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Everything posted by Romsaint

  1. Just on the off chance, if there is any Saints fans living in Barcelona could they let me know which bars will be showing the Newcastle game as Chelsea/ Man C is on at the same time and would imagine that most bars would opt for that!
  2. Could anyone help me with the following, i am planing on going to Newcastle away on the weelend of 23rd/24th Feb, looking at Europa fixtures Newcastle will be playing on Thursday 21st so I assume that the game will be on Sunday 24th at 3pm or 4pm as the 1.30 game has already been allocated for Sky and Monday game on 25th has been allocated as well, i have probally answered my own question but as booking flights later I just wanted to check I have not missed anything, cheers
  3. 100% agree , clothes still wet when got home at 4 am
  4. Spoke to someone yesterday who says that aap3 have 2 years to run and the deal was based on which league we are in and now that we are in the Premier the cost of sponsorship has increased dramatically.
  5. Emily is still at St Marys, just a Different part of corporate!
  6. Bus 21 from the stadium
  7. E-mailed today(1st Ballot) to say can collect bus ticket from ground after12 tomorrow seating in the ground will be allocated!
  8. After watching a interview with his dad on Sky this morning IMHO he will not be a Saints player by the start of the season,also does anyone know if its on telly tonight?
  9. You havent seen my wife
  10. Leave Romsey 12.07 train to St Denys , South Western for beer Ground for beer Game Celebrate South Western for more beer Back t Romsey Taxi for Gatwick Week with the lads in Spain playing golf How much better than that get ?
  11. Romsaint

    David Luker?

    Top guy in all my dealings with him
  12. Not sure if this has been on another thread but is NA gettting Saints playing towards the Northam in the 2nd half ? last week Bournemouth played towards Northam first half (guess they won toss ) but to day we must have won the toss as they kicked off and we played towards the Northam 2nd half ps hope this continues !
  13. From Rose Bowl Site Please note: anyone wishing to purchase tickets on the day will be required to leave their car at the park-and-ride service (Park and Ride B) just off Junction 8 of the M27 (clearly signposted). Park and Ride B will be open from 10.00am and will close approximately 90 minutes after the finish or abandonment of play. There is nothing further to pay for this service. NO OVERNIGHT PARKING IS PERMITTED. In a change to earlier advertisements, Park & Ride A at Junction 5 of the M27 will not be in operation at this match. All other transport services will operate as previously advertised.
  14. Just check Park and ride from Parkway sure they are not running tomorrow!
  15. Not sure if I have shed a tear for someone I never met but thank you so much for saving our club Marcus
  16. I think a DOF would be good to act as a buffer between AP and NC if it is true that they do not get on !
  17. If Omeriod managed to play in the Premiership I am sure Lambert could!
  18. I have 3 tickets available for Wembley, 1 Adult -2 children/senior (block 530 priced @ £34) all 3 need to go at once but can go to the ticket office and upgrade the children/senior ones. You will need to pick them up from Romsey before 4pm today. Please e-mail david.johnson@gss-southern.co.uk
  19. Cheers
  20. Can you acsess the bridge from the Kingsland?
  21. :D
  22. Just piked up a copy and got my quote in the back Very Chuffed !
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