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Everything posted by Stoozer

  1. I'm enjoying being a Saints fan. I think Osvaldo, maybe being a bit if a loose cannon, will add a little more excitement, frustration and fun. I'd rather be walking out of SMS having a jovial convo with my mates about this than another resigned chat about survival. We'll see a better Gaston too. Come on fellas (and ladies), embrace it and enjoy!
  2. Sometimes you can just see class. I think he'll be immense if he can keep his temper.
  3. Stoozer

    Gaston Watch

    I thought he made a difference when he came on today and can see him and Osvaldo linking up well.
  4. Yeah, but I think you know what I mean. The9 seems to.
  5. I think Gaston will play better with Osvaldo in the same team.
  6. Saw the new shirts in the flesh for the first time today. Just confirmed my thoughts. Home is rubbish. To me, it just isn't a "Saints" top. Away shirt not bad actually. Probably buy a retro shirt when the ST discount kicks in though.
  7. Estrella is a Spanish beer.
  8. Most of my mates either like the shirt (because it's Adidas) or are indifferent to it. It's funny, even though we disagree in real life we are still able to have a laugh about it and be civil with each other. Unlike here it seems. I respect that taste and opinion vary. We are no less or more of a fan if we like/dislike or buy or don't buy the kits in my opinion. We all want the team and club to succeed and progress. Me, I'd rather that happen with the Saints wearing stripes but It didn't stop me buying two £820 Season Tickets yesterday (gulp). It will stop me from spending an extra £100 on two shirts.
  9. That's one the problem with this place. People can't help but stoop to insults.
  10. A couple f things for me. I'm not liking the whole "support the team not the kit" response to my anti-kit reaction (as if by registering my dislike for the strip somehow makes me less of a fan). I strongly believe in nods to our heritage. The kit is a big part of that in my opinion and to move away from this identity without explanation concerns me. For me, I'm also a little disappointed about the "off the shelf" template and design. It appears lazy. I guess I was hoping for something a little more unique or bespoke. Football is about emotion and sometimes that emotion spills out onto the surrounding elements. My dislike of the kit isn't based on cold logic but personal taste and an emotional attachment to what I see as an important element to my football club's heritage and identity. No amount of shoulder shrugging or logic will change that. I'm sure I'll forget about it when the season starts again but I certainly won't be handing over £50 for the sake of it.
  11. Has there ever been any official comment from the club about the stripes seemingly being gradually phased out?
  12. What a shame. We could have done something really special with Adidas and stripes. In itself it's not a bad kit but it's not "Saints" to me and describing something as "not bad" isn't really a ringing endorsement. For the second year I won't be buying the kit. Looks like I'll be buying a retro striped shirt.
  13. Quite like the red and white stripes.
  14. I'm going to buy a retro top this year if the leaked image is accurate.
  15. Wow, some uninspiring kits from Adidas. I'm hoping that is not our new kit because I won't be buying it (again). It's not that difficult to design a pretty good kit as shown on this thread.
  16. I actually like this.
  17. How many PL clubs have Adidas kits next season?
  18. Should get this trending on twitter and linking it to the official club Twitter feed. They'll take notice if Saints fans retweet it.
  19. This past season's kit was the first shirt in years I haven't bought because to me it looked poor quality.
  20. It's your right to I guess but I always enjoyed these threads and especially your positive contribution to the speculation. I just don't see the point in getting annoyed by enthusiastic amateurs who often design better kits than the club produces even when the technical specs might be a little "off". I would hate this thread to turn into another SWF thread of negativity like most on here these days. I love the mock ups from the rubbish to the more professional. It's just fun to speculate and play around with designs.
  21. He's right though. They're only mock ups. A bit of fun speculating and playing at designer.
  22. All Day I Dream About Saints
  23. Could it be something like the New England Revolution strip but reversed?
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