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Everything posted by Snowballs2

  1. The bright new dawn under uber fuerer Lowe has turned out to be the total disaster most of us expected!. Total footbal my Rse. It is results that will keep us in this league this season not playing pretty circles and losing the ball.
  2. Lowe is not the biggest problem...playing inexperienced youngsters is
  3. Not a living soul can save us while we carry on with inexperienced youngsters youngsters
  4. If it aint broke don't fix it, life is full of people who tamper with tradition .
  5. We are not strong enough in experience, too many youngsters with little knowledge of this league a 4-0 drubbing
  6. Yep I am negative too...I don't buy into it either. But not everyone is easilly fooled.
  7. The reason that its quiet on here is simple...we are all waiting the actual full big bang to take place where they fire in both directions and get a collision. People are so worried that they are researching both the writings of Nostradamus and trying to find out what the Third Secret of Fatima is. When these two have been understood we shall be in a European League and playing for the final of the World Club Cup.
  8. There are quite a number of regular posters who are still critical of the regime with Lowe in it. Unfortunately there are a select few (and they know who they are ) who do not like any person being critical. Its censorship in its worse form...by ridicule. Therefore as some hate the thought of freedom of speech on here they try and stop it. Sadly some of the Mods are also guilty of this in closing some of the more interesting and volatile topics. Perhaps the Lowe luvvies need their own site.
  9. Perhaps thats why we lose home games to crap teams like Blackpool !
  10. Can you change your avatar I keep going crosseyed and the head is going up and down like a Chrchill Insurance dog woof woof
  11. Should I cancel my holiday for next Saturday and get my money back then. I would not not worry too much...they said similar things about the JET machine (Joint European Torus ) at Culham where I worked until 4 years ago, I was responsible for the up grade and they said it would go bang , but of course we are still here
  12. When is hell due to freeze over ?
  13. Snowballs2


    Are you a basket case?
  14. Snowballs2


    Lowe ate my hampster !!!
  15. Best thing is fire the QS then go for a long lunch then sue the subbies for missing the agreed dates...then resign
  16. The super positives do not like any postings on here that are realistic, they all want to put their head in the sand
  17. The super positives will always attempt to slap down the realists. What happens to a super positive when they realise that things are not working out how they thought? do they disappear like the ouselem bird
  18. LSG ..I admire your attitude, your blind faith etc, however when you have lived the dream as a Saints supporter for almost 60+ years, you have experienced more highs and lows than most supporters. I find it hard to keep the enthusiasm going, true I have seen more highs than lows up until 3 years ago, however I find it difficult to seperate the team from the club (PLC). The fact is that 3 different boards of directors have royally screwed my beloved Saints. It becomes less and less important to me as each passing season comes and goes. I know that we cannot go back 20 years to when we had unity of supporters , a pretty well run club and team, a small stadium with a brilliant atmosphere. Thats whats missing, the heart of the club, the passion and British players playing for pride in the team. There was no politicing by directors then, it was case of doing whats best for the club, Lowe came along and we lost the club.
  19. Who ever is manager / Coach is on a loser from day one. Any person bought in by Lowe is tainted, shop solied and tarnished goods. While Lowe is still with us all connected with him will be judged and doomed without a trial. Although I dislike Lowe with a passion for his past failings and attitude it is a no win situation for anyone connected with him or brought in by him. So the short answer is not long
  20. One has to question the mentality of supporters who go to a game having paid a not inconsiderable sum of money knowing that a very young team is almost certain to get beaten. We must have about 15,000 masochists as supporters right now. For me I would make the likes of Skacel et al play for the money they get, or sue them for not fullfilling their contract . Lets build a team of young players around the remaining old heads.
  21. I find that the whole situation is laughable, we are not about to be taken over. The situation is that Fulthorpe et al have joined the previous groups of "Tyre Kickers". Its as though they want to make themselves into yet another group, derided by Saints supporters. If there were a grain of truth and agreement had been reached with the majority of shareholders for them to sell out, they could all have signed up to "an intent to purchase " document. As each bunch of tyre kickers surfaces another bites the dust. We need to accept that there is currently no person or group with sufficient funds available to buy out the shareholders at a price they are prepared to sell at. We then can get on with giving the team our support.
  22. If we wait that long there wont be a club left to sell
  23. There is a massive difference between Man City and Saints. City are a far more attractive proposition, their fan base, Premiership status etc etc.
  24. We have to accept that no matter how much we all would like a very wealthy person to buy the club...it just aint going to happen. There are still an awful lot of straw clutchers posting. When a consortium having been trying for almost a year without success to buy us it tells me that the person or persons who would write the cheque does not READILY have the finance
  25. Exactly...the expression shoestring springs to mind...you know what we are trying to do with the team full of youngsters
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