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Everything posted by Footballfan

  1. 10.55 hope to be in London by then.
  2. who cares
  3. Anyone got train details yet
  4. How many will we get on Tuesday night, anyone know how many tickets we have sold ?
  5. sorry to say it but I think we should stick with him,
  6. Footballfan


    why is next tuesday's ame a 19.00 KO
  7. about the same number as they get at home games
  8. I saw no trouble today
  9. There is a good thing on Facebook where you can record all the grounds you have been too, I will see if I can find a link
  10. London Bridge for a few beers before the game
  11. what time is the draw
  12. could be a good addition to the squad
  13. Not good to here this from Matt, but I bet he is not the only one to do this shame he did not bet for a goal in the first minute.
  14. Good day had by all, can't beat sitting in the sun drinking beer all day
  15. I have 1 spare ticket for lords on Saturday if anyone intrested.
  16. I have a spare ticket if anyone wants one
  17. 1 gone one to go
  18. have done Andy
  19. 2 going now if intrested
  20. Good chance I might have a spare ticket for Saturday will know for sure later tonight.
  21. will there be lots of Skates there?
  22. thanks Nick, maybe you should become a match reporter
  23. thanks for that, have address but no Spainish bank account, will let you know how I get on.
  24. Looking for mobile broadband to use in Spain anyone know the cheapest way to do this, thanks
  25. In Mound stand 5 time to see Hants at Lords,4 wins 1 loss lets hope it 5 come Saturday night, 07.30 train
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