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Everything posted by wightman35

  1. And the middle is no better? :confused:
  2. You have summed it up nicely. Couldn't agree more! :mad:
  3. Since Stern John had allegedly claimed earlier his love of Bristol and wish to leave Saints (reported elsewhere on this forum) then surely AP, AO &Co would have been aware that until his signature was written on the contract, he was not part of the plan. I believe they are shrewd enough to have various plans to achieve our success. ( I nearly said goals, but that would have been an awful pun.) Don't rush for the anti-depressants just yet, lads. Take hope from the final bit of the OS article about John; new signings expected in the next few days. At least we still have a club and team to support. I am overjoyed at that and the professional, rumour free way things have seemed to run so far. We have had years of gloom, so it is not surprising that some of us easily become despondent, yet things will get better. Also, I don't wholly believe the George Burley line about the team taking months to "GEL"
  4. Did you mean the international star, Wellhaus Aarghrupp? Plays for a leading Italian team?:confused:
  5. No. Saints forward/ winger after ww2, sold to Arsenal, but returned to saints when old and slow, before the likes of T. Paine and co appeared on the scene.I forget the exact dates;old age catching up.:confused:
  6. Agreed! It would have been strange to be "neutral" otherwise. I like the Arsenal style of play though and the Theo connection (Also George Curtis, Don Rogers-anyone remember?) Failing that it would be Cowes Sports when I'd saved up enough to pay Red Funnel to take me "home."
  7. Especially now that the boys are off School for six weeks!
  8. I like that!
  9. Come to take photos or make posh furniture?
  10. Thank you FF for your (as usual) clear and convincing explanation of the background to the last few months. We are just so lucky that after our near death experience we have a club to support, an apparently wealthy but pragmatic owner and a seemingly motivating manager! LC may not have had his business hat on when he contributed the money to pay the wages, but I assume that doing so prevented the "Winding Up" and he deserves gratitude for it. I could moan about the past few years of Saints and Mr Lowe, etc: but itis all in the past. I no longer care about Pinnacle, Wilde, Administration etc; well I am sore really, but I am going to enjoy our new renaissance and the building of a great team. Good Lord, we actually won a friendly today.
  11. That is a very interesting comment. I hope it was the former!
  12. When numbers 6, 7, 12, 14 and 16 have signed up, perhaps we will feel a bit more positive. Oh, and the new Backroom squad, too!
  13. Defence on top then?:smt005
  14. Watch Out! This rumour could appear in the Sunday Papers as a scoop of new Party leadership. "From a well placed source who wishes to remain anonymous......" I enjoy reading the rumours on this site . To all those ITK, I salute you.
  15. CN. You have seconded the point made by TDD- we need some good signings. I absolutely agree!
  16. It is pleasing that only a small minority of posters on this thread have chosen to be gratuitously offensive about Charlton and reveal an ignorance of Charlton's history. I believe that "Woolwich" Arsenal were forced to move to Highbury because Charlton possessed all the support South of the river! Even after WW2, the Valley attracted massive crowds and the team included top rank players. Sadly, modern Charlton supporters include undesirables, but we are not exempt from that scourge, I believe. After our recent near brush with extinction, I feel a little sympathy for Charlton fans(only a little;)) but for now I shall woot( am I still allowed to use that word?) for Alan Pardew.
  17. In my opinion, the new regime have made a brilliant start. By the end of June, our beloved Saints faced extinction. A new structure began immediately and within days we now have a young yet experienced manager with by and large a winners record. He has been at lowly clubs and in the Premiership. Remember too that LM came from a lowly Grimsby and WGS came to us after a rather iffy spell at Coventry, so that neither came with undivided worship. I am so happy that the embarrasment of the Lowe / Wilde era is finished. Full marks to the new owners and management, so far; now for regular WINS!
  18. Well said! Pardew is a big name in football and ML's team have done an excellent job in securing us a capable experieced winner to be manager. I am delighted;)
  19. Yes, page after page of wishful thinking:smt022.We will all find out, in due course, who guessed right.
  20. My biggest laugh of the morning. Even if naughty!:rolleyes:
  21. Brilliant! There is also the one that dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs treat you as equals.
  22. Two relegations in five years...................? Not too difficult then.:confused:
  23. Did you mean BRIAN Robson?
  24. Agreed. Let's have a nice surprise. but, if you please...................no T.A.:oops:
  25. Well, thar's a relief.:smt073
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