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Everything posted by Footballfan

  1. yes they did say "shake it up a bit" and nothing else, these wern't kids who said it.
  2. 2 people in front of me today ask AP to shake it up a bit, he turned around and put his finger to his lips,when they went out at half time they were told that they had had a compliant from the tunnel about what they said, what's it comming too when you are not allowed to voice your views anymore.
  3. We do miss him when he is not playing, to many players last night had a off day.
  4. Orient (good game. Lots of drinking) MK( x 2) both for diffrent resons, good support from Saints fans, total lack of support from MK fans. Any 3-0 away win is good. Wembley (all good fun. Lots of drinking) Yes I know it's 4 games.
  5. Did anyone not get to the game yesterday with all the trouble getting on the trains.
  6. JJ moons before and after the game, 1st people in there at 09.00, packed but service was good,
  7. Jan, can you get me one please.
  8. Thanks I did look earlier but they are now on there, I have done 7 away games
  9. When will we know if we are going to get these these tickets, only a week untill the match
  10. I am sure I have read o here that you can't wear colours in club wembley
  11. we have a better chance of reaching the play offs than Morgan getting the winner next Sunday.
  12. This was my reply from the ticket office No need to worry just yet. The final batch of tickets are going out today. We had hoped to be clear by Wednesday, but the sheer task has taken longer If you haven’t had the tickets by next Wednesday, contact me again and we will resolve for you
  13. I ordered ours on Day 1 as a ST holder but they still have not arrived yet, if the anyone from the ticket office reads these threads, why don't the club put out a statement on the os just to let us know why we still have not recived them, it would make me and lots of other worried people feel a lot better,
  14. Still waiting put application in on the first Monday.
  15. I went in the JPT game and I liked the ground
  16. there are some good pictures on the OS showing Fonte with the Leeds defenders arm around his neck.
  17. How many will we take on Saturday, lets hope for a good turn out.
  18. When Totton played there my Air Horns lasted less than 5 min before they were taken off me, and they would not give them back, mybe they were the first ones they got their hands one at the new ground.
  19. I went to the ticket office yesterday and was told it should be next week
  20. I have just been down to the ticket office to cancel the 3 places I had book along with my tickets for the JPT final only to told that the club had no record of my booking for the coach but did have for my tickets for the game, how many other people will find this out the week before the game as I can't belive I am the only one.
  21. lets hope we get some more
  22. got to be 11 this week
  23. 31 tickets 123-127
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