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  1. Loved Chicago last year, great atmosphere but being a chubby runner I struggled in the unseasonably warm weather. This year aiming for Cardiff as well in March, London in April, Wings for life world run in may with the Great North later in the year with either Munich or Amsterdam to finish off.
  2. Got my asus g751jy laptop from overclockers they were pretty quick and around £200 cheaper than most. Pcspecialist.co.uk and cyberpower.co.uk are both worth a look for custom gaming rigs.
  3. could be as simple as editorial with all the news around the owners, the selling of players ect at the start of the season so there was probably a story to cut into the games. Now the club are doing well despite the sales these sort of stories fall into the background, the same with papers how many stories about her compared to start of the season, whether right or wrong Ms. Liebherr is no longer front and center and everything that has gone right is getting the manager the headlines.
  4. Don't think the predictions the issue, it's his snide remarks about squad size that make him an ignoramus.
  5. I agree Apple are very good at what they do, but to be honest unless I was doing something like video, audio or picture editing on the move I think they are way over priced. If your budget stretches to one and you are obviously happy with them I would advise to stick with Apple. However if you look at places like Pc-specialist or Cyberpower, Pound for Pound you will get a much better value machine with the specs you want. I have used both for building custom gaming desktops, the great thing about them is they offer a very customisable system that will do all you need, they start from a couple of hundred pounds all the way to several thousand and will not charge you a Dell, Alienware price. Pc specialist I know also has a fairly decent community forum also, so may be a good place to pop some of those fears about windows to bed, also they sell systems with windows 7 or 8 depending on your preference.
  6. Already putting himself forward for spurs job then
  7. Worth a watch featuring our very own RK
  8. Can't be true according to the mirror the other day we are broke! I have to be honest I have no idea what to believe any more, the optimist in me wants to believe there's some good news coming.
  9. I may not be the fastest runner in the world and next year I run only my third marathon when I go back to Berlin but for my fellow runners, strugglers and those who intend or know someone who intends to run a marathon I have started a Blog, http://realrunfatboy.wordpress.com/ which will go through my own marathon experience as someone who no one thought could or would run and finish.
  10. The lull before the storm
  11. All the same company pretty much murdoch owns sky and fox IIRC and sky own f365.
  12. I personally advise against off the shelf at places like PC world and Currys, most of the specs are 6 months out of date and £per punch is pretty naff. There is another option other than self build and that is to custom build one at a place such as PC-specialist or Cyberpower bot I have used in the past and have been happy with the results. It all really depends on you want out of your PC, bog standard basic you can just buy off the shelf something with a bit more OOMF a custom build site will help. Shop around the custom places some are far better £ per punch than others alien ware are nice looking top spec PC's but you can get similar specs elsewhere for a fraction of the price. Hope this helps. be warned though when you start specing up at custom build sites it gets addictive and before you know it you've spec'd up a three grand monster:)
  13. cant make the saints game so headed up the road to support POSH tonight. will be intresting to see reading in all thier glorry I'm going for a 2-2 draw.
  14. apparentley Durham tweeted back asking something along the lines if pompey checked first with thier accountants that they could afford the players they signed.
  15. boro play at 17:20
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