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Everything posted by Selexus

  1. Earnings are down by 75% for me. That coupled with the increase in living costs means i can still cover the bills and pay for holidays and stuff, but i don't have anything like the disposable income that i used to do. As far as i can see i won't see that amount of spare cash in my bank account for some considerable time. On the plus side i'm putting £750 a month into a pension now so........
  2. Sorry but you are incorrect here. There is a sporting discipline called practicle shooting. This has national, european, and world competitions. Has a recognised international body and requires semi automatic firearms (rifles, handguns, and shotguns). Whilst i accept the premise that these type of firearms where originally designed for war, there is no reason why they cannot be used for sport in a regulated and controlled enviroment. I find it odd that all the focus is on "assault weapons". You do realise that it's legal to own a Barret M82 .50cal sniper rifle in this country. The Barret is capable of killing at over 1 mile. Try grabing that whilst the guy who's shooting at you reloads. Did you also realise that Adam Lanza and most of the other perpertrators of these attrocities had handguns with them at the time. Why no mention of that in the proposed regulations? We banned them outright after Dunblane. It's a headline grabing exercise by the anti gun lobby designed to alienate the owners of "assult weapons" so that they can nullify the pro arguments and implement wider controls. Controls that i generally approve of, by the way. The US authorities should concentrate on creating a controlled well regulated enviroment where those that chose, can enjoy their chosen sport, without harming anyone. Firearms under control, second amendment preserved, lives saved. We managed it.
  3. As a probationary Shooting club member, and someone how is going through the Firearms licencing process i would say that the UK has it just about right. Background checks and the secure storage of your firearms are mandetory, the "need" to have a firearm must be justified (for me it's membership of a target shooting club). I would however liked to have seen the need for a compulsory saftey course included in the application. I'm willing to put money on the majority of gun related injuries/deaths in this country being from accidental discharge of the firearm. Your question has obviously been prompted by the debate in the US. IMHO they need to get a grip. A licensing and registration scheme is a good thing. In the long run people can still enjoy their guns, they just have to prove that they are a suitable person to do that. The one thing I don't agree with is the type of firearms that are looking to be banned. "Assault rifles" are no less deadly that any other rifle. They just fire more bullets in a shorter space of time. The simple fact is no one should be shooting at anyone else, assault rifle or WW1 antique, if your hit by the bullet your just as injured/dead. Stop the innaapropriate use of firearms, through regulation, and education.
  4. Read the vast majority of Clancy's work. Every book is good, some are outstanding (if you like the gerne). Patriot games is a very good book and a decent film. Just finished Against all Odds. Co-written with some bloke i've never heard of, and it shows. Good, but not up to his usual standards.
  5. is it me.....or is Dave kitson a C**T ?
  6. I don't see a problem with his approach. He's stated that he's looking at both free and contracted players. I'm certain he's got a shoppong list of positions he'd like to fill. He'll be matching that against who's currently free to see if any are suitable, then If he has to, he'll be making enquirer about contracted players to make up the rest of his list. I'm confident he'll not take some one just because there on a free. They'll have to be right for the job first and formost. I hope :confused:
  7. Can't argue with that ! Although i do keep thinking "this is saints, it's never gonna happen". Years of disappointment are hard to brush aside in a single week.
  8. For my part I would like to know what went on. Why the pinnacle bid turned out to be such a dog, who threatened Duncan and why, and how pinnacle moved ahead of ( in hindsight) better bids? It's not a desire to mud sling, accuse or tarnish. More a desire to know the truth. A noble pursuit, no ?
  9. Is it me, or is Malwhinney having a dig at Pinnacle in the last paragraph?
  10. Wise words my friend. Wise words.
  11. "Quick Tommy, before zee Germans get here" Classic:D
  12. Very valid points ! The truth of the matter is none of us know if a manager will be any good at this (or any other) club. There are simply to many variables that need to be taken into consideration for an acurate prediction. I would however suggest that Wotte gave it a good go last season, and despite the unfortunate issues beyond his control, he still failed to deliver any form of consistency or credible results. I believe that (fingers crossed) the new owners will be a suitably attractive proposition to temp a decent manager to us. Who ? I really don't have a firm favorite. I like Ince, but that ship seems to have sailed, KK would certainly pull the punters in, but i'd question his motivation at this level. Shearer, maybe? he needs to make a statment about his managerial skills away from the glare of the PL. Tisdale, don't know much about his style or results so i'll pass on commenting. Curbs, i think would be a good fit here, but i would expect his sights to be a little higher. Coppel would be a good choice, he's a motivator, with a good eye for talent and knows how to get a group of individuals playing as a true team. As i said, in reality Sir Alex could walk through the door and make a right hash of things if all the dominoes are not lined up. You just don't know until they've been in the door 4 - 6 months. All IMHO of course Regards Me
  13. I don't like it, not one bit. However I do have respect for the guy given his proffesional attitude during difficult times.
  14. This is me. http://www.rc8supercup.com/Thruxton-Round-6.102016.0.html 3rd pic. Number 19. Can we get back on topic?
  15. Motorcycle racing. Currently competing in the KTM RC8 supercup at the BSB meetings.
  16. Sorry, did that come across as boasting ? I was merely trying to point out that I had a little experiance with winning and so my point was valid. As for my spelling and gramar.......
  17. It's attitudes like this that really get my goat:mad: How many here have experiance of competing in a sport at national level or above? Yeah, thought not! I compete in a sport where skill, bravery, courage, and mental strength are required in spades. To enter any sporting endevour with anything other than 100% belief that you can beat everyone your up against is asking for defeat, before you've started. Adversity is just another opertunity to show everyone how good you are by overcoming and still beating them! To many loosers on this board, we don't need them at the club as well!
  18. This is one of the things that really gets my goat! Will the staff that have to work for nothing because the club is skint get a guaranteed share of the profits when the club is bouyant again? Seems only fair! :mad:
  19. Wash your mouth out!
  20. This is a good point. Is it possible that during the talks between the Admin and Pinnacle, that it was indicated by Fry that the FL would accept an appeal ? Pinnacle have progressed upon this assumption whilst seeking clarification from the FL. They now have that clarification, which is possibly at odds with the information from Fry ?
  21. Now your just being silly!
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