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Johnny Shearer

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Everything posted by Johnny Shearer

  1. "Shisha is a method of smoking tobacco (or other flavored molasses) without directly lighting the tobacco. This is done by heating the tobacco with coals. The smoke that the heated tobacco gives off is drawn through pipes, through water and out into the mouth." Essentially smoked flavoured tobacco through a water pipe - its the vogue in middle eastern countries. Quite funny, as the bar was quite busy and some people seemed to get giddy over smoking! 4/10 for being ill most of the time.
  2. Played for Freemantle AFC - now in Senior 1. Played for Freematle Reserves AFC - but retired due to some c**t pulling me down, knocking my collar bone out of place. He found it funny, as I blacked out and went to Hospital. So I put a curse on him. If he aint dead already, I hope he dies soon or he gets Aids or something.
  3. I'm afraid that you'll be shot down for being so positive. Watch out for the natsayers! :smt109
  4. Friday - Did nothing but watch the telly. Saturday - went out in Bournemouth, a couple of good bars followed by ending up in the Camel Bar where I had Shisha for the first time. Sunday - woke up with a sore throat, had the chills. Got home and went to sleep due to having a ruddy fever. I had the sweats. Still suffereing today.
  5. I think as soon as Alpine tops himself, it'll be a much nicer place.
  6. I think you mean if the Bank is then its Lowe that is picking the team by default!
  7. Aye? Not sure what your getting at there old fellow. I just dont see the point of being ultra negative. I saw the dross that was played last season and the first home game at St marys this season was a lot better than the 1-4 pasting we got last season from Palace. Yes a loss is a loss but there is scope for improvement.
  8. Aye good post. Clubs like Leeds, Weds and Forest are well suported regardless of what seems to be going on at Board level and where the team are. All Saints fans' seem to do is moan all the time.
  9. I dont understand. This wouldnt apply to you surely anyway?
  10. Why would a lady do that to herself. Looked so painful.
  11. Ah it is but I'm taking the line on inflating fees for British players and the money PL clubs are ready to dish out for anyone. Just need Keane to come in with a larger offer!
  12. Hmm, it will be sad IF Davies goes as he would have steadied the ship a bit. Plus that is a paltry fee for him. However if it paves the way for Baird to return then that would soften the blow a little - of course thats all gonna happen in make believe land in my head!
  13. This is a joke surely. If he goes and at that stupid price then I may just have to follow Alpine and hang myself a noose..................................
  14. I guess thats the point. JP seemed determined to go with DMG most of the time in pre-season. I just hope he learns a few things off SJ in terms of holding up play etc bringing others into the game.
  15. I can't understand people like this. Have you seen the likes of Blackpool, Doncaster and others that may be in the same boat as us. I'm sure there other forums right now with people sayign the same things. BUT we're only into the first league game of the season and people are already throwing in the towel. There's no point following Saints then is there, you may as follow another sport or something. I have a couple of friends' who are so negative too but only watched a handful of games between themselves last season and think we're done for, now that we've got rid of everyone. They didnt know the full extent of the dross we had playing for Saints and subsequently I have told them to shut up or not not speak to me about Saints being rubbish etc until we're a good few games into the season when a more uniform opinion can be made.
  16. Friday....................I mean next friday.
  17. I have to say that was a slightly different Saints team to the one we had last season. A lot more attack minded and playing some good stuff together in the games that the line up was kept the same.
  18. Completely agree with you. Some people have made out as if Rasiak is our best player and we're doomed without him. AS long as we keep SJ, I'll be happy.
  19. Why is it such a black day?
  20. Not being a funny but Watford will be looking for top half wheareas we'll be looking at safety. Just being a pragmatist. If Rasiak can score a few winners against teams at the bottom end of the table then that would be good for us surely?!
  21. Tonight: Gym Saturday: Off to Bournemouth for the day and night Sunday: Hungover, go to the Beach - watch the skates lose to Chelsea and then drive home.
  22. But this is Saints, so we wont!
  23. I shall try it when I am next drunk, as that will be much more fun.
  24. Should have done the old Crocidile Dundee trick. Chucked a can of coke or beans at the thief and knocked him out. Of course you would then be done for assualt or some other stupid charge at some later point for being a hero.
  25. Sign him up to an extended contract now then!
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