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Everything posted by Snowballs2

  1. I think (this is NOT a personal attack ) that Jonah has both a strange and selective memory of past events, for whatever reason. I can only assume that his opinions are based on either personal or pecunary advantage in some way...or he just likes to be both belligerent or different from the realms of reality
  2. The interviewers have left themselves open to be sued by just about everyone
  3. I just heard that too ! Hope I have not missed it. She did say on the introduction she thought that a buyer will come forward, she mentioned the latest tyre kicker Fulthorpe. If he does come in eventually, many will give him a hard time for hanging about and not going for the club when he started shouting his mouth off.
  4. Trousers you are so right ! Most of us would be glad to see all three groups gone. How do I Judge them? 1) Lowe his failed master plan of total football, Dutch failed coaches playing the youth and poor managerial appointments over time...Rubbish 2) Wilde failed promises and the introduction of the failed Execs...Rubbish 3) Crouch left the deadly duo in charge too long....Rubbish Of those 3 groups Crouch has been the least destructive...possibly because he was around for a much shorter time all three groups together failure and Rubbish
  5. And for my 2000 th contribution....Lowe and Wilde OUT !
  6. Jonah and FF we got enough problems without fans trying to kill each other..metaphorically speaking. Reserve your anger in a bid to get things back to normal at SMS
  7. And if administration still happened a season later people would loseb their money
  8. That was the point I was trying to make in my above post number 90 above.
  9. I am not surprised that both Crouch and Corbett walked out, they were obviously not going to get a chance to put their point of view forward...hence the rant by Crouch. It must have been galling for a chairman with less investment in the club than Crouch to shout him down .
  10. As we are operating "Normally" in a financial sense I have a feeling that the insider rules would not apply, there is enough "grey" at the moment to make this uncertain.
  11. The season tickets for next year must be priced at an attractive rate to make people buy in these uncertain times, we have no idea if the club will survive to the start of next season, we have idea which league we will be in. It is critical because it is alledged that the first £2 million of season ticket sales must go towards the repayment of the stadium loan each year. If that does not happen they could foreclose an bring on administration if it has not happened then
  12. Out of the 3 amigos Crouch is the only one with enough financial resources to buy from administration...unless Lowe approaches some rich friends. My view is thata surprise buyer, unconnected currently as a shareholder will step in and buy at administration.
  13. It would be interesting to find out just who is selling...Is someone trying to jump ship and get a small return before administration
  14. It is amazing how the supporters get blamed for everything that happens at Saints, even Wotte has jumped on that bandwagon now
  15. He wears his heart on his sleeve, he is a bit like Crouch in that respect
  16. Perhaps Lowe will put some money up....Nah pigs might fly
  17. So you want the club to die before anything is said...how rediculous
  18. Oh so its all our faults again...about time he laid into some of the players...or are the youth not as good as we are led to believe
  19. Bet he still lets Lowe influence team selection
  20. Although the share prices has gone down I honestly believe that things are not as desperate financially as Lowe makes out. I think it was an excuse to try his kids total football Dutch style.
  21. Best result for you then is get the game postponed that way we will not lose another 3 points
  22. At least Mandaric made mistakes and learned from them and did not repeat them...too many poor managerial appointments from Lowe...he never did learn did he
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