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Johnny Shearer

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Everything posted by Johnny Shearer

  1. Chicken Land is now a franchise? I'm gonna set one up in Eastleigh. I'll make a fortune.
  2. Really SaintKip went crazy on a rambling trip, spotted trains and book club week to Charles Dickens Land. Good times.
  3. Have gotten in watching Dexter now. Really dark but with a touch of humour series. Most impressed by it. Awaiting Heroes to return! Hopefully will pick up again after the short season 2 we had. Anyone else watching shows from across the US which we haven't got over here or have lost track of due to the crazy scheduling? Scrubs is a prime example for me. Channel 4/E4 and Paramount confused me what series was on which channel I just gave up. Am looking forward to Breaking Bad - starting on FX soon.
  4. Body double fo'sure. And yes they should have got some Page 3 bird in with nice Babylons.
  5. As long as he doesnt miss an open goal/or fail to score from a one-on-one situation and then proceeds to say, "I'll never miss from those type situations again." As we all know what followed for the remainder of the season. BWP missed several times from similar circumstances!
  6. Aye I'm with those who dont understand why he is so frustrating to watch. Using Walcott as an example when he first came onto the scene he used the little trick of just knocking the ball past a player and then using his pace to run round them. A simple trick like that by Dyer could and should be used but it isnt! Also agree with the 1-2s as mentioned above. Surely if we're playing a passing game this should be ideal for Dyer? But instead he seems to get the ball and slows down/runs out of ideas. Frustrating to say the least.
  7. LOL. I did start writing one but then thought that may be a little stalkerish. \\:D/
  8. You have a new PM.
  9. I dont care where he is as I dont know him!
  10. Thats the main one for me too. Unfortunately a lot of people are labelling this team being as bad as the dross that was served up last year. Which is unfair IMO. However I'm just grateful tickets aren't £40-£50 for 'big' games as at QPR!
  11. Got an email from OpenReach and surprise, surprise they say its inthe hands of my ISP of opening up the Exchange. Its a joke.
  12. Wrestlers dont do steroids. Fact.
  13. Marwell Zoo! And I'm all out.
  14. I'm thinking that the Hulk may be a bit over protective of her. Therefore she has a clunge of the virgin variety.
  15. Because he was a C*ck.
  16. I need some mushrooms maaaaaan!
  17. Hogan's current girlfriend looks uncannily similar to Brooke. EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW?!
  18. With a nice wife too! Not sure I would have posted a link to prove it though tbf. :cool: Aye the 360 will do well to keep up shifting those numbers of units however the Japanese do love thier RPGs so a few more of those will help the numbers. Personally I'm tired of all the FPSs we get here. Why do we need so many?
  19. I don't understand why skates are still so indebted to Saints. Anyone would think they'd be more interested in their own side rather than looking out for Saints.
  20. Well done. Manure game perhaps? Good to see the plastics and manure fans coming out to support their team.
  21. Whats wrong with following a personal activity? Fanboys rule! All your base belong to us.
  22. Surely playing badly and getting a point is better than playing well and losing? A point is a point nonetheless.
  23. Chucky dolls are ace.
  24. I can take up the role of posting useless threads around the forum if you so wish.
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