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saint peach

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Everything posted by saint peach

  1. Too much positivity, close this thread down (in all seriousness, thanks for kind words)
  2. You're too kind.
  3. Did you also come up with those 9/11 conspiracy theories?
  4. Do you mind if I use some of this on my headstone?
  5. To clairfy, Matt was not whinging. I asked him about it as that is my job. The club's greatest player is at loggerheads with its chairman. It is a story and I would rather try to get the truth rather than rely on whispers and tweets.
  6. Actually, I put understand because I have been told by a reliable source. When I mention other people's work, I say reports. At my organisation we only report stuff we know to be true.
  7. Gut feeling is that it will happen.
  8. Sorry if you didn't get any nuggets of information guys. I can only answer the questions I am given &, to be frank, there have been few developments on Gaston at midnight! Jason Puncheon to star this season, though?
  9. Get your facts right. I never once said a deal for Rodriguez was a long way off, especially not on the day. Feel free to check my timeline. I pride myself in getting things right and would never post anything I did not believe to be correct.
  10. True, because I predominantly cover London football. Southampton is my team so I utilise my contacts as and when I can for stories.
  11. The latter. I am sorry if my stories are not juicy enough. I only report fact.
  12. I could not agree more. I am pretty useless.
  13. Saw him play a few times and he never really impressed. No better than our current crop, that's for sure.
  14. I hope to have some interesting news regarding the loan fee shortly... [stop the press: No I won't, sorry]
  15. For the record, the £12 million up front and £3m in add-ons was told to me by a reliable source. I would not have published it if I didn't believe it is true. Good luck to Chamberlain. Onwards and upwards.
  16. I meant Kaspars not Kasper in my tweet, of course. My bad.
  17. Basically, I was sent a link to the above game by a mate that works for the company that made I AM PLAYR. After initial scepticism it turns out it is actually quite good. The game is based on Facebook and lets you experience the life of a footballer through the eyes of a footballer. Your objective is to increase your value as a player by raising your profile both on and off the pitch. Whether your are scoring on the pitch or off it, professionally-made videos help compliment the gameplay. Read more here: http://simon-peach.com/
  18. Not sure, sounds like the majority of the squad are. Get on Twitter and contact Ryan Dickson, I reckon. Fair enough, was more just to thwart some of the scaremongering seeing as very few people have met Cortese and he rarely speaks to the media.
  19. Thanks for the kind words. I'll post anything and everything I can Saints-related when I get a chance.
  20. Last night I attended the Football Writers' Association awards and spotted Mr Cortese. I accosted him and this is my story. http://simon-peach.com/
  21. I did actually laugh out loud at that, although I appreciate the original sentiments from theyin.
  22. Entertainment was comedian Jack Whitehall and rapper Chipmunk. Certainly ticked the right boxes for me.
  23. I did pull him up on that. Positive of promotion.
  24. Cheers saintbletch. It was not so much as a blag, more that I was asked by my editor to go & then I realised we were the only media organisation accredited! Was a cool night and I promise to always wear a red tie if I ever get on the box. Chamberlain was not there due to his foot being in a boot, according to Kelvin. He said he tried to persuade him but I guess he couldn't so Richard Chaplow went instead.
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