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Johnny Shearer

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Everything posted by Johnny Shearer

  1. I've been to Canada for two weeks. Vancouver is miles better than Toronto. Just a shame that I missed the Stampede in Calgary.
  2. I like mine personally.
  3. I will probably be in shock for the rest of the weekend, not speaking a word until getting into work on monday morning and shouting, "IN YO FACE!" to the first person I see regardless of who they are.
  4. By gawd. Looks like I really missed out on the whole Hubba Bubba flavour craze. Damn.
  5. Hubba Bubba apple flavour = awesomeness. Apparently there was a tobacco flavour or is someone having a laugh at my expense?
  6. Oooo difficult choice there.
  7. Ha ha, wasnt expecting the Northam to take it up either! Have got the ruddy Spiderman tune in my head now. I think its gonna stay there all day.
  8. Was working with limited material. Have to admit I've scanned a few papers and sites in regards to the new season and most of them have seen Saints lettng go of a few players and not doing much else. Saying there will be hard times and another relegation fight. Hopefully though we'll have one manger during the season instead of 4. A settled team and players who want to play for the club along with a clear direction of what the team/club should be doing and how. Always said I wont make a judgement on Jan or the set up until we're a third of the season in but I cannot see Saints being any worse than last season. As we served up some right real dross.
  9. Schneiderlin, Schneiderlin Does whatever a footballer can Strikes the ball, any goal, Catches players just like flies Look Out! Here comes SCHNEIDERLIN! Sang to the tune of the old Spiderman cartoon song! Sorry just had to get that out.
  10. Have we signrd him yet? Or should it be have we sold him yet?
  11. I like a good Drifter.
  12. And Palace too and they all hurt a lot.
  13. I was fooled by the title of the thread. Not funny.
  14. Hmm, I still think we'll do better than we did last season. Some people seem to be worrying too much. I won't be too concerned until 10/15 games in when a more informed judgement can be made!
  15. I want to go but none nobody I know does! Might just pop along anyhows.
  16. I want friends from TMS.
  17. I'm wondering for how many days I can live by posting just 3 times a day before succumbing to becoming a full member!
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