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Everything posted by Gator

  1. Rather than comparing NC to Lowe, perhaps a better comparison should be to Sir Alex Ferguson. Nothing wrong with a little of the fear factor!
  2. Leon Barnett - ex luton now WBA. Currently on loan with Coventry until Jan. Awesome CB and young too!
  3. "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"
  4. Leon Barnett at WBA. Young, promising CB who can't get in the team for love or money this year.
  5. Hi Tim. How soon do you think you could motivate Ron into taking the 'sizable' project on? I would love to have some anniversaries and birthdays complemented with such a unique gift! Any clue on the price - i'm in the US too so a $$$ conversion for us expats would be appreciated. Thanks Mark please feel free to contact me on mark@defhomes.com
  6. count me in Tim, awesome idea. When can he start???
  7. Very sad news. My thoughts got to Ron and his family at this time.
  8. any chance of a podcast? Whats the show called. Sorry for my ignorance but i'm the other side of the pond.
  9. Thinking of you both, may God give you both strength at this time!
  10. Gator


    clean sweep please. No old guard!!!
  11. Charlton game is reduced too. £15 for adults - £5 for concessions.
  12. the guy from Top Gear.
  13. Gator


    My third game this season and i live in Florida! I'm hoping the chant was not directed at me or like minded souls. Everything about yesterday sucked... including the atmosphere. All the adversity in our club is being compounded by equally fractioned support. I was a season ticket holder through the Branfoot era and i all considered now the worst I have know as a saint. At least under Branfoot the fans were united! Now we can't even share a beer! Very, very sad.
  14. sorry posting again just to get my 'Post' total off 13. Getting very superstitious.
  15. I'm over from Florida so really excited by my first trip to watch the 'Total Soccer', sorry 'Football'. Warning to all. The last game i saw was at home vs Plymouth. I hope tonight fairs better. Equally hope i'm not a jinx.
  16. Just spoken to the ticket office. I was told they don't expect it to be a sell out!
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