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Everything posted by Gator

  1. He'd probably compare himself to Walcott and Bale - rightly so!
  2. forgive me, not sure what generation of football you grew up watching, but i followed saints at a time when we employed some of the best drinkers in the league - and we had a bloody good team. Didn't ruin me or my love of saints.
  3. enjoy your retirement!
  4. could probably include a few of our players in that too!
  5. where's Connolly?
  6. Hi Daren Regretfully, i've not had the pleasure of meeting either you or your dear mum but have been an intrigued spectator to your posts explaining your thoughts and frustrations during the past years. I'd like to pass on my sincerest wishes to you both. You were obviously very close and your story is a benchmark for all wishing to find peace with family. Your posts have hit a cord with me and certainly helped to improve on my relationships and to be more thankful for the time we all share. In my thoughts Mark
  7. Phew, big relief. After being inadvertently given the opportunity to reflect on his possible appointment, it really is obvious Nigel is man to take us forward. I have a feeling we have another McMenemy era to look forward too!
  8. i thought we were hoping to build a 'squad' with depth?
  9. success comes with tough and sometimes unpopular decisions. Football is a business and not a popularity contest!
  10. Sounds to me like Cortese slept on his decision last night and woke with cold feet. Perhaps considers Adkins to risky and would prefer a 'bigger' name to make the immediate impact that the players would respond too.
  11. Just Saints for me. I'm monogamous.
  12. Really, truly and sincerely grateful for Marcus taking the time in his short life to spend his time on us. The significance of his contribution to the life of a saints fan can only be comparable to Ted! Hopefully as a fan base we can honor his legacy with unity!!! Please let's move forward together!
  13. Too young. Very sad. Condolences to his family.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/m/milton_keynes_dons/8897208.stm still worth signing for his name on ya shirt!
  15. I appreciate he probably has better opportunities, but in principle, is O'Neil a good candidate? He did well at Wycombe at this level.
  16. I'm an expat and have subscribed already - awesome!!!
  17. not in a position to be critical. I have a club to support in 2010 and this apparently is thanks to Cortese. Do what you want old boy!
  18. RIP the first lady of Southampton FC. The club is less for your passing.
  19. no doubt in my mind that he will become our new Lawrie Mac.
  20. Can't play this interview due to being 'out of the territory'. Can anyone give me an insight to his thoughts? Thanks! http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/8597859.stm
  21. thanks guys, looks like there is plenty of material to assist with my sons project. Appreciate all the tips. KR Mark
  22. ...anybody have some facts on John Miller and any continued association to Saints or Southampton. I've done the wikipedia search but the article seems a little light on content. My son is embarking on a 4th grade project focusing on Brazil - he's to young to be illustrating his appreciation of Brazilian women, that can wait until next year. Thanks in advance!
  23. same camera and director of 'Blair Witch'?
  24. I have to say that i agree with a majority of these points. I live in a part of Florida where the ex-pat community is over represented. The net result is a degree of alienation by association. I've for the first time in my life, experienced discrimination because of my accent. It's taken some time and effort to get beyond this. I too find being friendly with the 'locals' far more enjoyable rather than spending time with expats who occupy their time discussing the latest news from Albert Sq. It's a cliche but sadly very true. One thing though that does unite is 'Soccer'. Sadly Mancs and scousers are plentiful but even they hold a more universal understanding of the game and the significance of clubs such as ours. I've also enjoyed many a good 'lite beer' with an American willing to understand the rules of our beautiful game, and similarly an appreciation of theirs. I rarely get homesick but when i remember the time shared with my Dad, having a pint and pie at the Dell/St Marys, a momentary lapse does occur. In a small way i can evoke these memories by perusing this forum. Somehow the color of your banter is a small reminder of those conversations in and around the concourse - something i really do miss!
  25. Couldn't have said it better myself CanadaSaint. Curios to understand the motivation of the thread... very bizarre statement.
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