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Trevor in Vancouver

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Trevor in Vancouver's Achievements

  1. Swansea West Ham Newcastle
  2. "Cheeky" backheel. I've never heard the word "cheeky" used in commentary for anything else but a backheel. I've also never heard a backheel described as anything but "cheeky".
  3. What do Ayrton Senna and Pink Floyd have in common? Their last big hit was the wall.
  4. How many dead prostitutes does it take to screw in a light bulb? Well, apparently not 5 - my basement is still dark!
  5. Just finished it - yes, very powerful indeed.
  6. Fracking is a brilliant idea - for those who like to light their tap water on fire. Otherwise, not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtD1JU-jhdY
  7. Uhm, no. Went down to Portland last summer by train, spent 4 days there over the 4th of July long weekend. Love your city! Nowhere I have ever been do they take beer so seriously as Portland (which is right up my alley!). As soon as we can afford it, we will be there again, and my taste buds will be at the ready!
  8. Paradise. You all wish you lived here.
  9. Not a question, but please mention to him that there's a Saints fan in Canada whose first game attended in England was 27th February, 1990 vs Norwich. He played rather well in that game as I remember!
  10. Saw Nirvana in 1994 about a month before the end. Kurt just couldn't have cared less.
  11. Right now I love you all!!!
  12. This just might be the longest 45 minutes of my life coming up. My knee hasn't stopped vibrating for the past 2 hours from nerves. 5:30am here. COYS!!
  13. What did Michael Jackson like about twenty six year-olds? There's twenty of 'em.
  14. I'm actually starting to believe!
  15. This one. Just too bad we got hammered 4-0 right after this though!
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