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Everything posted by 15saints

  1. Should have paid more attention at school then!
  2. 15saints


    I wonder if we could take all of them.
  3. What would it matter to Alpine if we did get relegated. He would just not be watching a 1st division team rather than a Championship one. I imagine the forum would be much the same and there would still be some supporters for him to call stupid for supporting such a rubbish club.
  4. Think this post sums you up - when there is nothing left to say you have to go and say it. Why if you have such a low opinion of the club and it's fans do you feel the need to come on our forum? and to say you couldn't make it up is totally wrong as you seem to be able to all of the time. You are undoubtedly the nastiest, negative, misserable git I have ever had the misfortune to come across and I am sure you are really a skate.
  5. I think this could be a long hard season...... but sod it we gave, probably, the best team in the league a spanking on their own patch and I celebrated like we had won the league. Just goes to show the tight margins football is down to. We played very well last week and lost by one, we played very well this week and won by one. I just wish we could forget our woes just for 24 hours perhaps and enjoy the moment. I'm sure I have (hence my late post). I don't think I have enjoyed a 24 hours quite so much for a long time and even though I feel like sh**e now I have no regrets and am still on a high. I will get back to being doom and gloom tomorrow and continue to bask in my teams glory for the rest of today. My man of the match Cork ably supported by Perry, with Scheiderlin and Lallana having honerable mentions and the remainder playing well. What about Scheiderlin's pass for the second goal - I do think he is going to be a great player. Very sad that some feel the need to pee on our bonfire, but I dare say they will remind their children that we are in a recession just as they are opening their Christmas presents - leave it till Boxing Day!
  6. Point missed I think! I'm not telling anyone to do anything other than not to interupt when people are having a conversation. It's just good manners really.
  7. Either missed the point or ignored my post, but this has nothing to do with Saturday's game. If you want to discuss the merits of the management or have problems with how the club is being led then start a post on those subjects. Don't come on here and deride Saints fans for attending matches. This thread was meant to be about fans comments on Saturdays game. It was not started so that all the woes of Southampton can be put rights, it was just to inform and give a reaction to the game. You may well be right about us being in Div 1 next season and this type of thread will be how the match went in Div 1. Supporters pay their entrance fee to enter the stadium and watch games of football and be entertained, it has nothing to do with how the club is run or the personalities that run it. We are all entitled to express an opinion on those things, but not on a thread that is meant for comment on a particular game. All we end up with is threads that are all the same and it becomes boring. So all we are asking you and your group to do is start your own threads about the politics and leadership of the club and leave a thread like this one alone so that supporters can discuss the game. I don't think that is much to ask, is it?
  8. As this post is supposed to be about our feelings on the game and I fail to see where your remarks are coming from or what they have to do with the given subject. Not sure that insulting me has much bearing either and it certainly does not strengthen your arguement, whatever that is. Your comments should be posted in another thread, which you could start, so that other like minded doom and gloomers can group together to wail over each other. As for me I am not a 'self appointed' anything. I am just a Saints fan who came on a Saints message board to comment on the days match. I certainly did not think I would end up defending my view of something against someone who didn't even see it. However, I have read most of the posts in this thread and there appears to be several like yourself on here (only less insulting) who only seem to want to tell everyone 'how dare you enjoy watching a game of football' and more to the point 'how dare you have an opinion' as well. It is easy to state the obvious. Once I upset someone and they pointed at me and said 'you are going to die' - eventually they will be right and so may you be, but for now we are not relegated and we are playing some nice football. One day we might get relegated and until then I will support us in the Championship and my comments will be about the game I saw.
  9. I will not banter with you as we have nothing in common - I speak from an informed standpoint having seen the match and you speak from ignorance and care to take the negative stance.
  10. Perry has not been playing because he has had nothing more sinister than a virus (see SFC website) I forgot to add that I thought Schneiderlin was man of the match. He has a huge range of pass and very rarely gives the ball away. He makes himself available and today he put himself about a bit. We were passing them off the park in the second half and he was at the heart of everything that was good.
  11. I'm sorry but you are bang out of order with vitrually everything you say in this post. It must also be difficult to be so negative from so far away. Basically, on this occasion you just do not know what you are talking about. I have just got in from the game and my reactions are very confused as I am so angry with the ref and the skinny grey haired linesman who only made a decision when he could be wrong, otherwise he didn't bother and yet I am so made up with the performance of our lads. We could easily have had two penalties and were not given a fraction of the free kicks we deserved around their box. We came out of the traps very quickly and played some delightful football, but they went down our end with more or less their first attack and scored. We then took time to settle and they had their only period of dominence in the game culminating in their second goal. There was a sense of injustice throughout the ground and our players responded magnificently. We put pressure on them and Pearce crashed in a magnificent header. We were on top for the remainder of the game and played some of the best football I have seen at this ground. They not only played flowing football, but they showed spirit, fight and a will to win. I feel with different officials they would have won by several goals. I really thought the doom and gloomers would of had a night of after such a terrific display by my team. If we can maintain the good qualities we showed today for the rest of the season we will be fine.
  12. This thread tells the whole world what a Saint's fan is all about - pathetic.
  13. I am loving this thread! Soooo positive and heartwarming to hear that some Saints fans think we have a future. A terrific read - thanks.
  14. I started to read this thread when I got in from the game last night and could not believe the rubbish being written by people who obviously were not at the game. I had to leave my post until this morning because I could not be calm and reasoning. I thought we were excellent and by far the most attractive team I have seen home or away this season. That being said we are lightwieght and naive at times, but we are running other teams ragged. Coventry were wilting in the first half where they had been chasing shadows for 40 minutes and we needed to score in that period 25 - 40 minutes. This thing many have with a 4-5-1 formation is not doing our team justice. Most of the time last night we were either 4-3-3 or 4-2-4 and the reason I am most encouraged is the fact that we managed to get forward in numbers. However, we cannot keep blaming McG for all of our goaless problems as he has scored - it is others who need to put some in the net. Lallana is a powder puff shooter and proved that again last night as did everyone else. We need to take more shots with some of them having some power in them rather than the back passes to the keeper. I also think the criticism of Schniderlin is unfounded. He made himself available to receive the ball all of the time and I cannot remember him giving it away once. I thought he was very effective at pulling everything together. I agree that Wotton is not the greatest defender in the league but last night he talked to the youngsters all of the time pointing and telling them where the danger is likely to be. He was a huge influence and I think he would be more use to us playing just in front of the back four. All in all, apart from the result, I felt we were excellent and deserved to win. If we can keep dominating teams like that and a couple of players step up with a goal, so that we are not completly reliant on McG, then we could end the season in a safe position.
  15. Being that right must make you feel really good.
  16. A realist is someone who tells you that you are going to die, knowing he will be right one day, then tells everyone how he predicted your demise.
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