the FL and FA are right to insist young players get a chance instead of the easy loan option. How else will they develop? It is hard enough for GK's as only one can play in the team at any one time.
  24. No when ML came in it was made clear that everybody except away directors paid their own way
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